Read your sign’s 2024 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Leo personality profile.
Welcome to December, Leo. Last month, during November, your horoscope discussed how Pluto, the planet of transformation, was settling into Aquarius and going to stay there until 2043. This month, you’ll likely be concerned with more immediate matters, especially those of love. Despite Mars retrograde, it’s an epically romantic month for you.
Mars, the warrior planet, begins its retrograde in your sign on Friday, December 6. Mars rules ambition and sexual energy. The backward dance lasts between now and the end of February. It could indicate a shift in your libido. You also may feel a little less assertive over the next few months. Leos are often cast as attention-loving divas, but the truth is that you also need lots of rest and cast naps. Use Mars retrograde as an excuse to take them.
Also on Friday, December 6, lover Venus enters your 7th House of Partnership. This is an extremely romantic transit. It’s also a call to tap into the sweetness in not only romances but friendships. In color magic, red corresponds with firey passion, while pink is the soft, friendship side of love. Your task for this month is to tap into the pink side in all of your partnerships. The next day, on Saturday, December 7, Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, moves into Aquarius and your 7th House, adding to the love. Also, on Saturday, December 7, the dreamy planet Neptune ends its retrograde and goes direct in Pisces and your 8th House of Sex, Death, and Transformation. This could further add to shifts in your sex drive. You may feel disinterested or called to try something different in bed. No matter what comes up for you, just make sure to honor it. Not only are all libidos good libidos, but it’s okay if yours ebbs and flows.
If there’s been any tension at all in your friendships, it should ease up on and around Sunday, December 15. This date brings the end of Mercury retrograde. This means that communication mishaps should ease up, and travel should become smoother in time for the winter holidays. Sunday, December 15, also brings a Gemini full moon that affects your 11th House of Friendship. Full moons are the lunar phase associated with culminations. If you’ve had any disagreement, no matter how minor, with a friend, thanks to the Gemini full moon (Gemini rules communication) and Mercury direct, it should work itself out around this date.
The sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice on Saturday, December 21. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. It’s also Yule, a Pagan celebration with traditions akin to Christmas. It’s a time for getting cozy with friends and family in front of the fireplace. For the next few weeks, the sun is now in your wellness-oriented 6th House of Health. Spending time with loved ones is great for the soul but can also be draining. Make sure to get lots of rest and prioritize self-care to reduce your holiday stress.
On Sunday, December 29, Chiron, the wounded healer, ends its retrograde and goes direct in your philosophical 9th House. Both you and your friends may feel exhausted from seeing family. It’s more important than ever to connect with chosen family, as Chiron stresses. Then, the month wraps up with a new moon, the lunation associated with fresh starts, in your self-care 6th House on Monday, December 30. Browse our Best of Beauty skin care picks for ideas on how to unwind. Continue to make time for self-care during your New Year celebrations. We’ll see you in January.
Important dates in December 2024:
Friday, December 6: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Friday, December 6: Venus enters Aquarius
Saturday, December 7: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Saturday, December 7: Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Sunday, December 15: Full moon in Gemini
Sunday, December 15: Mercury goes direct
Saturday, December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Sunday, December 29: Chiron goes direct
Monday, December 30: New moon in Capricorn
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of December 2024 horoscopes.
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