Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Find out what is really troubling you before you lash out at someone. Tempers may be high or you could find yourself triggered by the smallest of things. Be mindful while sending a message in a bad mood. And do remember to get some quiet time if you find yourself unable to relax. Delays in a project may be frustrating but give you more time to fine tune things. Family matters run smoothly as long as you maintain boundaries with women who take far more than they give. Dues that were owed to you will be received. Health matters look good but do take time out to de-stress. Spending time with nature helps bring back inner harmony.
Taurus Apr 20- May 20)
It’s not about what you know but who you know. Reach out and network. You may attend a conference or a workshop and connect with like-minded souls. A former colleague may reconnect for a favour or some good news. Watch out for people who promise and then conveniently forget. A young man in the family may need your direction and wisdom. Singles can come close to finding the right person. Engagements can be announced in this phase. Watch out for impulse spending. Recovery is assured if ailing.
Gemini (May21- June 20)
There’s so much to do and so little time. Everyone seems to want something from you and you may find it hard to say No. Get a little organised and focus on the priorities first. An easy project turns out to be quite a laborious chore. Not a time to quit but to dig deep and find the strength to keep going. Children bring a pleasant surprise. And if you were planning on a family there could be good news in the months ahead. Money matters require a little caution, especially when interacting with smooth-talking sales people. A recurring health ailment shows signs of recovery.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
If you’re beginning to feel stuck or stagnant, ask yourself how you may be blocking yourself from advancing or growing and begin to do something about it. You understand that no one can help you but yourself and it may take great effort but it will be worth it. A little self-motivation goes a long way. In personal matters, there may be a little frustration with someone who doesn’t want to commit. Perhaps its time to bring in some fun and spontaneity in your personal life to make things a little more exciting in your personal life. Money matters show slow gains. A promotion may be due, but for now just be patient. Health matters show swift recoveries.
Leo (July 23- Aug 22)
There’s excitement in the air. Perhaps something catches your fancy. Or you get to work on a prestigious project. Or you manage to make a breakthrough in your work. Changes in the workplace lead to positive outcomes. Even at home you wont feel like sitting around doing nothing. You may entertain guests. Or enjoy a night out or two. Students could find this phase invigorating. And if you were wondering if you should study again, now is the best time to get started. Health of a young family member may need extra attention. You may give or receive gifts of money. Charity work and donations bring special blessings your way.
Virgo (Aug 23- Sept 22)
Expect the unexpected. Plans may suddenly change at a moment’s notice. Or a sudden event could cause you to rethink things. Don’t bite off more than you can chew right now. Better to take the tried and tested route rather than experiment with a new idea. In matters of the heart, a parent may require extra attention or reassurance. Sudden expenses may throw your budget off a bit but don’t worry you will soon make up for it. You may even plan to move to a bigger home or relocate in the months ahead. Health matters require a little more stress management.
Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)
Look at the big picture. See how much you have evolved as a person and a professional. Not a time to make any hasty decisions but to sit back and take stock of where you are and where you’d like to go. A chat with your boss may be just the thing you need to plan for future growth. In matters of the heart, you may feel nostalgic or miss someone from your past. Don’t get too lost in emotion, but look at things realistically and realise it may be time to let go and move on. Health matters look good. And old dues may be returned. Avoid lending or borrowing until you’ve sorted out your finances.
Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov21)
Feeling secure is not all about money and possessions. Your influence expands and you win the respect and goodwill of your colleagues. Recent developments have shown you to be capable and you’re en route to greater success. Work on your interpersonal relationships and make sure to share credit where it’s due. You may feel loving and generous with loved ones and pamper them with gifts or a special night out. Don’t hold back. The more you give, the more you will receive. Health matters show stability but a need to be mindful of seasonal allergies. Money matters show slow and steady growth.
Saggitarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)
Stand tall and show them what you’re made of. Gradually, you begin to step into the shoes of a leadership role. Realise your power and walk in it without self-doubt. You’re a powerhouse, but sometimes you can shrink and if you are in a position of authority, don’t be surprised as more and more people turn to you for guidance and direction. Family matters take a back seat as you busy yourself with work. An old friend may reach out for a favour. Do balance your personal and professional commitments. Too much work isn’t such a good thing after all. Money matters require a little caution with those who promise much more than they deliver. Health matters require a little more self-care.
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19)
Time to let your hair down and celebrate a little. There may be a light-hearted vibe at the workplace or an exciting event. A co-worker may become a friend. Or you could hear about a colleague and reach out to them. Jobseekers will benefit from some active networking, in person. In the home front, you may start planning some repairs and renovations. There may be quite a few guests as well in the following weeks. Children’s studies may require extra attention and guidance. Watch out for bouts of indigestion or relook your diet completely.
Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)
Pause for a bit. Take a break. Let go of something. Overthinking could lead to insomnia or uneasiness in the pit of the stomach. What are you avoiding? Or feeling uncomfortable about it? Repressing the emotion only delays and prolongs stress levels. The cards advise you to address the issues head on and take corrective measures while you can. Be mindful about documents – an important paper could get misplaced or a mistake could get overlooked. A friend reaches out when you need them the most. Money matters show gains and rewards in the upcoming months. Take time out to meditate or spend more time outdoors if possible.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
Be more present. Listen more carefully. Pay attention to your inner voice. Heed the advice of someone who is more experienced. Something that is obvious to the rest of the world may be overlooked by you. Matters related to education and training may need extra clarification or resolution soon. Better time management may be required as work matters pile up and so do the demands of others on your time and energy. A great week for students. Your hard work will get great results and those looking at studying overseas may hear of positive developments. Family members need you to reach out and share more. Quality time with kids is never wasted. Health matters show recovery.
Number 1 (Born on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th)You will have a good amount of determination and confidence to make an important decision today. Trust your instinc
Are you expecting a job offer or communication with your romantic partner? Look for your Sun sign in the daily horoscope below and find out.Aries Daily Horoscop
Pisces, a day of high motivation and confidence, may still bring moments of frustration. While short trips are possible, double-check arrangements to avoid iss
Aries: Love very seldom happens in an instant, and today is just a reminder that deep connections take time to develop. Relish the experience of getting to kn