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Welcome to the final moments of 2024 and the new chapter that awaits us in 2025. This week takes us across the threshold of one year and into the next with the forward movement of Chiron, a new Moon in Capricorn, the movement of Venus, and the opposition of Mars and Pluto. Contained within these movements and made available to you as medicine from the cosmos are inner knowing and healing, sacred release, and profound transformation. Your weekly horoscope for December 29, 2024, to January 4, 2025, can help you access the wisdom being offered.
December 29 | Chiron Direct
December 30 | New Moon in Capricorn
January 1 | Moon Enters Aquarius
January 2 | Venus Enters Pisces
January 3 | Mars Retrograde; Moon Enters Pisces
After five months in its seemingly backward spin, Chiron stations direct this week on December 29, 2024. Regarded as a minor planet, Chiron is the healer of the zodiac. It is the doorway that exists within our hurt that takes us to our own medicine, wisdom, and compassion. Chiron has been retrograde since July 26, 2024, and has been traveling through Aries since 2018, where it will remain until 2027.
Chiron positioned in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, brings healing to our sense of self, courage, confidence, and relationship with desire. It asks that we travel to the core of ourselves so that we may be with the fears, hurts, and patterns that cause us to shrink and keep us from actively living as our fullest selves.
While in retrograde, Chiron took us inward to explore those hurts and fears. We were gathering insights, observing from a different perspective, and questioning our fears. This week, however, patterns begin to unravel, awarenesses begin to surface, and hurts that have long been carried have an opportunity to break through. As the minor planet moves forward, it offers wisdom and greater access to our own medicine.
For the next seven months, our attention turns from inward to outward, introspective to expansive, and reflective to active. Chiron direct is an opportunity to stand with compassion, strength, and gratitude for who we have become along this wild journey of life—scars and all. It is an invitation to receive the wisdom waiting within all that we have experienced and build our courage, strength and trust as we cross the threshold of this year into the next.
Our final lunation of the year takes place as the Moon begins anew on December 30, 2024. Meeting us in the grounded and determined sign of Capricorn, this new Moon is an offering of knowing, commitment, and practical visioning for the new year that awaits each of us.
Capricorn is a sign of devotion. It asks that we build a life that reflects our inner visions, desires, and calling in the tangible realm. It also encourages us to add something meaningful to the world in so doing. As it brings our focus to material reality, this new Moon balances our experience of the seen and unseen, frequency and matter, heart and mind, psychic and physical. It is as if we are dancing between these two realms.
Although this time of year often finds us looking to the tangible to guide our ideas, goals, and desires, this new Moon invites us to remember the other world we also exist within. It encourages us to tune into the unseen realm for guidance just as we look to the seen. It asks us to remember our knowing, our intuition, and our connection to the silence, the sacred, the soul so that we can move with it and create with it. Your weekly horoscope helps explain how we can build our desires in our physical reality.
Venus conjunct the (almost) new Moon in the evening sky.
As we cross the threshold of the new year, we meet the movement of Venus into Pisces on January 2, 2025. Venus is our planet of love, harmony, beauty, and worthiness. She is magnetism, pleasure, art, and abundance. As Venus enters Pisces, our essence shines with compassion, intuition, creativity, and imagination. She becomes a doorway for each of us to revel in the sacred and to remember it is present within ourselves and one another.
The final sign of the zodiac, Pisces invites us home to the all. It creates a space to release what we have been gathering and building and no longer need to take with us into our next cycle through the twelve signs. It asks us to surrender, clarify our connection with intuition, play with imagination and possibility, and return to the sense of all from which we came.
Mars and Pluto have been in an intimate dance in our cosmos since October 2024 and they will continue to do so until April 2025. This week the dance meets a heightened position of a direct opposition of the planets on January 3, 2025.
In astrology, Mars is passion and drive, action and desire. Currently in retrograde, Mars has been asking us to review how we honor and express our energy. It has also been helping us clarify our desires, passions, and direction for the new year. Pluto is our planet of the underworld, representing transformation and empowerment, death and rebirth. It is our doorway into all that is unconscious within us and all that we perceive to hold power over us.
Drawing us into the unknowns of our bodies and the depths of our underworld, this opposition opens a doorway for unconscious and unprocessed material to rise to our consciousness and meet with profound transformation. It is a day that asks for space. Space to feel and honor the energy and emotions moving through our bodies. Space to receive the information, wisdom, and insights traveling through these energies and emotions. And space to express them, whether through physical movement, journaling, or an emotional release.
The deepest medicine on offer with this continued dance is that of empowerment. As we bring what is unknown to our awareness, its hold loosens and its power over us lessens. As we join the dance, we meet transmutation, self-reclamation, and self-liberation.
During this week of transition from one year to the next, what happens within the cosmos and stars and planets is mirrored within our very beings. Continuing to respect and listen to our inner rhythms, we may find the openings and guidance that will imbue us with greater trust, confidence, and direction.
On offer in your weekly horoscope is finding the courage to live truthfully, listening to your heart’s whispers, remembering the sacred within, and reclaiming more of yourself. As the outer transitions, so does the inner.
This week brings a liberating forward movement in personal growth and expression. It asks you to look both within and ahead as you clarify your personal goals, long-term visions, and desires for the new year. Let your patterns unravel and confidence build. Let your fears find closure and courage reignite.
As you meet the transition of one year into the next, your mind asks you to move through its own transition. Inner transformation calls from within so that a new sense of freedom and direction can be met. Allow small narratives to fall away and hope to emerge from your heart.
Your mind is going through a cycle of transformation, rearranging your narratives of possibility and opening the door to greater clarity. As this transformation takes place, lean into your emotions, and intuition. When you let them speak, they will reveal the guidance you have been awaiting.
As your experience of safety, security, and resources continues to transform, this week invites a new chapter of devotion and direction in your intimate relationships and long-term visions while opening you to a larger conversation with life itself. Through this conversation comes healing, wisdom, visioning, and perspective shifting.
Your energy is precious. This week asks that you bring this remembering into your awareness. It asks that you bring intention to how you express your energy, where you channel it, and how you respect it. As you bring greater purpose to your actions and habits, transformation follows.
This week asks for self-expression and creative dreaming. It brings greater empowerment and profound healing. It is your invitation to bring more joy and authenticity into your visions for the new year, to open your heart wider, and to invite presence into your relationship with the sacred.
This week asks that you inhabit more of you. That you claim your space, beauty, and unique presence. That you get to know your depths of intimacy and connection. Listen to the hum of your emotional knowing and bodily intuition and they will reveal your truest desires.
This week brings continued transformation to your long-term visions and emotional desires and insight as to where it is you want to go. Let your mind open and new ideas form. New imaginatings and dreams are making their way to you.
Bring your energy into your body and your physical existence this week as your tangible reality is asking that you create with it. With inner child healing and mindset transformation making their way to you, bring honesty to your material hopes and goals for the new year.
This week invites you to tune in and hear your inner whispers so that you may then marry them with practical building and long-term commitment. Listen to your heart this week as it will not lead you astray. Empowerment awaits as your relationship to security and resources continues to transform.
Your awareness of what lives beneath the surface is continuing to deepen as the week brings insight and transformation to your unconscious power dynamics. As you tune into this unseen world, your weekly horoscope asks that you listen for intuitive knowing and whispers in the silence.
Hope, imagination, visions, and dreams all call your name this week. Devote yourself to whatever direction calls your name with commitment and empowerment. Allow the healing of Venus to draw you deeper into your own love, worthiness, and magnetism. Remember, you are both the artist of your life and the art itself.
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