What to do with all that nervous energy, Virgo? That’s not an uncommon question for your sign, but with the world in upheaval and a nail-biter election on November 5, your astrological anxiety could be approaching a fever pitch as the month begins.
If you need a cosmically supported coping strategy, lean into one of your Virgo superpowers and (as a preschool teacher would say) use your words! The Sun is in Scorpio and your communicative third house until November 21, and the month opens with a November 1 Scorpio new moon that will amplify your message.
The third house also rules community and local action. With energy planet Mars percolating in your eleventh house of groups and society until November 3, mobilizing people through grassroots efforts AND potent social media posts is a total win-win. You get a healing outlet and make an important contribution, all at the same time.
The second half of the month turns your lens on to the wider world. On November 15, a Taurus full moon links up with radical Uranus in your global, truth-telling ninth house. That same day, sluggish Saturn wakes up from a five-month retrograde in Pisces, powering up your partnership sector. And on November 19, Pluto officially starts its 20-year term in Aquarius and your healthy, systematic sixth house. You’re jazzed to organize, prioritize and mobilize!
Then—record scratch. Your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde from November 25 to December 15. Holidays won’t go off without a hitch, especially with Mercury backspinning through Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house. Forewarned is forearmed, Virgo. Lock in your travel details, book a hotel for yourself or your visiting loved ones to minimize family friction and triple-confirm everything. We don’t need to tell your plan-loving sign twice!
If all else fails, make distraction your M.O. With the Sun in Scorpio and your social third house until November 21, you’re a multitasking maven and a whirling dervish of drive. Your calendar will be packed to the seams with events, meetings, parties and more. Vibrant conversations are what you live for, Virgo, and you can expect to have plenty of them this month. Use this time to explore new curiosities and document your great ideas. If you’re a writer or teacher, this is an excellent month for promoting your original concepts and work. Dynamic duos are favored now, so team up with a kindred spirit type on a collaborative project.
On November 1, the Scorpio new moon could spark an idea or dialogue that sets the wheels in motion. Over the next six months, a germ of a concept could turn into a viral media project or creative collaboration. Under these moonbeams, you could meet a like-minded person and decide to explore the synergy, testing your chemistry on a joint project.
With the moon making a favorable trine to structured Saturn in your partnership sector, the right dynamic duo could turn into a serious joint venture! The third house rules neighborhoods, and this new moon could send you on a search for a community that suits your vibe or send you off to explore fresh local terrain instead of hitting the same old haunts.
Right after the new moon, Mars gets ready to move from Cancer (where it’s been since September 4) into Leo—and it will make quite a dramatic exit! Early on November 3, Mars locks into a tense opposition with shadowy Pluto in Capricorn and your expressive fifth house. Egos and conflicts could flare, especially in your friend group since Mars is in your social, team-oriented eleventh house.
At this Mars-Pluto faceoff, deep-seated fears could cause you (or others) to act in a selfish manner. You may feel like you’re being unfairly targeted or blamed for a group project going awry. Or you could find yourself at the center of feuding teammates, unsure of whether to jump in. People may resort to underhanded tactics to steal the spotlight or get their way. Your own desire for attention could skew your normally sensible decisions. Reminder: The cream eventually rises to the top, so no need to bulldoze others in your quest for adoration or power.
If you’re feeling exhausted by all the Machiavellian machinations, opt out! Mars moves into Leo and your healing, restful twelfth house on November 3 for an extended stay, toggling between Cancer and Leo for the next seven months. This, alas, is because Mars is retrograde from December 6 to February 23. While it can be a spiritual and nostalgic time, you may also have some Ghosts of Christmas Past arriving, Scrooge-style, this holiday season. Protect your energy and boundaries now!
For the rest of the year, you’ll really need to manage your energy levels, as you could feel both wired and tired at the same time. If you’ve been putting off dealing with a health matter or tying up the loose ends of a life chapter, this Mars cycle could push you to deal. However, most astrologers advise against scheduling elective surgeries and procedures while Mars is retrograde. If you can’t get it done before December 6, explore options for March 2025.
Mid-month, there’s lots of activity in the stars. On November 15, Saturn ends a five-month retrograde in your relationship house. That same day, the annual Taurus full moon illuminates your visionary, optimistic ninth house. Where you may have felt pessimistic, you could suddenly see exciting new possibilities.
Partnerships get a power surge as Saturn turns direct (forward) in Pisces, where it’s been slogging along since June 29, forcing you to take a hard look at your closest relationships. You may have done serious repair work on a few of those ties or possibly put some healthy distance between you. You’re a giver, Virgo, and that can unfortunately attract a few too many takers. Saturn rules maturity, so you’ve learned a few important lessons that ultimately led to greater stability.
Now that Saturn’s back on track—and plodding steadily through Pisces until February 2026 (with a brief stint in Aries from May 24-Sept. 1, 2025)—you can apply those hard-won lessons to all of your interpersonal affairs. Whether it’s a close friendship, a budding love connection or a long-term union, Saturn will help you make wiser choices. Have you been vacillating over whether to sign a contract or make a business partnership official? As Saturn corrects course, you’ll feel more confident saying yes or no.
On November 15, the Taurus full moon has you thinking bigger than big as it sweeps through your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and visionary ideas. The full moon is conjunct (together with) radical changemaker Uranus, which could bring a sudden opportunity to expand your horizons out of the blue. You could be invited to travel, publish your work or get involved with a startup venture. A big, exciting risk could tempt you to say “yes.”
But don’t rush, Virgo: Weighing all the options could overwhelm you, sending you spiraling into a classic case of Virgo analysis paralysis. While it’s good to poll people for feedback, be discerning whose opinion you solicit. You’ll be able to see the pros and cons of every side of the situation. When in doubt, wait it out. Give yourself ample time to deeply consider all your options before jumping into anything.
Of the many good reasons to pace yourself, one arrives a few days later: On November 19, powerhouse Pluto finally moves into Aquarius for the long haul. After toggling between Capricorn and Aquarius (since March 2023), Pluto will spend 20 whole years in your sixth house of wellness, work and organization (through January 19, 2044).
Since 2008, Pluto’s been in Capricorn, bringing both its transformational touch and obsessive tendencies to your fifth house of love, drama and creativity. Your romantic and artistic history books could be inscribed with a storied tale or two (betrayal, heartbreak, torn between two loves…). Here’s hoping that you graduate this outgoing Pluto phase with a much better sense of self—and less of an obsessive focus on the person who betrayed you or the one that got away. It’s your time, Virgo. Pluto won’t be back in Capricorn for more than two centuries, so the lessons you’ve learned are yours to keep.
Now, Pluto centers on your mind, body and emotional health. Virgo, you’re the native ruler of the zodiac’s sixth house, so having transformational Pluto here for such a long run will be extra potent for you. Pluto in Aquarius will reveal the depths of your unconscious urges, neuroses and micromanaging ways (no judgment, we all have ‘em!), at times laying them bare for all to see. As the zodiac’s perfectionist, you work hard to mask your flaws, except when YOU take control and share about them yourself.
With revolutionary Pluto in Aquarius for the first time since the late 1700s, it’s anyone’s guess how this whole cycle will play out. The answer might be found in—your gut! We mean that in every sense, from your intuition to your digestive system, which happens to be the part of the body that Virgo rules. In recent years, gut health has become one of the most important areas of wellness—the gut, in fact, has been called the “second brain.”
Sexy though it’s not, regenerative Pluto in this zone points you to focus on your digestive health. From taking probiotics to getting your microbiome tested to adding more fiber to your plate, there’s a range of options to explore with your healthcare provider. Beyond that, secretive Pluto will unveil any mind-body connections that can manifest in your well-being.
The business of being human is hard for you, Virgo. But in its own somewhat-twisted way, Pluto will pry loose your grip on all the addictions, coping mechanisms and unhealthy habits that you try to hide like the fact that you’re a mere mortal, as confused and adrift as the rest of us.
Pluto can be connected to obsessions and addictions, and in this coming phase, you’ll grow well aware of yours. Talented Virgo artists like River Phoenix, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse and most recently, Liam Payne, secretly struggled with addictions that led to their downfalls. Whether you’re harboring a secret that extreme or just managing your emotions through coping mechanisms, this long Pluto cycle will help you get to the root of any deep-seated pain—and hopefully heal it for good.
You’ll get out of your head and back into your heart starting November 21, when the Sun moves into Sagittarius and your fourth house of home, family and emotional ties for a month. You’re always the lucky recipient of this cozy energy during the start of holiday season, so get back to the business of bonding!
If you’re hunting for a new nest or just sprucing your roost, Sagittarius season opens a fresh chapter in your domestic fourth house. Get busy putting up those holiday decorations and planning the festivities but pace yourself—your energetic batteries need an opportunity to recharge.
Take your time before you sign that lease or rush into closing on a new home, Virgclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” o. On November 25, communication planet Mercury will turn retrograde until December 15, foiling technology, travel and interactions (both digital and IRL).
Mercury will reverse through Sagittarius and your fourth house of home, family and feelings—yep, right before the holidays. You’ll need to be especially careful with relatives and roommates now. Retrogrades often bring back the past, which could mean unresolved hurts and sore spots get poked again. However, this could also be a time of happy reunions with loved ones and childhood friends—just stick to neutral topics or nostalgic memories if you’re spending time with someone whose views diametrically oppose yours (especially amidst the U.S. election aftermath).
Feeling unsure about your living situation? Mercury retrograde is a good time to consider your options, though it’s probably best to wait until after the new year to sign any binding contracts if you can (Mercury will officially clear its shadow period on January 2, 2025). Think twice before offering your sleeper sofa to visiting relatives or making a quick buck on Airbnb. With Mercury gone rogue, this could be the year of holiday guests from hell.
Going away? Make sure to unplug electronics and power everything down before you leave town. And consider booking a hotel or a rental instead of staying with family. Just check those TripAdvisor reviews first! A surprise pregnancy is also possible since the fourth house rules motherhood. Consider yourself notified!
What’s the rush, Virgo? After a busy and disruptive fall, you deserve a second to recalibrate before the holiday rush picks up. Nesting instincts are activated early in the month with Venus hibernating in your introspective fourth house through November 11 and Mars moving into your sensitive twelfth house on November 3.
Romantically, you wouldn’t mind a little (or make that a lot of) extra reassurance and more privacy behind closed doors. Before you can move closer together, you need to know that it’s safe to be vulnerable and open up. Don’t kid yourself about what you can and can’t “handle” emotionally. Expect to feel everything at a pumped up level of intensity.
Is it time to think about moving in together, trading keys or even talking babies? Maybe you’re ready to take a small step, like giving your partner some dedicated real estate in your medicine cabinet and closets. Longtime couples might just want to explore the housing market or spruce up your space together!
On November 11, your frisky and flirtatious side returns, just in time for the holidays. Venus moves into Capricorn and your passionate fifth house until December 7. Like festive strings of lights, you’re aglow with colorful and playful energy—which will draw plenty of admirers your way. Kick off the party season early, whether you’re showing off your consummate hosting skills or making the first move under the mistletoe.
At the end of the month, you may need to pause for the Claus (sorry, we can’t resist a pun) and bring that holiday heat down to a simmer. With your ruler Mercury turning retrograde in your emotional fourth house from November 25 to December 15, confusion and mixed signals can flare up, which could result in testy exchanges with your loved ones.
Childhood wounds and patterns could also disrupt your holiday mojo. Reflect on how your family upbringing aligns with your current preferences (especially when Mars joins the retrograde brigade on December 6). Mercury’s backspin is the perfect time to step back and reassess what truly matters to you; the best plans often come together when you create space to breathe.
The gift you DO receive on November 19, however, is Pluto’s permanent departure from Capricorn, where it’s been haunting your fifth house of love since 2008! For the past 16 years, you’ve had a long, slow transformation around matters of the heart—with some intense and even traumatic moments in there. But even if you dove down to the bottom of the well, you’ll rise up again thanks to the hard-won lessons of this cycle, ready for happy, healthy days ahead.
You’ve got a million ideas, Virgo, and it’s time to take action on a few of the winners! With the Sun moving through Scorpio and your communicative, mentally active third house for the first three weeks of the month, you could be extra inspired to forge dynamic duos and chat about your novel concepts. If you have something to launch or market, send out those email blasts and start spreading the news, especially near the November 1 Scorpio new moon.
Don’t just wait around for this magical person to show up—be proactive. Get out and circulate, exchange contact info at parties, have your pitch at the ready. Where you may have felt pessimistic, you could suddenly see exciting new possibilities on November 15 when Saturn moves forward in Pisces and your partnership sector and the year’s only Taurus full moon beams into your prosperous ninth house.
Have you been vacillating over whether to sign a contract or make a business partnership official? As Saturn corrects course, you’ll feel more confident saying yes or no. With changemaker Uranus in sync with this full moon, you’ve got even more cosmic clearance to swing far out of your comfort zone—not unlike fellow Virgo Freddie Freeman of the LA Dodgers and his historic walk-off grand slam in Game 1 of the World Series.
Just because you’re swinging out of your comfort zone, however, doesn’t mean you have to go fast. Slow down and iron out the vision when Mercury turns retrograde on November 25 until December 15, foiling technology, travel and contract negotiations. Don’t rush the process, Virgo. With Mars in Leo and your twelfth house of manifesting, imagination and surrender, your superpower is also in the “allowing.” Make sure your master plan includes a healthy dose of rest and power naps.
Mercury’s backspin through your domestic fourth house could have you mulling over your real estate options. We’re not saying you can’t move forward with discussions, but it’s probably best to wait until after the new year to list or sign any binding contracts if you can (Mercury will officially clear its shadow period on January 2, 2025). Research, explore and get ready for action in the new year.
Love Days: 6, 9
Money Days: 17, 26
Luck Days: 15, 23
Off Days: 13, 21, 8
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