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The cosmic set-up on your birthday will stimulate your imagination and get you thinking of new ways to make life more productive and more enjoyable. Is there a creative activity you are really good at? Maybe it’s time to take it to the next level.
Your attempts to resolve a domestic dispute could backfire today, for the simple reason that loved ones are not in the mood to meet you halfway. With that fact in mind, keep a low profile and let the situation cool down in its own time.
The sun in the most dynamic area of your chart means you want the best and you want it now, but other aspects warn you could over-extend yourself today, so be careful. It may feel as if you possess unlimited reserves of energy but you don’t.
You won’t reach an important objective just by working harder – you will also need to plan ahead and have a clear idea of how you are going to get from where you are now to where you most want to be. Get that big brain of yours working.
Your ambitions may seem a bit vague at the moment but that’s okay – in fact it may even be good in that you are less likely to limit yourself to one specific aim while ignoring the rest. The most important thing now is that you are adaptable.
No matter how hard you try to wriggle out of an obligation of some kind you won’t succeed, so you might as well face it head on and do what is expected of you – and what you promised. Don’t get a reputation for letting people down.
New faces will be coming into your social sphere and new relationships will be formed and so long as you don’t take any of them too seriously you will have a lot of fun. It seems like everyone wants to be your special friend at the moment.
The sun in the most sensitive area of your chart may be a disruptive influence but it does not have the power to stop you from following your dreams. And if your dreams and other people’s dreams happen to coincide it could be magic.
By all means get more involved in a social movement of some kind but don’t take it so seriously that other areas of your life are neglected. A sense of balance is needed in all things, even when it comes to making the world a better place.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21):
You need to take extra care when dealing with people in positions of power. Don’t just assume that because your aims and their aims are similar that they will be on your side. It could be that one of your rivals has made them a better offer.
Not everyone is as robust as you, so if a loved one seems to be hurt by something you have said or done you must take their concerns seriously. Yes, they may be dramatizing the situation but could you have been more sensitive of their feelings?
No matter how eager you may be to get started on a new project you must first make time for something of a more routine nature. It may be boring but if you leave it undone it could come back to haunt you later on. Don’t risk it.
What happens over the next 24 hours will force you to reassess your current situation. The fact is that things are neither as bad as you fear they are nor as good as you dream they might be but somewhere in the middle, so don’t overreact.
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