Some weird and wonderful people will come into your life over the coming 12 months and you actually have a lot in common. One objective you certainly share is to do your bit to make the world a better place. Find ways to do that together.
If you have to give up something you have come to value in recent months don’t feel bad or sad about it because the universe will replace it with something 10 times better. If you expect good news today it won’t be long before it arrives.
The sun will be leaving the most dynamic area of your chart at the weekend but there is no reason to fear the worst. On the contrary, the next few weeks will bring lots of opportunities to profit from all those big creative ideas you’ve been having.
You may enjoy a bit of gossip but you must keep sensitive information to yourself today and over the weekend. If you let slip facts and figures you have been entrusted with you could find that next time the powers that be keep you in the dark.
You may not be entirely satisfied with what you have achieved in recent weeks but don’t feel too down about it. The universe will give you plenty more chances to excel in the near future, so be patient and, next time, really go for it.
That tension you feel is perfectly normal and nothing to be worried about. Your inner self knows that big changes are coming and you are subconsciously gearing up to tackle them head on. This is one of those occasions when tension is a good thing.
Keep in mind at all times today that there is a rational explanation for everything that occurs. You may not be able to see the answers right now but not long after the sun changes signs at the weekend the bigger picture will come into focus.
You may be in tune with the spirit of the times but how can you make it pay? With both the sun and Venus about to change signs you must be more adventurous in your thinking, and less inclined to look at making money as something dirty.
You have a spooky ability to see things that the majority have missed and your focus over the next few days should be on using that advantage to move up in the world. Your wider perspective will enable you to spot opportunities ahead of your rivals.
It may annoy you that your words have been misquoted or taken out of context but there’s not much you can do about it. If others want to believe the worst about you that’s up to them. Soar above their criticisms with grand indifference.
You can try to talk your way out of a difficult situation today but it’s unlikely you will succeed, so hold up your hand and admit that you made an error of judgement. It shows that you’re no different from everyone else – human!
Cosmic activity in one of the more sensitive areas of your chart has made you a touch fearful in recent weeks but when the sun moves in your favor this weekend you will look back and wonder what on earth possessed you. Whatever it was, leave it behind.
Social plans you put a lot of time and effort into arranging will have to change due to events beyond your control. There is nothing you can do about it, so accept the situation for what it is and adapt as best you can. And keep smiling.
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