February has an increasingly positive, playful and whimsical vibe as the month progresses from Aquarius through to Pisces. And it’s also a little like having another December or festive season because Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, right before Aries and new astrological New Year! An excuse to party and play? Why not!
The Full Moon in Leo on the 12th February helps this vibe along too, making you feel generous, eager to be in company, and perhaps a little more childlike than usual. Jupiter and Mars turn direct after their retrogrades, and this shift always brings a boost of can-do, let’s do it energy. Activate ambitions! Start preparing for your spring and Astrological New Year resolutions.
Pisces season on the 18th February gives you a chance to deep dive into creativity, intuitive feelings and rituals, compassion, and self care. Pretend it’s the end of the year and you’re winding down, celebrating what you’ve achieved, and preparing to turn the page again.
Juicy tarot cards this February, Aries! Maybe a bit of a row; a conflict, rivalry, or a power struggle that you (inevitably) come out on top of. It’s time to sharpen those claws and have a tussle with someone who’s kind of been asking for it (and as a result, you feel no mercy about going all in.)
The Seven of Wands shows you’re in a competition or rivalry (probably more than one, actually, knowing you…) and The Emperor reveals this is about an unbalanced or contested power dynamic. This might be in work, friendship, family or even with a partner. The upper hand has been won and lost, and won and lost again. It needs to come to an even keel.
The Three of Wands shows that a sudden, unexpected and positive opportunity to discuss this, address it, and come to a fresh resolution will emerge. So, stay alert and stay focused on this. You can totally resolve it and get back to being top dog again!
You’re caught in a spider-web that was spun long before you even came on the scene and this is why you can’t fathom out what’s going on right now. You aren’t in view of all of the facts and background. The Moon shows you need to get the intel, the inside scoop and the history, so go ask questions and probe. It will be, as shown by the Eight of Coins, in a situation where nothing you do makes a difference or moves things on. You feel fatigued and frustrated by the lack of progress and kinda’ like giving up. Don’t just yet, Taurus. Go do some digging first. And with an open mind!
The Fool reveals that what you find will unlock a very obvious and positive next step. Don’t try and skip to it now because you need to full intel first – you need to discover the truth. Once you have, everything will become clear, and your way ahead will be illuminated. This is a month of revelations.
Don’t let your self doubt or fear hold you back from doing whatever it is that attracts you right now. Push all of that inner judgment aside and have a go – no pressure, no expectation. Just do it, enjoy it, and see what comes of it!
The Nine of Swords is the therapy card and urges you to say your worst fear out loud. Banish it from your mind’s space, and then get on doing whatever you’re wanting to do.
The Chariot shows this is a powerful moment of self belief that tips over into positive action and activates a new purpose for you. Maybe what you set out to do won’t land perfectly but, I promise, something great will come of it that sets you on a new course of action. Travel is well indicated.
The Seven of Coins shows the steps you take now, the seeds you plant, will last for years to come. This is a moment in time that you will look back on and say ‘thank goodness I did it’!
Unseen forces are conspiring to mentally drag something away from you – most likely a belief, opinion or mindset that really doesn’t do you any favours. The Five of Swords shows this will start with an argument. Your view will make you butt heads with someone you like / love / trust, and this will make you question yourself. Rightly so. You’re holding onto a belief that doesn’t match reality. You’re probably making yourself ‘smaller’ to protect someone who no longer needs or deserves you.
The Six of Swords sees you moving on from this with a new outlook. It’s a wake-up call, an epiphany, and a revelation that changes everything. And, happily ever after, the Queen of Cups shows this is about making yourself feel good, important, loved, and needed. Stop with this old self-limiting belief. Update your settings. You ARE fabulous. And deserve more.
February has got ‘upgrade’ vibes for you. This is something you’ve been thinking about doing for a long time, hence the evolving Seven of Coins, and it likely pertains to your appearance, wellbeing, money, job or home – something tangible.
The King of Swords puts you in control, thinking rationally and making a strategic plan of attack. You don’t just waltz into this willy nilly; there’s a pathway of tactics and checks to tick off.
The Ace of Wands shows this redesign is inspiring and exciting and you’ll love the results. It makes you so happy. It feels like a new leaf, a fresh start, a clean slate on which you can write a new and thrilling story. You love a makeover. Go make the makeover of all makeovers happen for yourself this Valentine’s!
The cutting Two of Swords shows that you need to make a decision this February about your career path and where you’re heading. Obviously onwards and upwards, as revealed by the ambitious and building energy of the Four of Wands, but where exactly?
If you have a firm mapped out strategy in your current plan, this is the month to activate that, take the next step, and begin applying or pitching your rise to the next level. You are ready and the stars have aligned to help you.
The other alternative is with The Magician. Have you considered self employment? Freelancing? Creative side lines? Entrepreneurial ventures? This card is a strong omen of all of that kind of work, so perhaps this is the time to also get more creative and inventive about how you earn, or add some kind of additional revenue stream to your portfolio.
You are so very capable, creative, organised, and practical. You can literally do anything… so make it something brilliant!
The only way out of this situation is through, so you have to face up to this and deal with it head on. There are no or short cuts or hidden tunnels. Libra, I know you don’t like confrontation, so don’t see it as such. See this situation as a thorny ball of wire that you are, with direct language, questions, and ideas, going to unravel and smooth out. The Nine of Swords shows you’re worried about it and dreading saying something. But it will be better than you think, and it will go easier than you hope. The end result is absolutely worthwhile.
The Knight of Swords walks beside you, lending his assertiveness and courage. He doesn’t back down and nor should you. The Six of Coins reveals an equitable and peaceful outcome will emerge that everyone can live with and feel good about. And it’ll be thanks to you and your mediation and patience. Get this sorted and feel relieved and empowered.
You might not realise it, but now is the right time to make that bold leap into the unknown -take a chance! Fortune favours the bold, and you are a bold character. The Queen of Wands is the adventurer of the tarot; the person who takes responsibility for living her life like an actual quest, an exploration, or an adventure.
The Nine of Wands shows you have cosmic backing and when you make a step, the Universe will meet it with good fortune and luck. Everything will go better than you think.
This project or quest relates to something long term and that will take up to a year to come to full fruition… But it starts now, this month. It might relate to wealth, health, work or home. And it definitely represents a step forward, a positive change, a new chapter. Get to it!
Well, well, well. Someone’s going to have the perfect Valentine’s day because these cards all promise love, romance, wish fulfilment and joy! The Empress is about love, family, fertility and nesting. The Two of Cups is about falling in love and feeling deeply connected to someone. The Star is a wish pass, letting you live a dream come true.
If you’re single, then the star signs at play here are Taurus, Libra and Aquarius. If you’re attached, then this is definitely a time to move this relationship to the next level, make a grand gesture, tell them how you feel, and deepen the commitment and bond.
If you’re happily single, then take this loving energy into your family and friendships. Show and share love, and receive it back. You are values and a bright light for the folk who know, and love, you. Embrace the love all around you this February.
You know how strong, smart and capable you are, right? I hope so, because you deserve the best. You work so hard and put so much effort into everything you do. And it gets noticed, I promise.
The Eight of Swords asks you to get out of your own way this February and stop focusing on the negative – the fear, the obstacles, the projected and perceived issues (that haven’t even arisen.) You do talk yourself down and out of prospects and opportunities sometimes – stop it!
Why? Because the Nine of Cups and Two of Coins are bringing some belated Christmas gifts your way in the shape and form of invitations, opportunities, promotions, pitches, and proposals. A veritable truck-load of new things to try, enjoy, pursue, and experience. Say YES to everything, banish your doubts, and welcome in this flurry of exciting energy. Dreams can come true. Believe it. You’re about to experience it!
You’ve missed something important. You’ve overlooked a golden opportunity that is sat waiting for your attention right under your nose. But don’t worry, it’s not too late. The Four of Cups asks you to look again, close to home. Look at what you already have in your corner… and consider what you’re not using fully.
The Lovers shows it could be a relationship, a friend, an admirer, a colleague, a potential ally and collaborator. This relationship has much more potential than you give it credit for.
The Hierophant reveals you can teach each other a great deal, pit your skills togethers and complement each other’s abilities, creating a new output or energy that takes it all to the next level. You do enjoy working solo but we can all go further faster with the help of others. Look again.
Someone is jealous of you and, unbeknown to you, this energy has been influencing your realm. Maybe you’ve felt fatigued, frustrated or nervous. Their spite and envy is shown by the Three of Swords which also asks you to identify it and remove this source of angst from your life. Withdraw, quit, block, walk away.
The Seven of Wands shows they feel they’re competing with you, even though you don’t ever antagonise or challenge them. The Page of Cups shows this could be a person you’ve known for a very long time, even from childhood. Maybe a friend, school mate or even sibling.
They just need to reboot their energy, recognise this isn’t a game, and get back to appreciating (vs envying) what you have or are. Give them space. Create a break in time so they can recalibrate… you don’t deserve this.
For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry’s TarotBella page
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