The most notable celestial event this week takes place on Wednesday when a solar eclipse occurs under Libra. While only a small portion of stargazers will see the eclipse’s visual effects, its astrological influence will be tangible across the globe and Zodiac. Solar eclipses typically usher in periods of rebirth, pushing us toward becoming better versions of ourselves.
Celestially speaking, this call to improvement makes sense. Solar eclipses involve a New Moon, which is typically a time of emotional recharging and recalibration, flying in front of the Sun, which governs our egos and connection to our life’s purpose. As the Sun is literally and metaphorically shadowed by the emotional Moon, we have a greater sense of who we are and who we’d like to be.
What can your sign expect to experience under the shadow of this week’s eclipse?
Your ruling planet, Mars, continues to fly through Cancer this week, increasing emotional sensitivity and your willingness to actively respond to what you’re feeling. Mars forms a harmonious trine with Saturn retrograde, currently in Pisces, at the time of the solar eclipse, which will serve as a tremendous boost of celestial good fortune. This aspect suggests a stronger resolve and a more confident sense of self.
As the Sun calls you to explore new avenues of personal development, Mars and Saturn retrograde’s trine acts as a catalyst pushing you in the right direction. Additionally, the tense opposition between your ruling planet and Ceres under Capricorn finally wanes. The stars are lining in your favor, Aries. Don’t be afraid to lean into these feelings of self-assuredness.
With Uranus retrograde’s ongoing presence under your sign and your ruling planet, Venus, flying through Scorpio, the stars indicate the potential for unexpected behaviors, ways of thinking, and general happenings this week. Uranus tends to turn our usual routines topsy-turvy, and Venus’ presence under Scorpio suggests a closing off of the heart or wallet, both of which are unlike you, Taurus.
Experiencing these changes to the norm can be a nerve-wracking process, but you have some celestial backup in the form of a trine between your ruling planet and Saturn retrograde under Pisces. This aspect locks in during the solar eclipse, opening your heart to new possibilities and lessening financial concerns. Don’t let your stubborn streak get in the way of your evolution.
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As the solar eclipse sets in under Libra, your ruling planet, Mercury, forms a nearby conjunction with Makemake, a dwarf planet governing our connection to the outside world and the energies we put into it. This conjunction highlights ways in which you can better the lives of those around you, yourself, or your community at large. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to lend a helping hand this week, Gemini.
A challenging square between this Mercury-Makemake conjunction and Ceres, another dwarf planet, under Capricorn suggests this endeavor won’t be without difficulty. Indeed, in this day and age, the idea of stretching ourselves any thinner seems nearly impossible. The stars counter with a suggestion that these acts of service can help offset burnout, not contribute to it.
The greatest potential for conflict occurs early in the week as your ruling celestial body, the Moon, faces off in two subsequent oppositions with Saturn retrograde and Neptune retrograde, both under Pisces. As the Moon wanes into its smallest crescent phases, these oppositions will highlight ideas, people, or behaviors we need to let go of in order to get to the next stage of personal development.
Sunday through Tuesday will be the best time to take stock of these potential detriments ahead of the solar eclipse on Wednesday. The eclipse encompasses every Zodiac sign but affects yours particularly, due to your celestial ruling body’s important role in the event. These transition periods might be tumultuous at first, but you’ll get through it, Cancer.
The most pertinent celestial event for you this week is Wednesday’s solar eclipse. Because your ruling celestial body is a major player in this event, you’re liable to feel its effects more strongly. With the Sun flying through Libra, an Air sign, your sense of self within your external community will strengthen. Individual ego gives way to the collective’s greater good, which can be a blessing and a curse.
There is never a wrong time to reassess your place in the world, but this can highlight areas where we’ve failed to do what’s best for ourselves and others. Avoid the prideful temptation to ruminate on what could have been, Leo. Instead, try looking at this as an opportunity to improve.
A propensity to problem-solve is one thing; the ability to do so judiciously is another. As admirable as your work ethic might be when it comes to detangling interpersonal conflict, this meddling habit tends to get you involved in battles that weren’t yours to fight in the first place. The potential for overstepping is at its highest early in the week when two notable oppositions occur under your sign.
First, a stand-off between Saturn and the waning crescent Moon puts your desire to help at direct odds with your need to limit your responsibilities and obligations. A subsequent opposition between the Moon and Neptune retrograde highlights flawed thinking. Don’t be so quick to assume you can solve someone’s problem better than they can, Virgo.
This week’s solar eclipse occurs as your ruling planet, Venus, flies under Scorpio. Scorpio’s influence on Virgo tends to bring about feelings of isolation, self-preservation, and even coolness toward others. This is a much different mental and emotional state than you’re used to, Libra. But just because this perspective is unfamiliar doesn’t necessarily mean it’s inherently negative.
With the solar eclipse occurring under your sign this week, all celestial signs point to significant transformation and rebirth. Consider how Scorpio’s influence can benefit you. You’ve been overextending your emotional and financial resources since you can remember. This week, the stars gently nudge you to a more discretionary attitude that allows you to reserve these finite assets.
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One of your sign’s greatest qualities is your ability to see the long game. You have a keen sense of the power flow between your internal and external environments. As the solar eclipse spurs rebirth and transformation across the Zodiac, your sign will be more likely than most to understand the purpose of the changes you experience. Others see the individual trees; you tend to keep your eyes on the forest.
A harmonious trine between Venus and Saturn retrograde under your sign and Pisces further strengthens this intuition. This planetary aspect indicates challenges or conflicts within matters of love or finances that it’s time for you to address. Luckily, the aspect’s positive nature promises prosperity on the other side of this confrontation.
An ongoing sextile between your ruling planet, Jupiter, and Chiron retrograde under Gemini and Aries colors your sign’s experience with this week’s solar eclipse. On its own, this planetary aspect indicates a connection between our innate desire to expand our horizons and acquire greater knowledge, represented by Jupiter, and our propensity to allow our emotional soft spots to govern our behavior.
Chiron’s domain centers around past experiences, hurt, and insecurity. Its favorable sextile with Jupiter suggests the stars are trying to show you how to use this pain for the better, either yourself or others. This week’s solar eclipse promises to bolster this emotional alchemy, positively transforming you into a stronger, wiser, and more compassionate version of yourself, Sagittarius.
The desire to evolve and improve is as natural as breathing. As Mercury and Makemake’s conjunction forms a tense square with Ceres under Libra and your sign early in the week, you might find personal progress feels limited or even stagnant. While these feelings of suppression can be frustrating, you mustn’t let them dishearten you. Indeed, giving up will ensure you don’t get the results you want.
Notably, this square occurs during the solar eclipse, further emphasizing the difficulties of the transformation ahead. The stars offer a silver lining in the form of two harmonious trines between your ruling planet, Saturn retrograde, and Venus and Mars. Whatever challenges await you, the stars indicate you’ll be able to handle them swiftly.
When someone or something reveals its true form to you, you would be wise to listen. As your ruling planet, Uranus retrograde, forms a challenging square with the waning crescent Moon under Leo early in the week, the stars signal an unwillingness to accept the truths standing before you. While you might think you’re protecting yourself by avoiding these realities, you’re actually doing the opposite.
The temporary discomfort of change is nothing compared to the prolonged damage of living out falsehoods. Uranus forms a far more positive trine with the nearly New Moon just two days later, this time under Virgo, signaling a clearer conscience and more pragmatic outlook. There’s no need to prolong the inevitable, Aquarius. Rip off the bandaid.
Your ruling planet, Neptune retrograde, flies in fleeting opposition to the New Moon just as it swings in front of the Sun to form this week’s solar eclipse. This celestial dance takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday, resulting in greater emotional shifts and calls for change around this time. Be wary of settling into beliefs that come from past hurt. Anxiety and intuition are two vastly different concepts, Pisces.
As the solar eclipse prompts a period of transformation and rebirth, things are bound to look and feel a bit different in your daily life. Luckily, Neptune continues its favorable sextile with Uranus retrograde, signaling a positive connection to even the most unexpected switch-ups. Go with the flow, and allow the cosmos to guide you to smoother waters.
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