Millie Bobby Brown, a Pisces.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
Lately, it’s been challenging to get close to the people around you — you’re so different from each other. You can come up with plenty of reasons why it’s not even worth it to try. But when the sun enters Pisces this morning, those differences won’t seem so insurmountable.Today, it’ll become possible to find surprising common ground with others, and to connect on a deep and genuine level.
Today you might be filled with wistfulness, nostalgia, and maybe a bit of regret. If you let yourself reminisce and reflect, deeply buried emotions could come up. While your natural tendency might be to immediately do something about whatever you’re feeling now, try to be patient. You’re likely only to cause problems for yourself if you rush to take action without giving yourself any time to process. Sitting with your feelings probably doesn’t sound particularly useful or exciting, but for now, it could be the best use of your time.
You can be incredibly generous with the people in your life. When they need help, you offer what you can, whether that’s resources, time, or just a listening ear. You’d never judge or resent your friends for needing support — but you tend to think that you shouldn’t ever need a hand, and that successes somehow don’t “count” unless you achieved them on your own. Today, it’s time to recognize that you’re being unfair to yourself. When you need help, you’re only holding yourself back by not asking for it.
Sometimes, you get the sense that you’re falling behind. You imagine that you should be much farther along in your career, or that your personal life shouldn’t be so messy, or simply that you should feel more mature and more capable than you do. Today, remember that you’re on your own timeline, not anyone else’s. If you compare yourself to the people around you, you’ll inevitably feel inadequate, but if you trust that you’re moving at the right pace for you, it’ll be much easier to get where you want to go.
You’re brave and determined, but at a certain point, you get tired of meeting challenge after challenge with courage and integrity. Today, you might feel particularly drained; you just want to hide from it all. Right now though, the best way to care for yourself isn’t to retreat from the world around you, but to engage with it. You don’t need to go on big adventures if you’re not up for it, but seeing new sights and interacting with people will fill your cup more than sitting at home.
You tend to express your opinions forcefully, and you stand by them, often doubling down when others challenge you. But even if you’re right almost all of the time, there will still be instances when you misjudge people, jump to the wrong conclusion, and say things you regret. Your pride makes it hard to admit when you’ve made a mistake, but today, it might get a bit easier to show yourself grace. You’re not responsible for knowing all the answers, only for being willing to learn and grow.
You often underestimate the effect you have on the people around you. It might seem like they aren’t paying attention to you, like they’re only half-listening when you share your ideas — but in fact, you hold more sway than you realize. Your friends look up to you, they want you to think well of them, and they take your feedback seriously — even if they don’t always show it. Don’t hesitate to speak up today; the people in your life are listening more closely than you realize.
The harder you work, the more you care about getting results. It’s hard to see the point of putting real effort into a project if you’re not going to get anywhere, or investing time into a relationship that might not work out. It’s reasonable to feel this way; the problem is that you can’t always control outcomes — especially when other people are in the mix. Today, focus on the process. If you take each step with intention, you’ll be able to hold your head up high whatever happens in the end.
It’s all too easy to become convinced that your actions don’t matter — the world is vast and you’re only one person; you struggle to see how anything you do could make a difference. But thinking this way helps nobody, so today, push back against it. You don’t need to make grand, impressive gestures — simply connecting with other people, and putting your energy to good use instead of letting it wither away inside you, is enough. It’s not about convincing anyone else that you’re powerful, but about reminding yourself.
In general, you’re a big-picture kind of thinker; you’re good at seeing the patterns that your more detail-oriented friends tend to miss, and you’re good at coming up with grand, unifying theories about the world. Today though, remember there are exceptions to every rule. People won’t always behave the way you expect them to, and your own thoughts and feelings often break the mold, too. Give everyone, including yourself, the space to be who they actually are, not who you think they’re supposed to be.
You probably aren’t the sort of person who enjoys arguing for its own sake, but you’re not one to shy away from it, either. If someone is unfairly criticizing you, you’ll fight back; if they’re making claims that you know are untrue, you’ll set the record straight. You care about being right, and you want everyone else to recognize that you know what you’re talking about. Sometimes, though, it gets exhausting to feel like you always have to prove yourself. Today, try to put more energy into connecting with other people than in deciding who’s “right.”
Your own comfort isn’t generally a top priority for you — maybe because you’re too busy ruminating on bigger ideas to worry about something so trivial, or maybe because you imagine that you don’t really deserve to feel at ease. But today, make an effort to be kind to yourself. Give a bit of extra attention to your emotional and physical needs. Neglecting yourself won’t make you wiser or a “better person” — it’ll only make everything else more difficult.
When you aren’t sure what kind of life you want to live, or how you should be spending your time, it’s only natural to look to the people around you for guidance. Navigating the world can be confusing, and it can be helpful to see how others do it. Today, just make sure you’re not putting too much stock in the actions of other people: they’re on their own paths, and your job isn’t to follow them, but to find yours. You’re wiser than you sometimes give yourself credit for, so trust your instincts.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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