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This week supports you breaking free of old ways of being. As Mercury races into Aquarius, we are reminded to play with different approaches to seeing, thinking, and moving. As the new Moon initiates a different cycle and Uranus moves direct once again, the momentum for change builds. And the end of the week welcomes February with a conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces that’s nothing short of magic. Your weekly horoscope for January 26-February 1, 2025, helps you access it.
January 26 | Moon Enters Capricorn
January 27 | Mercury Enters Aquarius
January 28 | Moon Enters Aquarius
January 29 | Mercury Conjunct Pluto + New Moon in Aquarius
January 30 | Uranus Direct
January 31 | Moon Enters Pisces
February 1 | Venus Conjunct Neptune
January 27, 2025, brings the movement of Mercury into Aquarius. In astrology, Mercury rules our minds, thought processes, and communication. As the planet zips through the cosmos more quickly than any other celestial body, our minds race along with it. As it enters a different sign of the zodiac, our minds take on the energy of that zodiac, seeing the world through its lens.
With our minds influenced by Aquarius, we are guided to look beyond the norm. To peer outside existing structures and patterns and open ourselves to new ways of thinking, perceiving, and creating. To ask ourselves, how can I see this differently? Is this really what I think, believe, want to live by? What exists beyond what I am currently seeing, thinking, perceiving?
Shortly after Mercury enters Aquarius, it comes into conjunction with Pluto, our planet of the underworld, on January 29, 2025. While Mercury rules our minds, Pluto rules the depths of our unconscious. As Mercury and Pluto come together, we meet what exists within us that has previously gone unnoticed, unclaimed, and unloved.
It is a time of profound psychological and emotional insight and an opportunity to come together with parts of ourselves that have been waiting for our own presence and acceptance so that healing may begin. It invites an open stream of awareness, traveling from unconscious to conscious and back again, in service of empowerment and transformation.
Also on January 29, 2025, just a few hours after the conjunction, we experience the first new Moon of the year. Whenever we meet a new Moon, we are invited to begin again. It is the start of a new cycle and an invitation to tune in and observe where our intuition and desires are guiding us.
Aquarius is a sign that looks beyond existing structures and toward what lies ahead. As the vibes around and within us vibrate with the frequency of Aquarius, there is an invitation toward possibilities and expansion of consciousness. Under this new Moon, explore the energy of liberation. How does it feels in your being?
After five months of retrograde motion, Uranus finishes its perceived backward spin this week. The ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus brings the change, innovation, and even restlessness required for creation.
As Uranus stations direct on January 30, 2025, things begin moving forward once again. This continues the expansion, liberation, and futuristic invitations initiated by the new Moon a day before and builds on the momentum. Change, possibility, liberation, and inspiration become more available as experimentation, intuition, and creativity call our name.
Toward the end of the week, we experience the conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces. Venus is our planet of love and beauty, partnership and harmony. Neptune, our door into the sacred, is our planet of imagination, art, compassion and dreaming. As these two celestial bodies come together on February 1, 2025, they bring about heightened imagination.
This is a day for beauty, creativity, and compassion. It is a moment in time asking that we seek, find, and feel the overwhelming magic available in each moment, whether found in a feeling, a flower, or silence. Open yourself to magic and you will find it everywhere.
What begins to come into question this week is what happens to your patterned ways of being and thinking when you place your liberation front and center? Your answer lies in your weekly horoscope.
Life is bringing new ideas and vast potential your way. Open your mind and welcome it all in. As the week continues, anticipate inspiration and change to your relationship with money and an invitation to let go and swim in the waters of the sacred.
This week brings awakening. Let yourself see yourself anew. Let yourself dance in the direction of your desires. There are new chapters for your identity, purpose, career, and life direction that await.
This is your week to experience your mind as if it was a playground. Could it be that your consciousness expands far beyond your physical brain? Could it be that it connects to vaster potential, ideas, and thought patterns existing in the ethers? Open yourself to this idea and you will find expansion in return.
Liberation calls your name. As is deep empowerment and self-reclamation. This week invites you to travel through your emotional body, meeting any spaces or patterns that consciously or unconsciously feel as if they hold power over you so you can bring your own love and take back your own power.
Accept and celebrate yourself, Leo Rising – and you will naturally create relationships where you can be yourself free of contorting or hiding. This week brings an opening in how you relate with others, and it invites a new chapter in your career, life direction, and sense of purpose.
Befriend change. Welcome more inspiration and experimentation into your days. Find the sweet space between routine and openness, structure and inspiration, and your life will be richer from it through healing in both your perspective and your relationships.
This week asks that you feel creativity moving through you and into art, whether through dance, painting, poetry, or something else. Express yourself. As Uranus stations direct, stagnant emotions and fears begin to unravel and find liberation.
This week invites you to explore all that was planted in your formative years. You have new perspectives to offer this part of yourself, updates to share, and ways of thinking to rewrite. Emotional healing, creative inspiration, and heart opening are calling to you.
It’s a week to play with new ideas, welcome new ways of thinking, and see all that exists within your mind and within this world from a new vantage. Liberate thought patterns and explore new routines.
This week invites liberation in your relationship to tangible resources. As you think a new way and look into different possibilities and realities for yourself, you heal your relationship with worthiness. Also waiting for you are greater creativity, inspiration, and self-expression.
Your weekly horoscope celebrates the becoming of who you are, the visions that call your name, and the values and ideals you choose to live by and create your world. Let yourself create new foundations of safety within your being.
It’s a week filled with your essence. With beauty and imagination, divinity and creativity. A week inviting you into the solace of your own space and remembering the sacred that exists within your own uninterrupted frequency. There are new dreams, visions, creations, and ideas waiting for you there.
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