Amanda Seyfried, a Sagittarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
Venus and Uranus make you hungry for excitement, adventure, and the unfamiliar today. While a desire for novelty can occasionally lead to poor decisions, right now it’s more likely to enrich your life than cause trouble. A fresh approach could provide a solution to an old problem, or a casual comment from a new friend could offer just the insight you needed. Stay open to new ideas and new people — no matter how unusual they seem on the surface — and you’ll be glad you did.
It can seem like you’re constantly forced to choose between the actions that lead to success and the ones that bring you joy, between the tasks that others want you to handle and the work that is satisfying to you. But today, miraculously, you might find that there’s more overlap than you thought: The work that gets you recognized by others is also the work that feels genuinely meaningful. You often have to prioritize and make sacrifices, but right now, it’s possible to make others happy and enjoy yourself, too.
Every once in a while, it’s important to try things you’re not sure you’ll like. Venturing outside your comfort zone can expand your life: New people can help you see the world in different ways, and new experiences can illuminate sides of yourself that you didn’t realize were there. This sort of growth can be uncomfortable, but it’s more likely to be joyful today. Don’t waste this opportunity to take risks, make mistakes, and learn about yourself. It’ll make you feel invigorated and alive.
Good things are happening in your life today, but you probably won’t notice them right away — all positive developments are taking place behind the scenes, which means the change is happening so slowly that you hardly realize it’s happening. You might feel like your friends are enjoying more wins than you lately, or like they’re somehow further along in life, but avoid the temptation to rush to catch up. Other people notice and appreciate you, even if they don’t always show it, and your hard work will pay off soon.
You have lots of different sides to yourself: There’s the role you play at work, the person you are in group settings, and the version of yourself that only emerges in private with certain trusted friends. It can be easy to forget that other people are just as multifaceted as you are, and that you’re not necessarily seeing their full selves, either. If you give people a supportive space to reveal new sides of who they are, or if you make a point of connecting with a casual acquaintance on a deeper level, you might be happily surprised by what you learn today.
Part of you loves to try new things, but another, sometimes louder, part of you fears you’ll mess up. You wish you could wave a magic wand that would make you good at everything — or that would prevent anyone else from seeing your mistakes, at the very least. But try to lean into the potential embarrassment. If you’re brave enough to take risks, in spite of the potential to look silly, you might find a hidden talent. Better still, you could discover that you’re enjoying the process of learning so much that you don’t even mind any stray errors.
You try to take your work seriously — which is not to say that you’re somber or humorless. You recognize that your time on earth is finite, so you do your best to make the most of it. If you want to make a difference today, though, your best bet might be trying to get a little less serious. The ideas you cook up “as a joke” could be better than any you come up with when trying to be professional; the insights that come when you’re laughing with your friends might change your life.
You’re a kind and loyal person, but sometimes, that doesn’t seem to get you anywhere. It often feels like others value flashiness and excitement over dependable goodheartedness, their heads turning as soon as somebody new walks through the door. It can be enough to make you question the way you operate or wonder if your generosity has held you back. But keep being you. Maybe it hasn’t seemed to pay off yet, but trust that people are quietly noticing how wonderful you are and that good things will come your way because of it.
You’re not the sort of person who talks just to hear your own voice — when you speak up, it’s because you have something important to say. While it’s good not to share every idea that floats through your head, you’re probably holding yourself back more than necessary. You don’t have to wait to chime in until you have something groundbreaking to share; try to be a little looser today. Others will enjoy your little jokes and casual observations just as much as they enjoy your big, important contributions.
Whenever you express dissatisfaction with your life, there are always people who jump in to tell you that the answer is simply hard work. The trouble is that you already are doing that, and it doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to put your head down, follow the rules, and work today. Sometimes what you need most is a lucky break, or to be in the right place at the right time — and that’s more likely to happen if you get out in the world and enjoy yourself.
You understand that self-doubt isn’t always a bad thing: A bit of healthy skepticism about your ideas can help you avoid embarrassment and regret, and thinking critically about your emotions and motivations pushes you to act in line with your beliefs. Try to have a little more faith in yourself. Instead of questioning your desires today, go after them; instead of worrying about whether you’re saying the “right” thing, speak from the heart. You’ll have time later to reflect. Right now, the most important thing is to live.
It’s hard to ever truly find closure; most of the time, you don’t get the answers or the sense of finality you hope for, and you just have to figure out a way to move forward anyway. But today, you could have cathartic conversations, come to life-changing conclusions, or simply discover that you truly are finally over it. Don’t try to force your interactions to be meaningful — trust that by going about your life with an open heart, you’ll get what you need so that you can have the fresh start you need.
If you want to fit in, it can feel like you need to keep your true self under wraps. You think that if anybody else knew what really goes on in your head they’d find you impossibly and off-puttingly strange, so you do your best to appear normal – even if you don’t feel that way. See what happens if you let your personality shine through today. The people who count won’t be turned off by your uniqueness; if anything, they’ll be drawn to it, because there’s a good chance that deep down, they feel just as weird as you.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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