Still trying to hide out in the shadows? Good luck with that, Virgo. Your ruling planet, nimble Mercury, recently wrapped its three-week August retrograde, when it backflipped from your sign into Leo and your introspective twelfth house. Now, on Monday, September 9, the messenger planet returns to Virgo and your self-authorized—and highly visible—first house until September 26. This is your cue to let yourself be seen (and appreciated) for all your hard-won wisdom. Get out, network and circulate, even if you’re just connecting virtually. Mercury in your sign adds a little sparkle to all your exchanges, making you eager to team up and almost magically drawing others to you. Warning: you may also be highly distractible, so stay aware that you could get caught up in the thrill of the moment and over-commit. Unless a project is REALLY too good to pass up, hold off on going all in until Mercury moves into your grounded second house on September 26. In the meantime, dabble, explore and socialize just for the sheer joy of it. Pick up on interests that may have spawned earlier in the summer, during the first Mercury-in-Virgo pass from July 25 to August 14. No matter how much of an impact you made before, you’re bound to be more effective this time. Get ready to steal the limelight! People will see you, respond to you and offer confirmation that you’ve made an impact.
Your modest, industrious sign is usually more interested in what you can contribute than advancing a personal agenda. That’s a beautiful approach, but you’re still human, Virgo! And with expansive and lucky Jupiter on a year-long tour of your professional sector, there are all kinds of opportunities for growth! This Thursday provides a chance to get strategic about your career direction. Visionary Jupiter in your ambitious tenth house is in a challenging square to the Sun in your sign, which despite sounding difficult can actually help you think beyond perceived limitations. Where others see roadblocks, you see a detour sign that can put you on a more direct path. Jupiter and the Sun are both positive, creative and optimistic planets, and together they can provide the necessary confidence to take a risk and try something a little different. Even if your plans don’t come off exactly the way you envisioned them, stay open-minded and receptive—and try, try again. Who knows, Virgo? You might discover an even better way of doing this.
Trust the process! On Sunday, auspicious Jupiter in your career corner gets into a very different formation, this one a harmonious 120-degree trine with fellow “benefic” Venus in your second house of money, security and core values. Decisions and actions you take on this weekend could have far-reaching—and profitable—outcomes! These houses are associated with work and income, as well as traditional principles like “a penny saved is a penny earned.” How can you earn more, spend less or just stay on an even keel with your budget? Opportunities to advance or do some freelance work could come out of the blue, so read those texts and emails. For coupled Virgos, this transit brings a perfect opportunity for talking about serious topics like shared funds and the future of the relationship. With candid Jupiter in your house of long-term planning aligned with the partnership planet, the timing couldn’t be better.
AriesMaintaining a balanced diet and an active lifestyle will keep you healthy. Keep enough cash on hand in case an urgent transaction arises. Though it may f
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20)You will be getting a strong intuition throughout tomorrow for sharing your emotions with others more than ever before. It’s a good tim
Moon Alert: There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions today. The Moon is in Gemini.Happy Birthday for Thursday, March 6, 2025:You aspire for