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Family members, work colleagues and even strangers will go out of their way to do things for you this year – and you must go out of your way to enjoy it! There is such an aura of magnificence about you that everyone wants to be your friend.
Although career matters are going well for you now you may have to deal with someone who is dragging their feet and holding you back. Let them know that if they don’t shape up fast they will no longer play a part in your plans – and mean it.
It is not your job to please other people, it is their job to please you. With the sun on your side you don’t have to put yourself out for partners and colleagues, especially if they clearly have no intention of putting themselves out for you.
A little of what you fancy will do you a ton of good today, so don’t listen to those who say you should be denying yourself the finer things in life. Don’t go too far though and make yourself sick or they’ll be saying “I told you so!”
Good news concerning a partnership matter will come your way today and with Venus moving in your favor at the end of the week it could be of a romantic nature. Seems you are very much flavour of the month at the moment.
It’s not like you to telegraph your actions but the planets warn you may be tempted to take a predictable route to your goal today, making it easy for rivals to forecast what you are going to do next. Mix it up a little and keep them guessing.
There are so many people out there who need your brand of kindness, so put your own needs on hold and put yourself out for those who are lonely or sad. At this time of year more than most your compassion can make a huge difference.
You must be assertive today, especially when dealing with people who tend to dither when they should be rushing ahead. It may be frustrating that you have to keep pressing them to do more and do better but their decisions affect you as well.
Cosmic activity in the communications area of your chart urges you to speak up and make yourself heard. Partners and loved ones will be happy to do what you ask of them but they cannot read your mind, so spell it out for them.
There is no point taking a business or money matter too seriously because the financial picture is going to change radically over the first week or so of the new year. Just be careful you don’t spend too much so you have something in reserve.
Give yourself permission to enjoy life and, if friends and loved ones seem reticent to follow your lead, assure them that no harm will come of it. If they can’t let their hair down at this time of year then they’re not doing it right!
Work and family matters may be up in the air at the moment but you have faced more challenging times than this and come through unscathed so why worry? Believe it or not partners and loved ones are genuinely well disposed towards you.
While it may be true that nothing is beyond you now that does not mean you should try to do everything, at least not all in one go. Nor does it mean you have to do it all yourself. Success always tastes sweeter when others share it with you.
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