Here’s what the ancient Tarot cards have to say about your Sun sign for this week:
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
The Universe wants you to face up to your duties and responsibilities to your home, your family, your workplace and your nation. Whatever you do to avoid it, will bring you back to facing it. It’s no longer about blaming others, it’s about accepting ownership for your life and where you stand in the scheme of things. How can you be a better professional? How can you be a better parent? These are the questions you should be answering with your actions. Financially expect gains, and professionally you could find the favour of those above you. Self employed Ariens will attract business opportunities through networking. Health matters require a little more care.
Taurus Apr 20- May 20)
No more sitting on the fence. Speak out for what you believe is to be true. Unexpected enemies may pop out from nowhere and challenge your position and now is the time to defend it. If there are obstacles on your path, look at them as tests in perseverance. You will get what you want dear Taurean, but do be patient and for heaven’s sake, don’t give up now. In personal relationships you may need to be a little more diplomatic with the people who are doing nothing but wasting your time. Avoid gossip, as it could lead to a misunderstanding. Financially a good month and if you’ve made a bucket list, you could very well start ticking off things on it! Health matters show little progress, you may consider a second opinion.
Gemini (May21- June 20)
Place your needs first. Make self-care a priority. Say no if you need to. And take time off work if you feel you need time to just rest. Avoid taking on new projects now, especially if you know they will be tiring. Nourish your soul, watch your diet and be kind to yourself. Friends and family come forward to remind you how much you are loved. And with a positive mindset, you can get to a better place mentally. A holiday may be just the thing your soul craves. And if the stress levels get too much, switch off the phone and go outdoors. Money matters show stability. Health matters require patience.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Your sensitivity can be a curse and a blessing. But in the days ahead it will be a blessing indeed. You are able to sense situations and gauge energies to your advantage. You may find yourself getting drawn to a cause, or to the Arts. A lovely phase begins for exploring your creative side – writing, music and art bring joy your way. Even in relationships, you find yourself understanding why people behave the way they do. Your compassion will be rewarded. Professionally, the cards ask you to think out of the box, to ideate and to envisage a totally different way of doing things. Your talents will bring you to the limelight, so go on and showcase your skills. Financially things may appear to be slow, money that was owed to you will take its time, and you may find yourself wondering if you will ever achieve all your dreams. Good things come to those who wait. Health matters look good, just makes sure you are getting enough sleep.
Leo (July 23- Aug 22)
If you’ve always been the kind who’s allowed people to take advantage of your niceness then some voice inside you may urge you to recognise your limits. Even in matters of the heart, you may suddenly feel you’ve given enough to a relationship or an organisation and walk away. With few regrets and complete detachment. A part of you gets tired of routine and predictability and you may surprise yourself with your bouts of bold impulse. Be careful when you go shopping though as you may end up with something overpriced and useless. Financially there may be fluctuations but nothing to worry about in the long run. Professional advice may be considered with respect to financial, legal or property matters and you are advised to be ultra patient in the months to come.
Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)
Time for some troubleshooting. One thing gets sorted but another needs attention. Expect to do quite a bit of multi-tasking in the days ahead. At work you may feel like you’re doing the job of three people but you know deep down, how capable you really are. Family matters may be a source of concern especially the ailments of a loved one. Or you may be expected to attend or get involved in a social gathering despite your protests. Healthwise, it may be annoying with frequents bouts of cough and cold but should improve with preventative care. Money matters are in control, but unexpected expenses may lead to a little bit of a worry. Relax, you have everything under control.
Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)
Time to put yourself and your needs first. Take better care of yourself. Be it upskilling yourself. Enlisting in a new fitness regime. Or meditation. Tap into your talents or take up classes in your spare time to nurture your gifts. You may realise that you’ve been wasting your energy doing things for people who will never appreciate you. Jobseekers are sure to find a suitable job earlier than they imagined. Those keen to change jobs may find the right opportunities. All in all, good luck comes your way not out of fluke, but because somewhere you do deserve it. Be mindful of your posture, especially your back and your feet. Money matters show long term gains.
Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)
Stay put and stop complaining. Things will only get better when you stop running away with your fears and stay in the present moment. Train your mind to what is working rather than what is going wrong and this phase shall pass. Professionally, you may find yourself meeting quite a few people like yourself. Your drive and ambition will not go unnoticed, but you may need to slow your pace down and not take on more than you can handle. Avoid promising if you doubt that you can deliver. At work, politics may work against you so stay clear of the gossip-mongers and do not take sides. On the personal front it may be time to confront some unpleasant experiences or habits from the past that no longer serve your growth. Domestic harmony returns after a period of tension and strife. Money matters show a need to be a little careful while signing documents. Do be a little careful with your valuables.
Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)
Your powers of concentration are high, and you have the skills and abilities to strike out and make a mark. You may start your own business, or you may take on a leadership role in your organisation. Your networking abilities are great, and you may find yourself writing, speaking, presenting or connected with some new technology. Just try not to get carried away and neglect your loved ones. A new person you meet could turn out to be Mr or Miss Right, so keep an open mind and wedding bells could ring sooner than you planned. Married couples may go through a few power struggles now, but things should subside. Health matters look good. Be mindful of unnecessary expenses.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)
Healing, letting go, moving on are keywords in this phase.You learn just how liberating it is to forgive and be free. Or you may find yourself maturing and discovering new facets to your personality. Sudden upsets may be blessings in disguise. And if relationships go through a stormy, unsettling phase you will realise in the long run it was for the best. Try not to expect too much from everyone and if you can apply the golden rule of communication, ensure all lines of communication remain open in your personal and professional life to prevent miscommunications. Workwise you may suddenly desire to break free or quit with no plan in mind. Avoid being impulsive in work matters. Money matters show a definite upswing. Health matters seem to be under control.
Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
You are stronger than you believe. Every challenge, crisis and obstacle that is placed in our path is a reminder that we can and will cross it. This phase will bring with its shares of highs and lows, sudden developments may leave you dizzy for a second but once your regain your balance and use your analytical mind you should be able to succeed. A dominating woman may need to be avoided. And in terms of home and family, you may begin to feel a little lonely as you see how independent everyone is becoming. If you’ve been taking care of your health lately, you’ll soon start seeing positive results. Someone may want to borrow money again, it’s up to you to say yes or no.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
New beginnings. It could be a new job. Or an investment that proves lucky. Or simply a more positive outlook to life. Your good vibrations will attract likeminded people into your life. And you realise how far you have come. Leave the past behind you and start afresh dear Piscean. This is your time not to repeat mistakes but to learn from them. A wonderful phase begins for domestic matters, families get closer, marriages get stronger and vows are taken under the influence of this card. You realise that you can’t do anything without the support of others and deep down you understand that all of us are connected to one another in some way. And you have learnt well. Involving yourself in humanitarian work or even doing a little charity work will be extremely fulfilling. Money matters require you to be a lot more organised.
AriesMaintaining a balanced diet and an active lifestyle will keep you healthy. Keep enough cash on hand in case an urgent transaction arises. Though it may f
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20)You will be getting a strong intuition throughout tomorrow for sharing your emotions with others more than ever before. It’s a good tim
Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Gemini.Happy Birthday for Thursday, March 6, 2025:You aspire for