Tyra Banks, a Sagittarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
Expect challenges today as the Sun in free-spirited Sagittarius squares off with Saturn, planet of discipline and limitations. You’ll probably feel pressure and frustration — but ignoring your responsibilities will only stress you out further. Unpleasant as it is, the only way out is through, so buckle down, face up to whatever has been weighing on you, and trust that you’ll be stronger on the other side.
You could feel torn today between the urge to take swift, decisive action and the competing desire to hole up and think. You can’t give yourself over wholly to either impulse, which leaves you stuck feeling dissatisfied and pulled in two directions at once. Instead of trying to force a resolution by suppressing either side of yourself, consider that the tension you’re feeling may have a useful role to play. Inner conflict isn’t exactly pleasant, but sitting with it can help you figure out how you truly feel.
You may not be at your chattiest or most outgoing today — which wouldn’t normally be a problem, except you’re probably also hungry for validation from others. You don’t necessarily want attention, but you do want reassurance that you’re not invisible; you want to be left alone, but you want confirmation that you’re loved. One solution could be to make an extra effort to reach out to your friends. If that feels like too much, though, just sit tight and trust that any loneliness you feel won’t last forever.
Most of the time, you view people — yourself and others alike — through the most generous lens possible. You’re not one to leap to bad-faith interpretations; if anything, you probably go too far in the opposite direction, seeing the best in people who have repeatedly wronged you. Today, it’s time to stop making excuses and see your relationships as they really are. Admit if something doesn’t feel right. Being honest is the first step to improving your relationships so they’ll work for everyone.
Even if you’re not usually one to second-guess your decisions, self-doubt may creep in today. You may fixate on choices you regret or be plagued by a vague sense that you went wrong somewhere along the way, that you missed out on something important. Give yourself permission to reflect, but don’t beat yourself up. Things always look different in hindsight. Maybe you made imperfect choices — but then, there are no perfect choices, and you did the best you could.
The busier you are and the more others depend on you, the harder it is to let yourself have fun free of guilt. You worry that you’re failing others or wasting your energy on stuff that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. But you’re probably putting too much pressure on yourself to be serious and worthy. Even if there are ways you want to change your life, guilting yourself won’t motivate you to do it. Give yourself permission to be silly sometimes. You’re only human.
Compromise can be healthy but not when you feel pressured to renounce the things that matter most to you or when it feels as if you’re the only one making any concessions. It’s easy to feel it’s your sole responsibility to make sure everyone around you is happy, but remember today that relationships are always a team effort. If you’re doing too much — or the other person is doing too little — a rebalancing is in order. It may not be comfortable to assert yourself, but it’s worth it to get the care you need.
You may have the unpleasant feeling that nothing you do today is good enough. No matter how solid your work is, the people around you never seem satisfied. Your challenge is to discern which of their points are valid and which you can safely ignore. Listen to criticism, but remember that sometimes people just want to complain. There’s no reason for you to take their gripes to heart.
There’s a part of you that feels stuck, lacking inspiration and sick of everything familiar. Yet another part of you wants to hold on tight to what you have, afraid to make a move lest you lose everything you’ve worked for. You understand that all change brings risk — but remember that stagnation also carries risk. And ultimately, staving off growth is likely to be worse for you than making a mistake or two in the process. Change won’t be easy today, but trust that it’ll be worth it.
Every time you try to take a risk or embark on a new experience, it feels as if the people around you hold you back. And while sometimes their protectiveness keeps you safe from your worst impulses, it can also prevent you from living a rich and interesting life. Today, your challenge is to find a way to be fully and unapologetically yourself without alienating the people you love. It may seem like a tall order, but it isn’t impossible: With compassion, communication, and some misunderstandings along the way, you can all get what you need.
The more you want solitude today, the more other people will seem to intrude. Your friends and colleagues seem to have a gift for interrupting you at the most inconvenient times; just as you’re settling into a feeling of calm, some emergency pops up. The best thing you can do is stop fighting it and accept that today’s going to be busier than you’d prefer. You’ll have peace and quiet later. For now, if you can prepare for little disruptions, you may even enjoy the action.
Putting your energy toward making others happy can be wonderful — a way to find meaning and connection in a world that’s often alienating and harsh. Your motives don’t have to be wholly altruistic; generosity feels good for you, too. Today, though, giving others what they need may make it harder to meet your needs as you get so wrapped up in accommodating everybody else that you forget about your own feelings. Keep caring for the people you love, just not at the expense of your own well-being.
There’s so much you want to do with your life. Maybe this means you want to achieve great things, but maybe you just want to live fully. The problem, of course, is that your time is finite; there’s no way to do everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Today, you may feel the pressure of time acutely, and it’s easy to respond by trying to live more efficiently, to cram in all the activity you possibly can. But that’s unlikely to set your mind at ease. You’ll be better off focusing on the quality, not the quantity, of your experiences.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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