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HOROSCOPES IF TODAY ISu YOUR BIRTHDAYs on your birthday life in general will be easier and relationships in particular will go a lot more smoothly than has been the case of late. You’re going to be flavour of the month – for a whole year!
Get ready to make the breakthrough you have been dreaming of. The approaching lunar eclipse is going to clear away obstacles that have been slowing you down, making it easy for you to grasp the initiative. Don’t think too deeply, just act.
Despite the occasional setback the past few weeks have been highly encouraging and what occurs around the time of Wednesday’s eclipse will be the icing on the cake. Whatever challenges arise you can and you will turn them all to your advantage.
You have been under a lot of pressure of late and something clearly has to give. What that something is will become apparent over the next few days and, when it does finally blow, the tension will deflate like a balloon that has been popped.
No matter how many differences of opinion there have been in recent weeks they can easily be resolved now, so long as you are prepared to admit that you were as much to blame for them as anyone else. A little humility will go a long way.
The message of the stars for the week ahead is that you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and recognize that life is as good as you want it to be. A positive attitude will help you to spot money-making opportunities ahead of your rivals.
The approaching lunar eclipse means you cannot expect others to be as motivated as you are when it comes to getting ahead in the world. A little bit of patience and understanding on your part will go a long way to winning people over to your side.
Don’t worry if you feel uneasy as the new week begins because the impending eclipse will put everyone on edge. A few days from now you will look back and recognize that your fears had no basis in fact. There was never anything to worry about.
A creative endeavour has reached a critical stage and what occurs around the time of Wednesday’s eclipse will force you to decide whether to carry on and finish it or whether to give up and focus on something a little less challenging.
If you plan carefully and work hard over the coming week there is every chance that you will accomplish something that brings rewards and applause from employers and senior colleagues. Despite what some people say you do have what it takes to succeed.
If you don’t feel like joining in with what everyone else is doing this week then don’t force yourself. This is one of those occasions when you will get more from life if you take a back seat for a while and watch other people having fun.
News you receive from afar over the next few days may not be entirely positive but it won’t be entirely negative either, so don’t overreact. Most likely if you leave it until the end of the week it will have been overtaken by events and no longer matter.
That nagging sense of unease you have been feeling means you know that change is inevitable – it’s just a question of do you make that change yourself or do you leave it to the universe to make it for you? For best results, seize the initiative.
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