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A Mercury-Jupiter link on your birthday will enable you to see events from the other person’s point of view. That will be useful when it comes to dealing with those whose words and actions seem illogical. You will know what inner needs drive them.
The tougher you have been with various people in recent days the nicer you should be to them now. You have made your point of view clear and there is no reason why you should not be friends again, and plenty of reasons why you should.
It’s more than likely that you have spent too much money over the past week or so but there is no point regretting it. Cosmic activity across the financial axis of your chart suggests you will get the chance to top up your reserves very soon.
It is important that you don’t make a big thing of your differences with friends and family members but you must not go too far and pretend they do not exist. That won’t bring the quiet life you crave, just more grief later on.
You may be in the kind of mood where you are willing to do anything for just about anyone but you must also make it clear that this is a one-off offer that won’t be repeated. You cannot afford to be this generous each and every day.
Anyone who tries to tie you down to one place or one activity between now and the weekend needs to be told you are having none of it. Your free spirit must be given its head, otherwise you will be miserable as the new year approaches.
There is no point trying to adopt a low profile today because the eyes of friends and family members will be on you and they won’ t let you hide away. And why would you want to when they all seem to believe you are some kind of star?
If you are on the move today you will have a great time, but you also need to be careful because if you go too fast you could find yourself so far ahead that you have to wait for others to catch up. It’s not a race.
You are in one of those moods when you would give the shirt off your back if someone needs it more than you. The only danger is you could fall foul of a swindler who sees an opportunity to take advantage of your generous nature. Be careful.
You don’t have to share the same outlook as co-workers to be able to get along with them on a creative level. The fact that you are so different could even be a positive thing in that it doubles both your ideas and your chances of success.
Your path to your immediate goal is likely to be blocked between now and the weekend but that should not be a problem for someone as resourceful as you. Use your imagination and find a different route to where you most need to be.
Why do you feel the need to be bigger and better than everyone else? Whatever the reason you must get past it quickly because it will take up time and energy that could be used more productively elsewhere. Accept who you are and be proud of it.
It may be tempting to let other people make decisions for you today but if you do you will probably regret it come the weekend. The only person you can trust to make the right calls is yourself, so don’t give your power away.
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