BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Chad L. Coleman was born in Richmond, Virginia, today in 1974. This birthday star portrayed Bruno Mannheim on “Superman & Lois.” He also played Klyden on “The Orville” and he’s appeared on episodes of “Girls5eva,” “Three Women,” and “The Expanse.” On the big screen, Coleman’s film work includes roles in “The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster,” “A Christmas Prayer,” and “Copshop.”
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t sweat long hours or demanding criteria. Your hard work and dedication may be in bloom and could eventually give positive results, even if they’re not visible yet. Consider holding off on implementing plans until next week.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Stand firm but stay open. Your excitement for life is infectious but consider that you’re moving forward with the right information. You may prove your responsibility and reliability by paying bills on time and meeting deadlines.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): When you’re near the bottom of the ladder, the climb may seem never-ending. It may be a good time to think about getting prepared to make your journey to the top. Gather experience or the certifications needed for your goal.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): It may be difficult to have fun when there are serious subjects being discussed. Perhaps your time could be better spent working on your goal rather than starting your weekend early. Friends may invite you out when things quiet down.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Old troubles needn’t resurface. When faced with an urgent challenge, react with care, calmness, and kindness. Consider waiting to make any irrevocable decisions or signing papers that could impact your personal or professional life.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Benefits can be found everywhere, especially if you look for them. You may learn to recognize both the advantages and drawbacks of every proposal, whether it is based on fact or intuition. Consider being more realistic and objective.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Take a moment to pause and breathe. You could get bogged down in the idea of planning everything before you begin. Consider that your outcome might depend on how well you handle emerging rules and heightened regulations.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You may want to be too well-mannered and kind to complain, so you might take a step back from the conversation when others discuss current events, petty rules, or policies. Consider keeping your own counsel to avoid unwanted conflict.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Shifting your focus may strengthen your inner being. Consider leaning into what you can control versus what you can’t when you are feeling restricted. Eventually, your efforts may earn you rightful and well-deserved rewards.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): It may not be the words that hurt, but the sticks and stones that follow. Just keep doing your own thing with intelligence and originality. Be a guiding light to promote peace over hostility and confrontation in your environment.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Fighting for things that don’t matter to the overall goal could weaken your position. Understanding what is important for the collective may give you an advantage. Allow someone else to enjoy little victories and share the prize in the end.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Obey the golden rule and steer clear of self-imposed trouble. Take pride in the precision and accuracy of your output but avoid criticizing those who aren’t as detailed. Keep your intentions pure and everything could fall right into place.
IF SEPTEMBER 6 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your lucky stars may not be as lucky as you’d hoped for during the upcoming two to three weeks. It may be wise to maintain a low profile, steer clear of controversy and avoid making investments or crucial decisions. Mid-October, your wisdom and practicality may seem enhanced, possibly making it a good time to reassess your finances, projects, or responsibilities. As October segues into November your romantic nature could be stirred, and if single, a romantic meeting could live up to your imagination. You could benefit from wise advice and opportunities to improve your situation in the first half of November so consider reserving that time for visualizing the completion of your goals, planning ahead, and laying down groundwork for a fabulous future. In December you might be tempted to take some time off or take your chances, but your performance could be judged, so do your duties to avoid disapproval.
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