Ellen Pompeo, a Scorpio.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
Under today’s Taurus full moon, everyone around you might seem unusually stubborn, but don’t back down. Remember that this moon is giving you the stubbornness to match. You don’t have to make a big fuss of it; you can simply quietly, peacefully refuse to go along with anything you disagree with. Your instincts are sharp and your principles clear: Don’t let anyone convince you to ignore your gut.
Sometimes, it seems like the people in your life expect you to sacrifice your comfort all the time — whether for the sake of the group, or for some higher ideal, or just for their own personal convenience. But while nobody can or should expect to be totally comfortable all the time, that doesn’t mean you always have to be the one to give up the small luxuries and moments of ease. Today, you can decide to put your foot down. You’ll be as generous as you can, but you have needs too.
There are people who tell you that the only way to get what you want is to be polite and accommodating. But that seems to be getting you nowhere. You’ve been holding back your anger and frustration, and it hasn’t made anyone more amenable — if anything, it only seems to make it easier for them to ignore you. So today, if all that pent up feeling boils over and you find yourself speaking tactlessly, don’t worry too much: All that emotion came out because it needed to.
It can seem, sometimes, like nobody around you wants to recognize the truth — at least, not when it’s difficult or painful or simply inconvenient. People tie themselves into knots trying to avoid seeing the world as it really is or to avoid coming to terms with their own imperfect behavior. Do your best to be honest today, if only with yourself — you can’t force anyone to listen to the truth, but making the effort, no matter how resistant anyone else is, is still worth your time.
It feels like everybody is talking about how wonderful the world was in the past, or how much better it might become at some unspecified date in the future — but nobody seems to notice the things that are good right now, in spite of all the problems. Today, take some time to appreciate your community. Be good to your friends, and let them be good to you. Life is far from perfect, but everywhere you go, you’ll find people trying their best.
You’re trying to put on a brave face lately, but it isn’t easy. Life is stressful, and you’re sick of having to be tough all the time — sometimes you just want to break down, to stop working so hard, to say no. But today, there are people who are looking up to you, and even if you don’t want to stay strong for your own sake, do it for the people you care about. You have the chance now to support and inspire others — and later on they’ll do the same for you.
You’re probably much more adventurous than others recognize — maybe even more than you give yourself credit for. You want to have the kinds of interesting experiences that deepen your understanding of the world, but sometimes you feel trapped by the routines of daily life. Today, you might get an unexpected invitation to take a risk and prove your courage — if only to yourself. Part of you might worry that acting spontaneously now is foolish — but go for it anyway. Exciting chances don’t come along every day, so don’t miss this one.
There are plenty of tasks, lately, that you’d simply rather not do. It isn’t that you’re lazy , but maybe you’re intimidated, or you’re tired, or you have other things on your mind. It’s possible to put them off, sometimes for a long time, but today, the stress of not taking care of business is likely to outweigh the stress of dealing with it. If you take the time to finally address whatever has been hanging over your head, you’ll be amazed at how light you feel afterward.
You understand that trust isn’t simply given; it has to be earned. So you put in serious effort to establish and maintain it with the people you care about. You work hard to be the kind of person who can be relied on — though you’ve been doubting, lately, that it’s had any effect. But today, you’ll see the results. People have noticed and appreciated your care. Your relationships have grown stronger and deeper, maybe without your even realizing it; now, you’ll experience the fruits of your efforts.
Even if you’re not ready to do anything yet, just imagining how your life could be different can be enough. Today, though, dreaming, envisioning the future, weighing the various paths available to you — none of it feels like enough. It’s time to take action. Stop overthinking it, worrying about whether or not you’re taking the “right” path, getting in your own head about whether or not the effort will be worth it. There’s so much you can do right now, so stop worrying and just pick one of them.
You’re probably not the sort of person to look for shortcuts and cheat codes. You recognize that some goals can only come to fruition through sustained effort — and you’re happy to put in the work. Most of the time, this helps you make steady progress. Sometimes, though, it means you turn down opportunities you don’t think you’ve earned yet. Today, though, forget about all your notions that you have to work harder than is humanly possible to “deserve” a good life. Accept the good things that come your way.
While some people seem content to live small, ordinary lives, you want more. You have a bright imagination and big dreams; you know that your time is limited, and you want to use it well. But as much as you’d prefer to be constantly looking outward, toward the future, you’re human, which means you need to tend to your inner world, too. Today, deep feelings or old memories might demand your attention. Don’t ignore them: A little introspection now will help you build out grand plans later.
Lately, the small errands and mundane tasks feel neverending. You weren’t put on earth only to do chores and deal with paperwork, so why does it feel like the boring stuff consumes every moment of your day? Today, your load might not necessarily ease — but you can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Your work is paying off. You’re getting back on top of things. Keep pushing for now, and soon, you’ll be rewarded with time to relax.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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