Alex Borstein, an Aquarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Getty Images
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, moves into dreamy Pisces this morning. For the next couple weeks, it might be harder than usual to think rationally, express yourself concisely, or parse the details that actually matter. So instead of relying on logic alone, let your intuition guide you. You’re probably better than ever at picking up on non-verbal cues and vibe shifts; you might not be able to explain why you know something, but trust that those instincts are worth listening to.
You do your best not to be weighed down by bad experiences. Instead of dwelling on old failures, you try to move forward; instead of fixating on painful relationships, you put them out of your mind so that you can get on with your life. But sometimes, time doesn’t heal your wounds, and you need to actually process what happened. Today, give yourself a chance to delve into your unresolved feelings. If you need to make amends, or even just acknowledge to yourself that you’re not totally over it, now is the time.
When you’re surrounded by people with big ideas and strong opinions, it can feel like you have to shout to make yourself heard. Sometimes, you don’t mind raising your voice, but lately, it seems like too much effort for too little reward. You know your insights are valuable, but you’re tired of needing to fight for attention. Today though, you might find that the people around you are more willing to listen. Seize the opportunity — you’ll probably regret not speaking up now.
Some people tend to exaggerate their own expertise, acting like authorities on subjects that they really only have the most surface-level knowledge on. You, on the other hand, are more likely to do the opposite: You’re so aware of how much you still don’t know that you downplay what you do know. But the truth is that you possess a great deal of insight,, and you do everyone a disservice when you act like you have nothing much to offer. Today, don’t be afraid to step up to the plate and share all that you’ve learned.
Lately, you’ve been so focused on the demands of everyday life that it’s been hard to keep your sense of perspective. Every little task seems absolutely critical, and when you encounter roadblocks, it can feel like the end of the world. Today, try to take a step back. It’s not that the details don’t matter, just that they’re not the full story: In the grand scheme of things, your minor mistakes aren’t as make-or-break as you imagine. If you can keep the longer timeline in mind today, it’ll be easier to forgive yourself and move forward.
In general, you have good social instincts, but every so often, it feels like you just can’t manage to say the right thing. The more you misspeak, and the more others misunderstand you, the wiser it seems to just shut your mouth altogether. But today, if you’ve got feelings you haven’t expressed or questions you haven’t had a chance to ask, give it another shot. Maybe you struggled to connect before, but that’s not necessarily anybody’s fault — sometimes it’s simply a matter of waiting until the timing is right.
Sometimes it feels like the best way to use your voice is to be outspoken — to draw attention to your achievements, or to call out bad behavior, or to make big, bold demands. But while all of this is important — sometimes it’s necessary to make a fuss — remember that it’s not the only worthwhile way to act. If you don’t feel particularly loud or courageous today, you can still bring people together, mend fences, or offer support to a friend in need — all of it makes a difference.
The more everyone around you appears to be driven by self-interest, the more it can start to feel like you have no choice but to join in. The world rarely seems to reward generosity, and you sometimes wonder whether it’s an indulgence you can’t actually afford. But while this mindset may seem rational, it’ll only make your life smaller and worse, so today, try to push back. If you pay attention, you’ll see people continuing to act with bravery and kindness — and you’ll find opportunities for you to act accordingly.
While you’re not afraid to be spontaneous — you know that you can handle most situations — it rarely feels worth the risk. You don’t like to rush into decisions; as much as you trust your instincts, sticking to your original plan often seems like a better move. Today, though, the best thing you can do for yourself is loosen your grip on your assumptions about how things are “supposed” to unfold. You have the freedom to change your plans at any moment; take advantage of it.
You try not to fixate on the past. No amount of wishing will undo what has already happened, and you can only live in the here and now. All the same, sometimes reflecting on the experiences you’ve had before can help you figure out what to do next. The more clearly you see where you’ve been, the more wisely you can chart the path forward. Today, don’t be afraid to delve into nostalgia; used wisely, it can offer a way to understand yourself, and your life, better.
You tend to get frustrated with people who are ambiguous about their opinions or desires. It feels impossible to have a real conversation when you’re not sure what someone is even trying to say. Today, though, you might find that you are the one who’s expressing yourself vaguely — not out of timidness, but simply because you can’t quite find the words. Do your best, even if you can’t get it exactly right — the language might be imprecise, but you’ll get your feeling across.
There’s a part of you that’s tired of dealing in what-ifs, constantly dreaming up possible futures. Instead, you’re ready to focus on making a good life for yourself in the present, so spend some time today tending to your physical environment. If you clean up a little bit, make your space more comfortable, and make a point of eating well, it’ll make a huge difference in your state of mind. Just don’t try to clamp down on your imagination — you can be both practical and creative.
It can feel like nobody else is really on your wavelength, like the people who truly get you are few and far between. It can get lonely, but for the most part, you’ve gotten used to it, and you’ve learned how to express yourself in ways that others can grasp. Today, though, it might finally be easier to get through to the people around you. You won’t have to water your ideas down, or worry that a deeper meaning isn’t coming across. Make the most of the chance to say what you really mean.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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