Natalie Dormer, an Aquarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Getty Images
Yesterday Uranus squared off with communication planet Mercury, and today it brings more surprises as it interacts with the Aquarius sun. Although you might not want to shake up your life — it’s comforting knowing what to expect — it’s likely to happen either way, so you might as well lean into it. You can’t avoid change entirely, but you can navigate it with grace and be ready for new opportunities when they arrive.
While it’s nice to have choices — you can’t stand feeling boxed in — having too many options can get stressful. The more possible futures are open to you, the more pressure you feel to make the most of your opportunities. But the more you stew and second-guess yourself, the harder it becomes to actually choose wisely. Today, give yourself permission not to make the perfect decision — as if such a thing even exists — and just do the best you can.
Sometimes, in succumbing to the pressure to look and act just like everyone else, you feel the need to hide the most interesting parts of your personality, and apologize whenever you stray too far from the crowd. But while there are certain situations when blending in l is the smart move, it’s no way to live your whole life. Molding yourself to be what others want you to be will take much more from you than it gives in return. Today, see what happens if you quit trying so hard to meet other people’s impossible expectations.
It’s comforting to pretend that there’s a clear-cut relationship between cause and effect — that hard work leads directly to success, or risky behavior straight to regret. But the universe doesn’t operate as neatly as that. The consequences of your actions aren’t always going to follow a coherent narrative, and other people’s warnings about what you should (or shouldn’t) do won’t always be born out. Today, remember that there are limits to what you can control, but while uncertainty might be stressful, it also opens up new possibilities.
You understand that if you want to make progress in any endeavor, you’ve got to be willing to immerse yourself in the task at hand, even if that means blocking out the rest of the world. But it’s also possible to overdo it; you can only keep upping the intensity for so long. If you feel like you’ve stalled out today, the answer isn’t to concentrate even more single-mindedly on your goals, but to take a step back. Letting your attention wander can be surprisingly reinvigorating.
It’s easy to talk yourself out of doing the right thing when it’s scary or inconvenient. You tell yourself that your own actions won’t make a difference anyway, or that someone else is more equipped to handle it, or that the issue is too complicated for you to weigh in. And all of this might even be true to an extent — but that doesn’t mean you should sit back and do nothing. If you refrain from doing what you know in your heart is right, you’ll feel helpless and self-critical — and that alone is enough of a reason to act.
When the world around you changes, it can seem like you have to drastically alter your own goals and personality if you don’t want to be left behind. But as important as it is to adapt, be careful that you’re not mindlessly racing to keep up with every new development, each passing trend. You can take in new information and navigate new situations without changing your values or yourself. Keep growing and evolving, but remember that you’re allowed to be stubborn about the things that truly matter to you.
Most of the time, careful planning works to your favor. The more diligent you are about thinking through your actions, the more likely you are to anticipate and mitigate potential problems. Sometimes, though, you get in your own way, becoming so focused on what could go wrong that you convince yourself there’s no point in trying at all. Today, consider that you might be making things needlessly complicated. There’s never going to be a perfect opportunity that’s completely free of risk, so go with your gut.
You’re probably not the sort of person who’s content to spend life on the sidelines: You want to be part of the action, doing things that matter. The world needs people like you, who aren’t afraid of conflict and won’t run away at the first hint of trouble. But today, remember that it doesn’t always have to be you who does all the heavy lifting. If you’ve been overloaded lately, don’t be afraid to call in reinforcements. Resting when you need to is the best way to make sure you can keep going for the long haul.
You sometimes feel like you have to constantly reinvent the wheel, like your efforts somehow don’t count unless you’re breaking new ground. But that’s a tall order: Genuine originality is rare, and nobody can channel it every day. People often have to learn the same lessons over and over again, taking slow and incremental steps forward. All of that work is just as valuable, so today, try embracing the repetition.
While some people seem content to settle for a life that’s just so-so, you’re always striving for more. You want to do the highest quality work you possibly can, to have the most intimate, meaningful relationships. Today, though, remember that there is no objective “best” — there’s only the best for you. What would feel blissful to another person might feel stifling to you, and vice versa. If you can stop comparing yourself to the people around you, you might finally figure out what you actually need.
You’re introspective enough to have a good sense of what your weaknesses are, and you’ve gotten good at working around them. You do your best to avoid the people and situations that tend to stress you out, and for the most part, this helps. You’ve accepted your flaws and learned to live with them. But sometimes, you become so obsessed with minimizing your “bad” qualities that you never make the most of your strengths. Today, instead of worrying so much about the skills you lack, lean into the ones you have.
When you look at a complicated problem, you do your best to see the whole of it. If you’re only zeroing in on one part of it — the issue that most urgently needs to be dealt with, or whatever is most fascinating to you — you know you’ll end up missing the bigger picture. But today, remember that it’s rarely possible to know everything about a situation. It might be necessary to settle for partial knowledge, at least for now, and to trust that more will become clear in time.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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