Pisces.iStockPhoto / Getty Images
By all means strive to be nice to people over the coming year but don’t feel you have to bend over backward to help those who continually refuse to help themselves. You have a cosmic right – and even a duty – to put your own needs first.
Venus, planet of harmony, in your sign makes it easy for you to reach out to other people but as it is going through its retrograde phase it might be wise not to expect too much in return. But that’s okay – it’s the giving that counts.
It may be good to aim high but the planets indicate you will do better in the long-term if you lower your sights a bit in the short-term. If nothing else it will give some of your rivals a chance to win and they will appreciate it.
If someone you have always been loyal to in the past lets you down today don’t make a big deal of it. Most likely they did not intend to leave you in the lurch but circumstances conspired against them and left them no choice.
The best way to get the attention of colleagues and employers is to come up with an idea that makes their lives easier. Cosmic activity in your fellow water sign of Pisces will boost your imagination and give you the confidence to showcase your talents.
Take time out of your busy schedule to look ahead a week or two and start planning some really fun things you can do. No matter how much work there may be in your in-tray you can still give yourself something to look forward to.
If you are finding it hard to be honest about your feelings it’s most likely because you fear that some people may take advantage of your emotional fragility. That is certainly a possibility but you still need to let loved ones know what is worrying you.
Now that mind planet Mercury has moved into your opposite sign you won’t find it hard to let partners and loved ones know what you are thinking. But don’t give away too much information all in one go – keep a few secrets to yourself.
You can, if you wish, sit there worrying yourself silly about how you are going to make ends meet but a better strategy would be to clear your head of negative thoughts and come up with practical ideas to boost your cashflow. You’ll think of something.
Wear your heart on your sleeve today and make sure everyone knows that your feelings are close to the surface. That way friends and colleagues are less likely to say and do things that could trigger an emotional and potentially destructive reaction.
It may annoy you that a friend or loved one has gone way over the top in their response to a mini-crisis but that’s just the way they are and you won’t ever change them. What you can do, however, is offer them a shoulder to cry on.
You seem to be in a remarkably positive mood at the moment and long may it continue. Make a point of trying to bring those you interact with both at home and at work up to your enjoyment level. Laughter works best when it is shared.
The past few weeks have been hectic in the extreme but life is beginning to slow down a little and that’s a good thing on every level. There is still a lot to be done but you can afford to approach challenges in a more relaxed manner now.
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