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This week opens us to new potentials. As Aquarius season begins, our minds and awareness expands. As the week continues, we also experience a call inward to our emotions, our depths, and our underworld as the Sun conjuncts Pluto and Mercury opposes Mars retrograde, each of which are a catalyst for healing and transmutation from within. Your weekly horoscope for January 19-25, 2025, explores where to focus your awareness.
January 19 | Sun Enters Aquarius; Moon Enters Libra
January 21 | Sun in Aquarius Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius; Moon Enters Scorpio
January 23 | Mercury in Capricorn Conjunct Mars in Cancer
January 24 | Moon Enters Sagittarius
As the Sun shifts into the zodiac sign of Aquarius from Capricorn this week, a new astrological season begins on January 19, 2025. Aquarius season brings a change of pace. As we shift from earth to air, we shift from a slower pace to quicker movement. As we explore this air sign, time seems to speed up.
Air signs bring us into our minds and expand our perspective through altered thinking and seeing. Aquarius is our sign of the humanitarian. Acutely aware of our interconnectedness, it supports the whole. Also a sign of innovation, liberation, and independence, it is an archetype that invites us to embrace our individuality—to be free in the expression of who we are. This is how we contribute to the collective and to life itself. Aquarius invites us to peer ahead with new ways of seeing and thinking. It also reminds us that we are here to bring evolution into motion.
This week invites us to liberate ourselves from any limitations, fears, conditioning, and patterns that keep us from being who we truly are. It’s a time to give ourselves permission to go our own way and be our own person. To feel the liberation that comes with releasing outside noise that tells us—whether consciously or unconsciously, subtly or overtly—who to be and how to live. It is a season to welcome new possibilities and peer into different ways of going about our lives that are liberating, pleasurable, and bring about the change we have been awaiting.
Pluto entered Aquarius late last year and will remain here for two decades. Whenever a planet travels through the realm of Aquarius during this time, it will come into conjunction with Pluto. A conjunction is when two cosmic beings come together and, for a moment, become almost one and express a shared energy. This week is no different as the Sun enters Aquarius and conjunct Pluto on January 21, 2025.
In astrology, the Sun is our sense of self, personality, life force, and our souls’ truest expression. Pluto is our planet of the underworld, the unconscious, psyche, and depth. As Aquarius opens us to new frequencies and liberating change, Pluto initiates a cycle of death and rebirth, transforming us for the sake of empowerment and truth.
When the Sun and Pluto come together in Aquarius this week, our conscious and unconscious selves come together—what we outwardly express and the depths within that rarely see the light. Together, these two cosmic beings begin to blend what is known and unknown within us and offers us the space to integrate these aspects of ourselves into our consciousness. Create a safe and accepting space for your emotional body and conscious awareness to come together.
Mars has been retrograde since December 6, 2024. On January 23, 2025, the seemingly backward planet comes into direct opposition with Mercury. During an opposition, planets are literally on opposite sides of the cosmos and acting in seemingly opposite directions. While Mars in Cancer brings us into our emotional body, Mercury in Capricorn wants us to think practically and logically.
Mars retrograde in Cancer has been bringing us back in time so we can become aware of the foundational patterns, emotions, and fears from our formative years. It has been asking us to find a sense of safety within and to come into respect for our emotional world and our needs. Mercury in Capricorn compels us to look ahead, think practically, and plan our visions and goals into grounded action.
An opposition can feel like two aspects of ourselves wanting to go in different directions. Yet oppositions also allow us to find a space where these two seemingly separate sides of us can work together. Emotions aren’t separate from goal planning. Rather, they can inform and support our logical thought and next actions. Fears can be observed with rationality and offer insights and awareness. And safety can be felt within as well as created without in our tangible reality.
As the Sun shifts zodiacs signs, everything shifts with it. Aquarius season asks you to observe what your mind opens toward. Become curious as this is a conduit for liberation. Let yourself be open, let yourself see things in a new way, and let yourself be guided by evolution itself. Your weekly horoscope explains how.
This week invites you to look ahead and explore the depths of your body as well as the potential that awaits you once you create greater safety within yourself. Where in life are you ready to step forward, take a leap, and be seen?
It’s a week to observe where you place authority. Have you claimed your own authority for yourself and your life or is it based on people, structures, or ideas outside of you? This observation comes with the awareness to become the leader of your own life.
This week brings an expansion of your mind, awareness, and perspectives. It invites new ways of experiencing the world, yourself, and your potential. Allow yourself to surrender to the ride. As you tend to your inner safety, you tend to your relationship with resources.
Liberation is found within your own body, psyche, and emotions. It is found in knowing, accepting, and loving all of yourself, both the light and dark. This week, let your emotions guide you into your depths. This is where empowering transmutation takes place.
Leo Rising
This week desires the freedom to be who you are. Observe who you are alone and who you are around others. Become aware of any patterns or environments that prompt you to dim, shift, or hide yourself. In that awareness, begin to bring change.
It is a week to find safety within organization, liberation within focus, and freedom within intention. Bring your energies together in a clear and coherent way and decide where you desire to move and how you desire to shape your days. This will help you cleanse and organize your mind, body, vibe, home, and life.
Welcome to a week that desires the most liberating, freeing, and truthful expression of who you are. Take off the shackles that keep you small or dimmed and celebrate all that makes you uniquely you. Bring patience to your vision and direction as there is more yet to be revealed.
Befriend your emotions. Tend to your needs. Hold your inner self. It is in learning how to be your own safe space that freedom, empowerment, and new ways of being find you this week. In becoming your own home, you will liberate yourself and allow in new visions.
Let your mind play this week. It is a channel to the cosmos, a tuning fork for new consciousness, and a magnet for alternate ideas and ways of thinking. This playfulness will open your perspectives while you create a stronger connection to your intuition.
What does security feel like to you? Security within your body, your tangible world, your finances, and your relationships? This week desires to take you there. Feel this safety and security within your being and your weekly horoscope so that it may reverberate out into all areas of your life.
Welcome to your season. It’s a time to open and expand who you believe yourself to be, creating space for your identity and self-concept to surprise you anew. A time for new life force to begin streaming through your body. A time to meet more layers of who you are.
Observe where your energy moves this week. There is something calling you inward, into the silence, and into the sacred. This is where a beautiful and nurturing release and regeneration can be found. Let rest prepare you for the rebirth coming your way next month.
Learn more about the influence of the Moon and planets on your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.
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