There’s an emphasis on planets occupying Earth and water signs this month, which may make it feel like we’re trudging through mud. However, that doesn’t mean that progress can’t be made. While we shouldn’t expect immediate results with the plans or goals that we’re working on, we can still lay the groundwork for what we want to achieve, especially near the new moon. Still, as powerful Pluto backtracks through ambitious Capricorn for one last time, it will challenge us (yet again) to release our outdated notions of success.
For the remainder of Virgo season, we’ll be asked to focus on the specifics of our plans. Many of us may be eager to make sweeping changes in our lives for the better, but Virgo reminds us that our attention to the most basic details usually enables us to accomplish our bigger goals. This information will be helpful as we ride out the waves of eclipse season. Eclipses bring change but can also exhaust and overwhelm us in the process. Under this month’s lunar eclipse in intuitive and imaginative Pisces, it could be easy to get caught in an undertow of emotions as we’re pushed to get introspective and honest about what we’ve been avoiding or where we’ve been too lax with our boundaries. Extra rest and recuperation may also be needed to handle whatever this eclipse hands out.
While active and assertive Mars travels through tenderhearted Cancer, we can expect it to add to the emotional turbulence. On a positive note, Mars in Cancer can help us to trust our instincts better, providing us with a valuable resource for navigating the choppy skies ahead. We can also harness Mercury in Virgo to help us stay calm and grounded, as it encourages us to look after our mental health and focus only on what’s necessary.
When Libra season begins on the 22nd, our attention turns to our connections with others. With Venus, Libra’s ruling planet, entering passionate and intimate Scorpio on the same day, we’re called to cherish our deepest bonds as they also hold the key to getting through the trying times we’re in. Mercury in Libra can help us identify win-win solutions if any friction arises in our relationships. Mercury in Libra also encourages us to explore the beauty around us.
Key dates
Your interior life is abuzz. Mars, your cosmic companion, visits Cancer, increasing activity in your home and family zone. As you work to address issues concerning your loved ones or your level of peace and comfort, you may need to spend more time nurturing yourself and your emotional well-being. You might also question your ambitions as your professional life comes under the microscope. The new moon in Virgo allows you to take stock of your workload and wellness so you can begin to make the improvements needed to support your success.
Around the lunar eclipse in Pisces, you may receive intuitive messages through dreams, creative bursts, or spiritual experiences that guide you away from anything that’s not in alignment with your happiness or best interests. Expect Libra season to help you identify the people who will gladly support you.
Your relationship to joy and creativity is centered this month as the new moon in Virgo encourages you to do more of what makes you happy, even if it means you have to be a little selfish. Conversations could get heated while feisty Mars treks through protective Cancer in your communication zone. However, it’s been said that anger can be a vehicle for authenticity. You may discover honest or emotionally revealing conversations as paths to more powerful experiences.
Around the lunar eclipse in Pisces, you might receive some cosmic support with finishing a goal or find comfort in letting go of goals that no longer interest or motivate you. This eclipse may also reveal your true friends and allies and those who aren’t. Once Libra season gets underway, cultivating more balance in your life will be beneficial. Aim to spend time with people you adore when Venus reaches Scorpio.
You may be in a money-minded mood. The new moon in Virgo brings attention to your home zone, which may motivate you to improve your sense of security and stability. Ambitious Mars activates your financial zone, inspiring you to increase your income or gain control of your finances, while the lunar eclipse in Pisces brings the spotlight to your career. During the month, cash could fluctuate for you. The lunar eclipse could signal the end of a job, but it could also push you to pursue or create a position you’ve always dreamed about.
If you’re unsure of what the future holds for you professionally, Libra season can be beneficial for rediscovering your passion, especially once clever Mercury arrives at the party. Libra season can also be useful for finding fun things to do to alleviate the stress of eclipse season. When Venus in Scorpio enters your wellness zone, making enough time for self-care will help you stay afloat.
It’s time to lock in, Cancer. The Virgo new moon lands in your zone of communication, sparking ideas, while Mercury in Virgo helps spark conversations and connections that enable you to execute them. Motivating Mars enters your sign, giving you a big burst of drive and determination. If there’s a change you want to make, an opportunity you wish to pursue, or a goal you’re trying to reach, Mars in Cancer aims to make you the hero of your own story.
Mars in Cancer will work to help you become a more confident version of yourself. However, it can also make you more irritable and impulsive. Harness Mars by channeling it into worthwhile projects. Allow the lunar eclipse in inspirational Pisces to help you break free of self-limiting beliefs and behaviors. When Libra season arrives, home and family may vie for your attention, but your personal time takes priority while Venus is in Scorpio.
September could be incredibly exhausting. During Mars’ stay in Cancer, you may have very little energy or enthusiasm to do much. However, maybe you’re in dire need of a timeout. Carefully consider how much energy you realistically have for new and existing obligations. While the new moon in Virgo might motivate you to seek new avenues of income, it might also inspire you to adopt a healthier lifestyle to support your mind and body better.
The lunar eclipse in Pisces will also help you change habits, patterns, or situations that may negatively affect you emotionally or financially. A greater need for boundaries may be the main underlying issue. During Libra season, filling up your calendar with events and activities will be tempting, though the word “no” will be your greatest ally against burnout. With all the tension that this month is bringing, Venus in Scorpio encourages you to seek refuge at home or in the loving care of your family.
Now that Mercury, your cosmic helper, is getting back up to speed, you should begin to feel your confidence and focus return. In the meantime, the new moon in Virgo provides you support in getting plans or ideas off the ground. Ambitious Mars will also support you while it remains stationed in Cancer, in your hopes and wishes zone. Mars may help you cut the cord on a one-sided friendship.
Relationships will be a hot topic for you under the lunar eclipse in Pisces. Around this time, you could have a revelation about someone’s true character and decide to end the relationship. You might also be working to strengthen existing connections. If so, make sure the responsibility of nurturing or improving the relationship doesn’t lie solely with you. Know that Libra season will remind you to value yourself and your time, while Venus in Scorpio encourages you to vet people accordingly.
Brace yourself, Libra. September will likely be incredibly busy, chaotic, or a mix of both. The new moon in wellness-focused Virgo highlights your zone of rest and retreat, inviting you to create more downtime in your busy schedule. Brainy Mercury also returns to this sleepy zone, increasing your need for tranquility. Use the energy of Mercury and the new moon to replenish your spiritual and emotional reserves.
While Mars in Cancer visits your career zone, there could be extra responsibilities or stress to manage due to job-related issues. Meanwhile, the Pisces lunar eclipse might call on you to reduce how much work you’re taking on or tend to a health matter. However, with Libra season kicking off your personal new year, now is an opportunity to reimagine your relationship with productivity and wellness. If you struggle with this, use Venus in Scorpio to clarify your priorities. Mercury in Libra will help you discover your next steps.
Eclipse season can be tense, but you should find September to be an exciting and promising month. If you’re craving more social life, the new moon in supportive Virgo grants your wish. Volunteering, joining a team or club, or attending more social events are great ways to meet new people or deepen your bond with friends. During Mars’ stay in Cancer, you’re encouraged to travel, enrich your mind and engage in activities that expose you to new experiences.
You’ll find the lunar eclipse in Pisces inspirational as it lights up your zone of creativity and self-expression. Maybe your dream is to put a creative work out into the world or to follow your passion. Perhaps you want to cultivate more joy, romance, or self-confidence. This is an eclipse that can help you flourish. When Libra season begins, you’re invited to rest and rejuvenate. With Venus in Scorpio, do a little something to spoil yourself.
You may be motivated to advance professionally under the new moon in hard-working Virgo. Even if you’re happy in your current position or field, consider ways to be more effective in your role or job. Perhaps it’s time to undergo some training or update your business plan. As decisive Mars travels through self-protective Cancer, it might be necessary to pull out of commitments that require much but give back very little.
Mars in Cancer could also stir up buried feelings and aggravate financial woes. There may be trust issues and boundaries to work on. With the lunar eclipse in Pisces shaking up your home life, unresolved family conflict, physical problems in your home, or anything else impeding your comfort will need to be addressed. Know you don’t have to face all this alone. During Libra season, seek the support of your friends and community. Make time to relax and step away from the fray when needed while Venus is in Scorpio.
Your usual routine and way of thinking won’t do it for you anymore as the Virgo new moon gives you the green light to venture out and engage with the world in new and enriching ways. Education, travel, publishing and media are all areas where you’ll find growth opportunities. Relationships could be challenging as spicy Mars visits Cancer brings friction to your partnership sector. Still, Mars could also introduce you to people who encourage and inspire you to step outside your comfort zone.
Communication and ideas are activated for you under the Pisces lunar eclipse, which could mark the completion of a project or contract. It could also motivate you to improve your skills, build your personal or professional network, or act on an idea you’ve been sitting on. Adopting a healthier mindset is encouraged, too. Libra season can be ideal for making career moves and business decisions, especially with brainy Mercury’s assistance. At the same time, Venus in Scorpio will be great for catching up with friends and socializing.
If there are things about your life that you’re unhappy with, September paves the way for you to make a change. The new moon in Virgo nudges you to find resources to improve your financial health and emotional well-being. It might also inspire you to merge resources with a partner, which could lead to greater financial security or intimacy. With Mars in Cancer adding tension to your work and wellness sector, you may be busier than normal. If you’re struggling to keep up, consider revamping your routine.
The lunar eclipse in Pisces asks you to reevaluate your priorities, pushing you to stop settling for less or undervaluing your talent and skills. Since financial concerns could arise, this eclipse may result in a new job, a bigger paycheck, or a more sustainable approach to money. Meanwhile, Libra season encourages you to think differently about the world and how you engage with it. Hint: Find the joy. Use Venus in Scorpio to grow your business relationships and boost your reputation.
This month marks the start of many exciting changes and promising opportunities over the next 18 months. With a powerful lunar eclipse in your sign, you’re poised for a personal victory. September starts strong with the new moon in Virgo in your relationship zone. Harness this new moon to grow your clientele or collaborate with people who complement your talents or skills. If you need a coach, mentor, or expert help, expect to find the right person.
While passionate Mars visits Cancer in your zone of joy and self-expression, your love life heats up, as does your magnetism and creativity. Confidence looks exceptionally good on you now, so don’t hesitate to put yourself out there, whether you’re ready for love or to claim your moment in the spotlight. Upon the arrival of Libra season, it may be necessary to address any fears of rejection or abandonment as you embark on the road to success. However, Venus in Scorpio will reward your courage.
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