Regina Hall, a Sagittarius.
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images
Sparks will fly as Venus, currently moving through independent Aquarius, faces off with Mars in Leo this morning. This energy could make you unnecessarily confrontational — eager to argue at the drop of a hat and not particularly interested in listening to anyone else’s point of view. But if you’re careful not to trample others’ feelings, it could also make life more interesting. It’s boring when everyone’s on their best behavior all the time: Don’t be scared to disagree.
It’s easy to get frustrated with the people in your social circle. You love your friends, but that doesn’t mean you don’t recognize their imperfections, and today, you might worry that their flaws reflect poorly on you. It can be tempting to share those frustrations — whether in an attempt to change them, or simply to blow off steam. But if an issue doesn’t concern you, try to avoid getting involved right now. Remember that it isn’t your job to fix anyone else, and trying will only damage the relationship.
It might feel like you’re facing impossible headwinds in your work life today. Maybe the people around you are standing in your way, maybe you have too much to do, maybe you’re struggling to figure out what you really want. The solution isn’t to give up: Instead, lean on your support system. The people closest to you are ready to fight on your behalf; they’ll do anything they can to make your life easier. Don’t take this love for granted.
Today, you might be unsatisfied with the parts of your life that seem boring or routine. You’re sick of going through the motions; you want a life that’s vibrant, surprising, and fun. But in your attempts to liven things up, it’s easy right now to end up doing too much: needlessly provoking others, starting too many new projects, getting involved in drama that ends up being more than you’re able to deal with. You deserve an exciting life — but as you build it, remember your limits.
A large part of you wants to smooth over any differences between you and the people around you, so that your daily interactions can be peaceful and uncomplicated. Yet there’s another part of you that wants to fight for your values, call out all behavior that’s thoughtless or unkind. You want to make people comfortable, but you also want to push them to be better, and it’s hard to resolve the tension today. Instead of getting tangled up in knots, find an outlet for your own energy and focus on how you can improve.
You want to be right, but even more than that, you want to be loved. And sometimes, it seems like the best way to build or maintain closer relationships is to avoid any conflict — by rolling over and giving others what they want. But today, it’s better to stand up for yourself, even if that creates friction with others. Refuse to be a pushover. Being firm about who you really are and what you truly want can be scary, but it’ll lead to more rewarding relationships.
You’ve been busy lately, your schedule so packed that you’ve had to let some of your routines slip. Maybe your living space has gotten messy, maybe you’ve had no time to take care of yourself. Flexibility can be necessary in the moment, but eventually the disorder begins to wear on you. Today, carve out some time for getting organized again. Tidying up might not be the most exciting work, but it can soothe your stressed-out mind — and it’ll stand you in good stead for the days to come.
Today, you’re probably feeling unusually curious about the people around you, friends and strangers alike. You’re not nosy, just interested — and they’re likely to respond in kind. It’s a great day for making new connections, bonding over surprising shared experiences, and finding collaborators. But don’t rush into serious relationships. It’ll take some time to know whether the spark you feel right now will turn into something lasting, or whether it’ll fade away as life gets in the way.
You might be feeling a bit stubborn today. When others offer feedback, you close your ears, and when they push you to change, you push back. It isn’t that you’re hostile to the idea of change itself; you just don’t like it when others act like they understand your life better than you do. But if you expend all your energy combatting people, you’ll end up exhausted with nothing much to show for it. Find something to work on that you truly care about — and that can take your mind off everyone else.
You love the thrill of a vigorous, wide-ranging conversation. Sometimes, you struggle to put your thoughts into words, or even to know what you really think, until you find someone smart to bounce your ideas off of. But today, a friendly back-and-forth could quickly become something more heated. It’s easy to accidentally hurt others’ feelings, or to take things too personally and end up upset. Be careful to pay attention to your emotions, and take a step back when you need to.
You’ve been working hard lately, and you don’t have much energy leftover for interpersonal drama or unnecessary confrontation. But in spite of your best efforts to keep your head down and avoid making waves, it might seem like everyone else is intent on pushing your buttons today. Trying to avoid it or respond mildly probably won’t help matters — sometimes, the only way out is through. So don’t be scared to respond with a little fire of your own. You may even find it invigorating.
It’s not that you want everyone to agree with you all the time — you just wish they’d recognize when you’re right. You’re a deep, intense thinker, and just because your ideas aren’t always conventional doesn’t mean they aren’t sound. But today, when your friends express opposing viewpoints, try not to see it as a personal affront. If you’re willing to talk it out, the push and pull of spirited conversation can help you both think more clearly, and can bring you closer together.
It’s important to have faith in yourself and dream big — but at the same time, it’s necessary to pace yourself. Today, be careful not to set your sights too high. If you expect too much of yourself, you’ll only end up disappointed; if you aim for impossible goals, you’ll get frustrated when you inevitably fall short. For now, focus on little projects, not earth-shattering ones. Each win, no matter how undramatic, keeps you motivated, and over time, they add up.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.
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