Sagittarius.iStockPhoto / Getty Images
There is so much cosmic activity on your birthday this year that you are clearly destined to do something huge in the world. Approach life as if every word you say makes a difference and every act is of cosmic importance – because it is!
Don’t take it to heart if others are critical of what you are doing over the next 48 hours because most likely they have a point and you would do well to listen to them. Their advice could actually save you from making a costly mistake.
Make this a time for having fun with your friends and don’t worry that you might be neglecting your duties in other areas. What you don’t do workwise this weekend you will make up for over the next few days. For now, do only what makes you smile.
If you have been dreaming about moving up in the world now is the time to push on to the next stage by letting people in positions of power know who you are and what you can do. Don’t worry about being seen as pushy – they’ll like that.
Some kind of restriction that has been holding you back is no longer there and you can and you must start moving ahead again. Venus in the most adventurous area of your chart will encourage you to seek out new and exciting ways to express yourself.
Be truthful when dealing with money matters over the next 48 hours. If you try to pass off your opinions as facts you are sure to be found out and it won’t do your prospects, or your reputation, any good at all. Honesty is an absolute must.
Get together with people whose fun-loving outlook you share and do things together that you might be reluctant to do on your own. Not only will you enjoy your joint successes but you can share the blame if, unlikely as it seems, something goes wrong.
The time has come to decide which of your many big ideas are worth pushing on with and which are destined to stay in the realm of wishful thinking. You must be ruthless in your choices. Focus on what is most likely to make you rich and famous.
Venus, your ruler, moves into the most dynamic area of your chart this weekend and then makes a stunning union with Pluto, planet of passion. Approach everything you do with 100 per cent effort and 100 per cent self-belief. You cannot possibly fail!
It’s not like you to get emotional but there could be a tear or two shed this weekend. Whatever it is that upsets you it won’t be an issue for long, so dry your eyes, get to grips with the situation and then move on to happier things.
The words you use this weekend will have far-reaching effects, so think before you speak and make sure what you say sounds positive even if you have to be critical of people you love. They won’t mind being told they are wrong so long as you mean well.
You need to look at your financial position with a more optimistic eye. It may be true that you have spent too much in recent weeks but you have not yet run out of cash and your situation can easily be improved if you can stop being so wasteful.
Values planet Venus joins passion planet Pluto in your sign this weekend and you will feel a surge of good feelings towards the world at large. If you go out of your way to help other people the universe will go out of its way to help you.
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