SZA, a Scorpio.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
The moon moves through independent-minded Aquarius all day, before squaring off with the Scorpio sun tonight. With the sun and moon at odds, tension and irritability might cause trouble. It’s easy to lash out or cast blame on other people. If you can’t — or simply don’t want to — smooth things over, at least try to make sure the conflict is useful in some way. Don’t pick fights just because; use this opportunity to sort out long-standing problems.
Some people always seem to be looking for someone else to tell them what to do or how to think — but you’re much too independent for that. You’d rather make up your own mind. But, sometimes, there’s simply too much going on to make sense of it all on your own. Nobody can be expected to be well versed in every subject. So today, lean on the people around you. Ask questions, get advice, take a cue from the people you trust.
The last thing you probably want to do today is compromise with anyone. It feels like playing nice with the people you disagree with is all you’ve been doing lately, and you’re sick of it. But try to remember that nobody’s ever going to be exactly what you need, all of the time: There will always be differences of opinion, even if they’re small. Some give-and-take is necessary and inevitable, so figure out what you’re willing to work with and where you’ll draw the line.
You manage to convince yourself, sometimes, that it simply wouldn’t be feasible to live the life you really want. There’s too much standing in the way; the cost would be too high. Today, though, look around you: Lots of people are living lives as beautiful and interesting as the one you dream about. Maybe it required courage or sacrifice, but it wasn’t impossible for them — and it isn’t for you, either.
Right now, your emotions are probably roiling and intense — even more than usual. You’re worried about the people you love, your community, your own future. And while you value your capacity to care, it’s not exactly fun to be so worked up all the time, and sometimes you wish you could just check out. But today, try to welcome the intensity. It can point to what you really care about and what you’re called to do next.
As much as you want other people to notice you, you worry that there’s such a thing as too much attention. You want your friends to see all your good deeds, while missing the times you get things wrong. You imagine that you can put all the best parts of your personality on display while forever burying the rest — but, of course, it doesn’t work that way. Let people closest to you see you for your full self today. You don’t need to be perfect to live a good life.
The more chaotic the world around you, the more you depend on your routines to feel organized, grounded, and able to take on the day. But today, it feels like the people around you are constantly interrupting, coming to you for advice or support or attention. You don’t have to rush to be at everyone else’s beck and call — but try not to close yourself off. While routines can offer stability, today it might be the unexpected disruptions, opportunities, and moments of human connection that offer excitement and a sense of purpose.
You’ve worked hard to set up daily routines that work for you, that give your life meaning . Today, though, it might become clear that your old habits are no longer enough. Part of you might be determined to double down, refusing to budge from familiar structures — but stubbornness won’t serve you right now. The world has changed, and you can change to match it. Trying to live in the past will only frustrate you, so give yourself permission to evolve.
You might feel trapped in the past today, as old feelings reemerge or old conflicts replay in your head. It’s immensely frustrating to feel like you’re just walking in circles, going through the same motions again and again but never really getting anywhere. So if you’re tired of the past and ready for something different, then make sure you’re trying out different strategies. If you’re brave enough to stop doing things the way you always have, you can break free of the loop you’ve been stuck in and strike out in a new direction.
Your life is full of people who know you well — sometimes, you think, too well. Your friends are familiar with your preferences and pet peeves, and they know what makes you tick. And while sometimes their attention is comforting, it begins to feel stifling when they don’t leave you any room to grow or change your mind. You’re tired of acting out the same patterns — you want space to do things differently. So, today, don’t wait around for anyone else’s permission to break the mold — just go for it.
Sometimes, it feels like you’re the only person on earth who actually cares about other people, the planet, the future. Sure, plenty of people say they do, but when you look at their actions, you have your doubts. But don’t turn away from others today. As lonely as you feel, the truth is that you’re not alone. Other people might not show their stress in the same way you do, or act out their values in the way you deem honorable, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care.
It can feel like the people around you are constantly pushing you, sometimes subtly and sometimes more overtly, to conform. As much as everyone claims to value uniqueness, lots of people feel threatened when they encounter anyone truly different. Today, especially, you might feel like it’s impossible both to be your true self and to be the person everybody else wants you to be. You might have to strike a balance, particularly at work, but don’t be pressured into doing anything that truly goes against your deepest principles. You can find ways to compromise while still being you.
In times of crisis, things sometimes snap into focus, and you can see your actions, your dreams, your values more clearly than ever before. If you’ve been living out of alignment with your principles or you’re on the wrong path, it becomes obvious. It can be uncomfortable to see yourself with such uncompromising clarity — but it’s useful, too. Today, think seriously about what sort of person you want to be. If you need to make a change in order to get there, now is your chance.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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