Then, the next week, Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer, ends its retrograde and goes direct in Aries on Sunday, December 29. When Chiron goes direct, it brings healing to an area of your life (check your sign to see what area of your life it will affect). Then, there’s a dark new moon, the time of new beginnings, Capricorn, just in time for the New Year on Monday, December 30. New moons are great for intention setting. Focus on happiness, not adding stress, but should you feel called, they are the perfect moon phase for setting intentions for the new year. Head to your sign for more, and we’ll see you in 2025.
Here are the major dates you’ll want to keep an eye on this month, no matter your astrological sign.
Important dates in December 2024:
Friday, December 6: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Friday, December 6: Venus enters Aquarius
Saturday, December 7: Mars goes retrograde in Leo
Saturday, December 7: Neptune goes direct in Pisces
Sunday, December 15: Full moon in Gemini
Sunday, December 15: Mercury goes direct
Saturday, December 21: Sun enters Capricorn
Sunday, December 29: Chiron goes direct
Monday, December 30: New moon in Capricorn
Not sure what your sun sign is? Here’s a quick refresher on the dates for each. Click a specific zodiac sign below to open up your December 2024 horoscope and see what’s in store for you this month, or keep scrolling for an overview of all the signs.
This month, your ruling planet, Mars, goes retrograde. This could affect your sex drive, especially as it affects your 5th House and ambition. The rest of the year is more about friendships and sweet love than lust, as demonstrated by sweet Venus and Ceres, the asteroid of nurturance, moving into your 11th House. Dreamy Neptune goes direct in your 12th House, helping you approach spirituality with mindfulness. A potentially tense day comes when Mars, currently in Leo, opposes Venus. A Gemini full moon affecting your 3rd House brings conversations to a head on the same day that Mercury goes direct. The month winds down with the sun moving into Capricorn on the Winter Solstice and a new moon affecting your social life and perhaps even career. Read your full December horoscope here, Aries.
Over the next few months, you may feel your libido ebb and flow as Mars retrogrades. This could also affect your ambition. Despite that, your ruling planet, Venus, moves into your ambitious 10th House. As a result of these competing energies, December sees you putting a lot of consideration into your work/life balance. And if you’ve felt out of touch with friends, this weekend is a lovely time to reconnect with them. There’s a full moon in your 2nd House, affecting work life and asking you to own your emotions on the same day Mercury goes direct. Later in the month, you may feel brooding or stuck in your head, so work on mindfulness skills to be present. Once the sun moves into Capricorn, it’s also a time for travel. Read your full December horoscope here, Taurus.
Mars, a warrior planet that rules assertiveness, goes retrograde this month, affecting your communication style. It’s a time for enjoying deep conversations with your partners and friends rather than passionate bickering. The dreamy planet Neptune ends its retrograde and goes direct in your 10th House of Social Status, bringing creative clarity. There’s a full moon in your sign, Gemini, on the same day that Mercury ends its retrograde and goes direct. The sun enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice and encourages you to play with your look. Chiron, the wounded healer, goes directly and brings healing to your relationships. The month ends with a Capricorn new moon. Read your full December horoscope here, Gemini.
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