To the surprise of absolutely no one who has ever worn a sports bra, a study has found that men are putting women off the gym. Of the women polled by Liverpool John Moores University, 72 per cent had received an unsolicited comment from a man while in the gym; 39 per cent felt intimidated by men during their workouts. If the men weren’t being sexually predatory, then they were huffing and puffing about having to share the equipment. Sounds about right to me.
Exercise has become a social occasion for younger generations; the gym is a place to socialise and be seen. Boutique gyms are the new nightclubs, and it’s normal now to see wellness influencers in matching designer Lycra and full faces of
The wide slate of activities at the expo included squats, deadlifts, and amateur boxing. A competitor mid-squat during one of the powerlift
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On a recent Tuesday night, rhythmic music played as students began to gather in the sensually lit GLOW Dance Studio off Talmadge Road in Toledo. Some came wit
A few years ago, when my doctor told me my back issues meant I needed to stop competitive running and segue into low-impact cardio, I rolled my eyes. But I quic