Jennifer Dahbura
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This weekly horoscope coincides with the first full moon of 2025 on January 13. The full Wolf Moon in Cancer steams our emotions despite the weather calling for a cold front. Passions are rising as we yearn for our dreams to become real. No matter how big or small our hopes, wishes, and goals are, we should always strive to align with what adds pleasure to our lives.
Jennifer Dahbura
December 22 – January 19
PSA: The cosmic climate is frigid and harsh with an extreme windchill this week. Watch out for silly conversations heightening into fights due to the fierce energetic vibes. Having the final word or proving facts has never been important to you until now. It’s not like you’re trying to escalate matters or intensify arguments, but you are asserting your views and wanting others to acknowledge that they aren’t as in the know as they thought. Being right is important to most, but sometimes you have to look the other way to avoid unnecessary arguments that can augment and destroy friendships.
Jennifer Dahbura
January 20 – February 18
Your confidence will waver throughout the week. As a result, it may be hard for you to express your emotions clearly to others because you fear that you’re being judged. To be real, your besties are going to embrace your sentiments and boost you up. They want you to shine and be happy. Know that your pals can be a source of healing, wisdom, and guidance in your time of need if you decide to open up to them. Call upon your squad for support and love — that is why they are in your life.
Jennifer Dahbura
February 19 – March 20
To commit or not to commit? That is the question keeping you up at night. You’ve been flirting hard with your crush, but you aren’t sure whether you’re ready to take the connection to the next level. Before making a decision, you should contemplate if you genuinely want to be in a relationship at this moment in time. You might wanna keep things light and see where it goes. It’s not that you’re uninterested, it is because you don’t need the extra pressure of being in a serious relationship — especially if you currently have lukewarm feelings for them.
Jennifer Dahbura
March 21 – April 19
Look at you, Aries, being the shoulder your friends are crying on this week. That’s right, you are taking a softer approach to connecting with others. You’re opting to be the voice of reason that offers guidance and advice to the people you love. At times, you may get a little defensive because you are protective of your BFFs. However, you’ll come to see that you can’t control what they do, but you can hold their hand when they ask you to. You could win the “Excellent Friend” award if you play your cards right — lucky you!
Jennifer Dahbura
April 20 – May 20
The semester just started, and you’re considering your next big vacation with your crew. Before you plan the trip, ensure everyone agrees on the exact location. There might be many squabbles if you don’t check in with them because everyone has their own opinion about how to spend their time and money. Once you are all in agreement, you should discuss the practicalities of the getaway. Even if you feel as though you’re being a brat with the details, it’s important to make sure everyone is on board from the get go so you don’t have setbacks down the road.
Jennifer Dahbura
May 21 – June 20
Now that you have a minute to slow down and think about the relationships in your squad, you find that certain members aren’t treating you as you should be. You don’t want to cause a scene or get into the dramatics of the situation, but you do deserve to be surrounded by those who are always on your side. You always ride hard for others and want to be treated the same way. Therefore, you might want to put some of these peeps on ice and only hang out with the ones who have proven their loyalty and dependability to you.
Jennifer Dahbura
June 21 – July 22
Coming correct about what you want in relationships will take time; however, you’re on the path towards evolving partnerships. You’re looking for peeps who will never let you down and aren’t shy in expressing their emotions. Although it’s not a tall list, you might want to tinker down on the specifics because it’s broad. Manifest the TLC you yearn for. Do not be apologetic about what you wish for. You’re the best crab, so you deserve to be surrounded by people who are on an equal footing. Never settle for anything or anyone that gives you less than you expect.
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Jennifer Dahbura
July 23 – August 22
You are in your own class, so it makes no sense for you to compare yourself to others. But, you may be a smidge envious of a frenemy who’s the teacher’s pet and adored by the entire student body. If you’re feeling jealous about a peer’s accomplishments or a classmate’s success, ask them how they got to this excellent point. Honey attracts more bees than a hater; therefore, being kind to get the tea is vital. Their advice will help you attain baller status (not that you need to because you’re already fabulous) and be at the level you desire.
Jennifer Dahbura
August 23 – September 22
Being unsure about the future with your boo/crush is bringing up a lot of insecurities. In fact, you might go as far as to test them to find out what is in store for the relationship. The caveat is that you won’t get the insight you require to make an informed decision, leading to another series of questions. The best way to suss things out is to listen to what your heart is telling you. More importantly, trust your gut. All the information can be found within, which is why you need to lean into your truth and own it.
Jennifer Dahbura
September 23 – October 22
Taking charge and being assertive isn’t how you usually deal with problems, but you’re finding it’s the only way to comprehend those you’ve quarreled with. Be honest with your feelings and listen to what your friends and family say. A resolution can be found and made if you work towards forging an understanding of the situation. That way, the same issues won’t come up again since you’re dealing with the root of the matter. Adulting is hard for everyone, but this simple act of maturity will prove that you’re making headway and progress in resolving conflict without the extra theatrics.
Person with a long braid looking intense.
Jennifer Dahbura
October 23 – November 21
Designing the next chapter for the new year is challenging because you are unsure of what you envision. Before you start obsessing, know that your transformative nature was born to roll with the punches. Think of this as an opportunity to paint a new canvas with all the colors and outlines that interest you. This mindful activity allows you to realize that 2025 is unwritten. You can create your destiny and craft the life you’ve been dreaming of. Don’t be your worst enemy; let go of the constraints holding you back. Be free to do what you want.
Jennifer Dahbura
November 22 – December 21
Even though 2025 just started, you’re already bailing on resolutions. It’s not that you’re unwilling to fulfill the promises you made to yourself, rather that the plans aren’t aligned with what you want to bring to the table this year. Instead of changing things, work on evolving them or breathing new life into your passions. You can switch gears at any time and give attention to the endeavors that bring you joy. Think of what makes you smile, and your heart beat faster — move towards envisioning that idea and sentiment. Before you know it, you’ll be hot to go!
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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue
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