Miley Cyrus, a Sagittarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
The sun and Mercury align in honest Sagittarius, giving your mental powers a boost. This could be a great day for sharing your ideas — the bolder the better — and expressing your feelings, especially if you speak from the heart without overthinking it. Perhaps even more importantly, you’ll be better able to observe, analyze, and make sense of the goings-on around you. If you’ve been feeling muddled lately, you might find the clarity you need.
Life can’t be thrilling all the time; no matter how adventurous you are, you’ll still have slow days, and you’ll still have to take care of tedious chores on occasion. All the more reason for you to make the more interesting choice whenever you’re able. Today, don’t pretend you care about the things you find unimportant or let anyone rope you into dull activities. Refuse to settle for boring plans if you have a chance to opt for something weirder and more exciting.
There are questions you know not to ask — even with the people you’re closest to — because they’re too provocative. Most of the time, this is the right call: People don’t want to be constantly asked to delve into their deepest beliefs and most painful memories; they often just want to get through the day. Occasionally, though, it’s good to forget about decorum. Today might be the right time to ask your burning questions, share the feelings that don’t paint you in a flattering light, and get real.
It might feel like the people around you — even the ones you love and respect — can’t keep up with you. It’s not that they’re any less smart, just that you seem to move at a faster pace, jumping from one idea to the next. But today, be wary of assuming that others aren’t on your wavelength. Give them a chance to brainstorm with you and you’ll find that they have fresh ideas and creative solutions to contribute.
You’re not afraid of a bit of weirdness, but lately there’s been too much of it. Life feels impossibly chaotic, and you’re longing for at least a semblance of stability. And while the world won’t get any less confusing on its own, you have the ability now to create the order you need. If you need routines, you can set them. If you need relationships that aren’t so unpredictable, you can say so or set boundaries. Although you might feel helpless, you have more power than you realize.
You pay attention to the effect your words and actions have on the people around you, so you recognize that there are times when you need to tone down your natural exuberance and let others take center stage. But holding back or dimming your light for others’ sake won’t serve you well today. People are more likely to be drawn to your energy than threatened by it. Instead of thinking it’s “too much,” they’ll probably find it charming. Letting your authentic self shine through is the best way to connect with others.
Within any family — whether one you were born into or one you chose — there are things that go unsaid: difficult history nobody wants to bring up, feelings everybody pretends don’t exist, tensions that hum beneath the surface. This might be a good day to actually talk about some of the issues between you and the people you love. Conflicts don’t tend to go away on their own, but if you get everything out in the open, you could finally find some resolution.
While some people need to feel in control and make all the decisions, you’re probably not too picky, especially when it comes to inconsequential things. You’re happy to let someone else choose what to have for dinner or which movie to watch. Sometimes, you forget you have tastes of your own at all. But you do, and they matter. You don’t need to get exactly what you want all the time or have strong preferences about every tiny thing — but don’t hesitate to insist on doing things the way you want every once in a while.
To other people, you come across as exceedingly cool and confident. They’d probably be surprised to hear that you suffer from insecurity and self-doubt just like everyone does. Today, your impulse might be to dig deep into whatever makes you feel the worst about yourself — but analyzing your bad feelings won’t give them less hold over you. Instead, devote your time to the people and environments that bolster your self-esteem. This isn’t the time to exhaust yourself fighting your demons but to move toward whatever feels right.
It feels like you should understand yourself by now. You spend 24 hours a day inside your own head, and, you imagine, there shouldn’t be any mystery left. Of course, it doesn’t really work that way — we’re all puzzles sometimes, even to ourselves. Today, you might discover sides to yourself you didn’t see before, or understand your emotions with a new clarity. You might worry that you’re being self-centered — but the better you understand your own inner workings, the more you can show up for others with kindness and integrity.
When it seems like your progress has stagnated, it’s not always easy to determine where to assign the blame or what you could do differently. There are too many complex forces at work for you to point a finger at a single unsatisfactory relationship, bad habit, or poor decision. Today, though, it could become clear what’s been holding you back. Trust your instincts: If it’s time to let go of something that’s not working, you’ll know.
Left to your own devices, you tend to let your thoughts run wild, and you dream up the most exciting — but also most unrealistic — goals. You recognize this about yourself and sometimes overcorrect in response, curtailing the excesses of your imagination by only allowing yourself to work on projects that are feasible, even boring. But today, you might as well go for what you really want, even if it seems outrageously impractical. You might not get everything you hoped for, but the effort won’t have been wasted.
You’re sometimes hesitant to speak your goals out loud. Maybe you worry others will find them presumptuous, maybe you fear people will try to undermine you, or maybe it’s simply more comfortable to dream in private, where nobody else can intrude. But today, consider opening up about your intentions. For everyone who scoffs at your ambition or tries to stand in your way, three more people will admire your vision and show up to help. Make it clear that you believe in yourself, and you’ll discover that others believe in you, too.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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