Zooey Deschanel, a Capricorn.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
This morning, the Sun and Uranus give you the confidence to be different. It’s a perfect day to break with old routines, express yourself in new ways, and meet people outside your usual social circle. In the lead-up to tonight’s Cancer full moon, be brave and step outside your comfort zone: You never know what you’ll learn or how your life might change for the better.
It’s frustrating to feel as if you never have enough money, time, or support. You’re all too aware of the great things you could accomplish if only you had the resources, and it’s maddening to know that you’re being held back through no fault of your own. It’s possible that you’ve been dealt an unfair hand, but today try not to focus on what you lack. For now, you could make sweeping progress if you think creatively about new ways to use what you already have.
If you’ve been dreaming of making a dramatic change, betting big on yourself, or throwing it all away and starting from scratch, today could be the perfect time to finally go for it. But if you aren’t ready to take a huge risk, then take a small one. It isn’t all or nothing: Each step you take, no matter how minor, leads to the next one. Maybe you can’t — or don’t want to — go big right now, but you can still do something.
There are plenty of life changes you’d like to make, at least in theory — but in practice, you’ve convinced yourself that they simply aren’t feasible. You fear that your bad habits are too ingrained, that if it were possible to address your weaknesses, you’d have done so by now. But don’t be too sure: You’re stronger than you sometimes give yourself credit for. Resolve to tackle a long-standing problem today, and you might be surprised by how far you get through sheer, stubborn force of will.
You’ve probably been burned in the past for trying to stand out from the crowd. People don’t always respond well to difference, and it can seem safer to hide what sets you apart. But if “fitting in” means compromising your individuality, it’ll never truly be worth it. Today, decide that you won’t let other people’s judgment hold you back any longer. If you’re brave enough to let your quirks shine through, you’ll discover that some people — maybe not everyone, but enough — are more accepting than you thought.
You probably have a relatively accurate sense of your own skills, and you’re confident but not conceited. You know what you’re best at and see no reason to be falsely modest, but you can also see where you have room to grow. Today, though, assume that you’re capable of more than you think. Set goals that genuinely push you, or try things you don’t think you’ll be good at. You could discover hidden talents, or you might find friends and support in unlikely places. Leave room to surprise yourself.
You tend to avoid making sweeping statements and grand pronouncements — you’re too aware that there are exceptions to every bold claim. But while this approach usually keeps you grounded, it sometimes causes you to lose sight of the big picture. Today, zoom out a bit. Take a break from worrying about the real-world details for a moment; you won’t get the small stuff exactly right all the time, and that’s okay. Instead, give yourself a chance to brainstorm, imagine new possibilities, and remember the more abstract principles that guide you.
You have an incredible gift for connecting with people and building strong relationships. You’re quick to help your friends when they’re in need, and you know that you can rely on them in return. But today, others might not be around when you call, or, hard as they try, they might not have the answers or advice you need. But, for now, it’s okay to rely on yourself. If you keep pushing forward, you’ll be reminded of the deep inner resources you have to draw on.
As much as you love delving into other people’s deep, dark feelings, you often prefer to keep your own hidden. You fear that if the people you love saw the real you — with all your flaws, failures, and dark thoughts — they’d turn their backs. But today, it’s important not to present such a carefully curated version of yourself to other people; they’ll sense that you’re holding something back. Instead, speak freely. You’ll feel better to let it all out.
Even for someone as adventurous as you are, change can be scary. You’ve fought hard for the stability and happiness you have now; as imperfect as life is, you fear that any change could be for the worse. But today, don’t cling to the status quo out of fear. Try to have a little more faith in your resourcefulness and ability to adapt. If your circumstances change, you’ll adjust, just like you always have. If a risk doesn’t work out how you’d hoped, you’ll find a way forward.
You’re imaginative and unique, but sometimes it seems smarter not to show it. It seems like the best way to find success is to play by the rules; the more you can blend in to the crowd, the more they’ll accept you. But while these strategies can sometimes propel you forward, today they’re more likely to hold you back. The way to make real progress now isn’t to fit yourself into other people’s mold but to find your own path and follow it.
Others might find your life choices unconventional, but you don’t really care whether or not anyone else understands what you’re doing — what matters is that you get it. Today, though, your path might seem confusing, even to you. Your challenge now is to keep moving through the uncertainty. As stressful as the unknown can be, the truth is that you don’t need to know exactly where you’re headed. Trusting yourself and acting according to your principles might lead you in surprising directions, but it won’t steer you wrong.
The busier your social life gets, the less you probably feel the need to meet new people. You can hardly keep up with your existing friendships; adding even more into the mix can seem more stressful than energizing. But today, staying open to new people is one of the best things you can do for yourself. They might end up connecting you to important opportunities, teaching you about yourself, or simply making life more fun. You can retreat into solitude later; for now, the more you can broaden your social world, the better.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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