Not all reps are engaged in illegal activities and the ones who say that they don’t pressure customers into buying accessories that they don’t want or need are under pressure themselves. Not only do these honest reps have to meet the goals placed on them by the suits while competing against reps who are “cheating,” many of the reps walking the straight and narrow have to clean up after the ones that do traffic in fraudulent behavior.
Inside a T-Mobile store. | Image credit-T-Mobile
The rep found another customer care employee who (and we are quoting the ME’s post here) “fixed pretty much every fuck up.” Eventually, the customer cooled off and as she was leaving, she turned to the rep who helped her and said, “How do you guys do this? You must HATE it here”
“l do [hate my job]. It’s long hrs you don’t have any of your day to enjoy because its constantly being interrupted by work, no social life, it’s really easy to fall into a depression if you don’t hit goals, especially at a slow store and just GOALS GOALS GOALS.-Current T-Mobile rep
Another T-Mobile rep, responding to the one we quoted above, said, “Kinda same. I’m tired of having to listen and repeat all the justifications for the ways T-Mobile (especially TPRs) fuck their customers over. I’m the one who has to tell customers they’ve been fucked, and then I have to unfuck them. Why does T-Mobile never take any action, when I report every case of lying! Things are just getting worse and I have a hard time believing it will get better, especially with how they want T-Life and pickup orders to work.”
The whistleblower wrote me again this past week to tell me that after speaking to current Metro reps working at the store he once was employed at, changes have been made. Accessories that customers paid for and were previously withheld are now given to the customer who purchased them and receipts are being handed out. this dovetails with T-Mobile‘s statement to me.
“We do not tolerate fraud of any kind and take these claims very seriously. This situation occurred at one of our third-party retail locations and we have taken action to address it. We also continue to improve our monitoring systems so we can better prevent, identify, and respond to these types of issues.”-T-Mobile statement
Everything is not going to be changed in a flash, especially with certain behaviors that seem to be deeply ingrained in the organization. But this is a start. Still, until the industry is completely cleaned up, we will see statements like this from former T-Mobile and Metro customers: “I once had a T-Mobile rep tell me I should just pay a bill I did not owe because it would be easier than fixing it. This person did receive both barrels of my frustration directed directly at them for such a stupid comment. I will never be a T-Mobile customer again.”
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