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It’s a week of inspired dreaming and heart healing. Mars retrograde draws to a close, Venus begins hers, and the Moon begins again in the mystical sign of Pisces. Contained within each movement in the cosmos is an openness and an invitation to trust and allow. There’s also the reassurance that it’s safe to loosen your grip on what you believe you need to be and how you believe things need to go. It’s time to follow your intuition as you take your next step. Your weekly horoscope for February 23 to March 1, 2025, helps you understand how.
February 23 | Mars Direct in Cancer
February 25 | Moon Enters Aquarius
February 27 | Moon Enters Pisces; New Moon in Pisces
March 1 | Venus Retrograde in Aries; Moon Enters Aries
Mars has been in its perceived backward spin of retrograde since December 6, 2024. As it moved through Leo and Cancer, the planet of action and expression turned inward and invited us to slow down, reconsider our desires, and reconnect with our life force.
A deeply introspective time, Mars retrograde slowed our pace. We learned to honor our our needs and desires in a new way. It created time and space to learn to listen, follow, and honor our pace and heal our relationship with our own guidance. Mars in Cancer brought us emotional exploration and a review of the ways we relate to our emotional needs, seek safety, assert our desires, and express patterns created during our formative years, consciously and unconsciously.
This week brings that to an end on February 23, 2025, when Mars stations direct in Cancer, which frees our life force to begin moving forward once again. Here we can access much more of our passion, will, and drive. It’s a time to express our needs, bring empowerment to any unsupportive emotions, and update these patterns that have been brought to our attention.
The Moon begins a new cycle on February 27, 2025, bringing divinity and ease, creativity and dreaming, intuition and fluidity. Ruling our emotions, the new Moon in Pisces is a mystical lunation. Pisces is surrender. And it is the inspiration found through that surrender. The creativity offered in moments of trust. The intuition that arrives in moments of silence. And the guidance when we empty our hands and open to something beyond us yet within us.
These emotions become sensitized. Instead of focusing on the tangible environment around us, this lunation invites us to attune to the intangible. To feel, imagine, and intuit. To lean into the imaginal realms of possibility, the deep knowing within our emotions, and soft whispers of intuition.
It is a lunation that invites trust in where we are being guided and surrender to our unfolding dance. We cannot know the entire story, and we don’t need to know the entire story before taking a step. Life unfolds as we live it, with something unknown guiding us in each moment.
As Mars retrograde draws to a close, Venus retrograde begins. Beginning on March 1, 2025, Venus commences her backward spin in Aries before reentering Pisces on March 27, 2025, for the remainder of her retrograde.
In astrology, Venus represents our values. She is love, partnership, beauty, and self-worth. As she retrogrades, her energy turns inwards. Or perhaps more accurately, the spaces within us represented by Venus turn inward. Instead of being expressed freely, they invite us into the world existing within us where we review our understanding of love and partnership and our relationship with self-worth and value.
Venus retrograde in Aries arrives with the desire for each of us to value ourselves with greater truth and embodiment. It arrives with the desire that we each begin moving and living in a way that respects ourselves and our life force, our creativity, desires, and inspirations. It invites us to bring healing to our relationship with having desires, following desires, and creating a life that is true to those desires. And it is a space to reconnect with our inherent self-worth, instincts, power, and the way we take action and trust in our own guidance system and knowing what is for us. This is a heart-based retrograde with the added fire of Aries, asking that we approach ourselves with grace, compassion, and, of course, courageous love.
As Mars stations direct, celebrate the reconnection with your own life force. Reflect on how you can honor your energy moving forward and move in a way that respects your own pace, creativity, emotions, needs, and desires. As the Moon begins again, there is an opportunity to invite more of the sacred into your life, mind, body, heart, and reality. And as Venus begins her retrograde, observe where your mind takes you. As a planet first begins its backward movement, its influences are most strong, and themes that present themselves to you will likely continue to unfold throughout the coming weeks of backward movement. You are rewriting your lived experience of worthiness, value, and desire. Your weekly horoscope explains how. Read for your rising sign.
What have you learned about yourself in recent months? About your foundational needs, experience of inner safety, and connection to your emotions? There is empowerment available this week. As the Moon asks for surrender into the unseen, Venus invites a review of who you believe yourself to be.
Welcome your mind to open, your communication to flow, and your ideas to find you. This week invites inspiration, flow, and the assertion of your mind as a powerful tool for creation. Also, Venus invites you to fall back into the sacred and reconsider your relationship to source.
It’s a week to examine your understanding of self-worth through your belief systems, internal narratives, and body. This is your felt experience of value and the way you embody and carry your inherent worthiness. There are dreams and directions calling your name—and you are worthy of following them.
You have spent these past many weeks reviewing. It’s time to unravel, open, and allow your expression to move freely once again with your expanded awareness. Take the space to review your long-term goals, intended legacy, and career desires.
This week initiates a review of your beliefs. What determines your sense of belonging in this life? What offers you meaning and direction and brings value to your experiences? As Mars stations direct, reconnect with the sacred and feel the abundant and free flowing energy available for you.
Begin dreaming again. Begin visioning, playing with ideas, and opening to new possibilities. This week allows mental energy along with relationships to begin flowing once again. As Venus begins her backward movement, it’s a time to review your relationship with emotion, intimacy, vulnerability, and power. It’s a retrograde that demands both surrender and feeling, taking you into deep transformation.
Forward movement begins this week. Career goals, long-term visions, and legacy all become available to explore and pursue while your desires for relationship invite a review. What do you value in yourself? What do you value in partnership? How do you desire to love and be loved?
It’s a week that invites you to review the way you move through your days. Your habits, routines, and rituals. Do they serve you? Do they support your health, life force, and overall well-being? As the Moon begins again, do something fun. As Mars stations direct, let your mind open once again.
Deep inner resources, empowerment, and passion become available this week. Feel into your own depths and the abundance of vitality and emotion available. As Venus retrogrades, she asks what does self-expression mean to you? How does creativity move through you? What do you want to express?
Relationship dynamics previously under review begin to open this week as energy moves more freely through your heart and with another. Explore the depths of yourself, including the emotional material from formative years and the patterns and dynamics you received through lineage and family.
Play with new routines and habits. This week offers more vitality and energy to move through your days with intention and purpose. Venus retrograde also invites a review of the narratives in your mind when it comes to your own worth, beauty, desires, capabilities, and understanding of love.
This week invites you to express what that lives within you. Through art, movement, sound, words—however you express and create. As the Moon begins again, explore and play with your identity, and as Venus retrograde arrives, embody and know more of your self-worth.
Learn more about the influence of the Moon and planets on your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.
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