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If you listen only to people who support your viewpoint you will hear what you want to hear at the expense of what you need to hear. Look further afield for ideas over the coming year and don’t automatically reject what sounds unlikely or even outrageous.
You may be tempted to take risks to impress people you work with but if you do the cost could be higher than you expected. Which raises the question: Why put your reputation on the line when others should be trying to impress you?
Flaunt your skills today so the world has to sit up and take notice. Cosmic activity in the career area of your chart will make your efforts look easy and you will impress not only colleagues but employers and authority figures as well.
If you are not entirely sure that the path you are about to take is the right one for you then get a second opinion from someone you trust. It could be that there is an obstruction up ahead which you cannot yet see, but they can.
Friends will want you to do one thing today but loved ones will want you to do something else. If you take time out to explain to your buddies why on this occasion you must let them down they will understand. Put family ties first.
If you do a good deed for someone you meet on the street today it’s unlikely you will get much thanks for it but do it anyway. It’s not how they respond that matters but that you were willing to help them with no questions asked.
There is a danger today that you will waste time on people who are not worth the effort, and money on purchases you don’t need to possess. Be severe with yourself when it comes to sharing your resources. Don’t give too much away.
Make sure you don’t let slip any kind of sensitive information today. With your ruler Venus at odds with Mars it’s unlikely that anything you reveal, even to your closest friends, will stay a secret for long, so keep what you know to yourself.
Be careful what questions you ask today because the answers you get may not be to your liking. It is sometimes said that ignorance is bliss and this may be one of those occasions when it is best not to know what is going on around you.
Be wary of people who try to charm their way into your affections. Do they genuinely like you or do they want to get close to you for no better reason than they think they can benefit from your friendship? It’s okay to be suspicious.
You don’t have to stop doing one thing so you can start doing something else. Yes, you will need to find extra time in your busy schedule but that can be done by rearranging your chores and commitments rather than junking them altogether.
Don’t take it personally if the advice you give to a friend is rejected. Most likely they are in a bad mood not because of what you have said but because life in general has not been good to them of late. Just smile and keep trying to help.
You will have to sacrifice your own needs today to assist a loved one who is stuck in a rut and needs a hand to get out of it. Put your own aims on hold and do whatever it takes to free them from their current predicament.
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