Per the Wall Street Journal, the percent of Harvard MBAs graduating without a job 3 months later has hit a record level. 23% are without a job 90 days out — vs just 10% in 2022:
- 2024: 23%
- 2023: 20%
- 2022: 10%
Now you might find this interesting, but wonder what exactly it has to do with SaaS and B2B. Well, first of course as you scale, you may hire an MBA or two to help with partnerships, biz dev, finance, etc. You should hire one or two.
But beyond that, I think it speaks to the odd vibe in hiring non entry-level folks today. One of the MBAs in the piece complained he’d “applied to 1000 jobs” but hadn’t gotten any. Can you possible apply to 1,000 jobs and put any work at all into any of them?
Every CEO and CRO I talk to say no matter how many 100s and 1000s of applications they get, they are lucky if 1% truly stands out. Writes that incredible email, explaining exactly what they’d want to own, and how they’ll do it.
And because of that, I don’t know any start-up that thinks hiring is any easier today.
If you want that job, just reach out. Don’t be passive. Don’t AI Apply. Send that CEO the world’s best email, explaining how you’d make their life 10x easier. And how you’d truly own something that matters.
That email gets opened. Close to 100% of the time in my experience.