Valentine’s week is upon us!
This week will surely get you fired up around your heart’s desires whether you’re in a relationship or not. Expect many surprises, and potentially some shocking developments as the cosmos radiate above.
The full moon in Leo on Feb. 12 is the main event this week, placing emphasis on the following themes: romance, passion, creativity and fertility. While the stars indicate the days ahead will be social and fast-paced, this lunation is unfortunately one of the rockiest in 2025.
Don’t mind it, though, expect the unexpected and do your best to roll with the punches! The best day of the week, meanwhile, will be on Feb. 9 which will give you a push to work towards attaining exactly what your heart desires.
Feb. 10 could bring shocking news, while Feb. 11 could be even more chaotic. This energy echoes out for the entire week, so it may be best to lie low rather than rock the boat.
Last to note this week is that Mercury, our planet of the mind, enters the soothing seas of Pisces after Feb. 14. This should fill our minds with an imaginative flow in the weeks to come.
Read on for what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign this week!
Let your heart roar this week, Aries! You’re going to be feeling fired up around your desires. True love, courtship and romance are especially in focus, and singles may be especially eager to line up new options.
Hobbies, creativity and sports could also be getting you quite excited. If you have children — or want to — this may also be on your mind. However, there appears to be some tension on your mind, too, either around a friendship or in regard to money. Do your best to proceed with a sense of grace.
This week could make you feel especially fired up emotionally, Taurus. Even though you tend to be the grounded bull, you may feel provoked and act explosively out of character.
It appears your life is going through changes in one, or both, of the following areas: your domestic life, living situation, family or career. It appears the universe is going to be a bit tense now, but know that if you move forth with strategy, you could still win in the end.
A stormy week could be upon you, Gemini, but you still have more luck than any other zodiac sign. The week ahead puts a spotlight on your ideas, communications or contracts.
Something seems to be off around one of them. Perhaps you accidentally blurt something out that you didn’t mean to, or that a major project that you thought was ready for review needs major revisions or spirals off the rails.
Don’t panic! Do your best to tread forward with confidence and people will trust that you will have it all handled.
Pay attention to your finances this week, Cancer. There’s likely to be money coming in and out.
But if you’re not careful, you may experience a misstep. For instance, you could find that an expense is far more than you’d planned for or if you’ve been in need of extra resources from an outside individual, something isn’t aligned.
A friendship could also be causing some drama in your headspace this week — and if someone requests your financial aid, it may not be a good time to lend even if you love them.
The most important week of the year could be upon you, Leo. You’re fired up even more than usual, ready to light off the fireworks and put you in the center of attention.
A major personal or professional goal could be within reach and you’re ready to celebrate your glory. Unfortunately, though, there appears to be some significant tension. This can be in regard to a partner or your career.
For instance, a sudden shift in your professional world could cause you and a partner to be at odds. It could even be as simple as news of a promotion pops up and you’re going to have to square off with a competitor to steal the spotlight.
If you’re not on your grind, Virgo, you tend to feel a bit tense. This week is going to be asking a lot from you and you could find that you’re pulled a bit too thin.
The best thing to do is to lie low, rest and recharge. If you don’t, you risk not being able to perform on the job which could negatively impact progress or sabotage your health.
It’s also clear that some drama off in left field is leaving you frazzled, so disengage to protect your peace. If for some reason a secret comes out now, though, you may need to damage control.
The week ahead may work out a bit better for you than other zodiac signs, Libra, but it still could create some tension.
First off, there appears to be an extra emphasis on your social life and communities. If not, you may find that you’ve been eagerly pursuing a major milestone and it is nearly within reach.
The support that you need, though, may not be present, leaving you scrambling to put the pieces together a bit haphazardly. The best thing to do is to lean into what is making you happy whether that’s through hobbies, your romantic life or children.
You’re gunning for more professional growth this week, Scorpio. Depending on how you’ve been building in the past six months, you could have opportunities to rise higher.
The week ahead may bring a raise, promotion, favorable press or news of a competitive job offer. If you’d like to find a new avenue for your creativity and talents, be strategic. Something could arise.
However, if there’s an unforeseen challenge around your career, you may be left spiraling as you have to get your ducks in a row. On a different note, there’s tension with your home or family, as well as with a partner. This could be a lover or instead a competitor who is playing games of their own.
The week ahead has you quite eager for new horizons and adventures, Sagittarius. While you’re always eager for a fresh start and expansive experiences, this is even more prominent now.
You could be planning travel or already upon it and immersing yourself in new ideas, philosophies and cultures. Some of you could be engaged in academics or media matters or pursuing immigration or international markets.
If none of these are primary concerns, it is clear you’re trying to make some changes around your work life. Likely, you’ll want more freedom and opportunity.
You’re particularly focused on where you stand in significant partnerships, Capricorn. You could be going through a settlement, legalities or negotiation.
You may even be focused on wealth matters, like paying off or taking on a debt, and you could make progress. However, it appears that something is causing a bit of drama at this time, either in relation to a lover, a creative endeavor or a child. Breathe through it and do your best to find a solution.
A major week is upon you in regard to a core relationship, Aquarius. The universe is pushing you to either become closer or shatter apart like sparks in the wind.
If you are to grow closer, there could be a sudden shift around home or family. If this isn’t manifesting particularly like this, it is clear that you are facing off with someone… perhaps a business associate or competitor. Stand on solid ground.
A very fast-paced and potentially chaotic week is ahead of you, Pisces. It’s clear you’re juggling many vast irons in the fire.
While productivity is the key to winning this week, you may find that you’re pulled too thin and because of it, your mental health and energy are suffering. Something in relation to your work life or health could be off.
If it pops up, handle it quickly so you can get back to recharging your batteries. On a separate note, if seeking a new job, look now.
Each zodiac sign's daily horoscope for Thursday, March 6, 2025 is here! Today's astrology forecast empowers you to better your life, career, friendships, and ot
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