Freedom Flag on Pluto
On the first full day in altruistic, socially conscious Aquarius, Pluto would like to remind us that freedom is never free. Freedom must be protected, and that protection comes at a cost. The price tag of freedom is paid in the currency of responsibility. Today, freedom and responsibility will move together like wings in flight. The more you take on, the higher you’ll soar.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). People will look to you for a fresh perspective, and you’ll get them thinking in new directions. This is about a habit that needs breaking. Name it first and you’re halfway there. Changing one small thing will have a domino effect.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll have the gift of insight and will understand not just what’s happening but why it matters. Your newfound perspective gives you a calm persistence as you navigate opportunities and obstacles alike.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your experiences have mellowed you in lovely and surprising ways. Wisdom softens what once felt urgent. Accept the peace that comes with knowing you don’t need to fight every battle because your influence is quietly but profoundly felt without all the drama.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Uncertainty doesn’t equal danger, though your mind may need convincing. When your nerves spike this afternoon, it’s a natural but unnecessary reaction you can read as a reminder to breathe deep and think of the bigger picture.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your best moments happen when you are in a creative mindset. You have something inside you to express, and it will be a little different with each modality, so stay versatile and be on the lookout for different tools and skills you can add to your arsenal.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll come up with 10 solutions to a one-solution problem, which is creative, vigorous and ultimately generous. You’ll be compelled to share your brilliance for the fun and use of others.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Too much sameness makes you run thought patterns in a loop — fine if you’re having a fantastic set of thoughts, but not good for thinking that’s stinking. Either way, it’s better to get out and do new things today.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll feel a pull toward the mysteries of your lineage. The stories of your elders will captivate you for a reason. They’ve shaped who you are, and you’ll find yourself mirroring their paths.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Why put yourself in a position to prove a point? There’s no need to start a competition. What would happen if instead you did all you could to support and highlight the wins of another? That would be a win for both of you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Step back and survey the scene. There are questions waiting to be asked. A good place to start: “Who can help?” and “What’s the simpler way?” Try to get to the source of the issue instead of merely treating symptoms.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your image only matters insofar as it helps you make a difference. Today, someone reveals how you’ve positively impacted their life — a deeper reward than any compliment or surface approval.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ve scanned the horizon, and now it’s time to narrow in. Specialization is key. Focus on the area that sparks your deepest curiosity, dive into the details, and become an expert. Mastery comes from commitment, not breadth.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. 20). A year of steady, rewarding growth. You’ll find the ideal balance between ambition and contentment, creating a life that’s on target with your goals while also being deeply fulfilling. More highlights: A journey gives you financial gains from something you thought was a long shot, and friendships that feel like family. Libra and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 26, 30, 45 and 9.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Scorpio presidents of the United States have included John Adams (Oct. 30), James K. Polk (Nov. 2), James A. Garfield (Nov. 19), Teddy Roosevelt (Oct. 27), Warren Harding (Nov. 2) and most recently, President Joe Biden. There’s abundant Scorpio energy in Biden’s natal chart with the sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in the sign of transformation, hope and constant renewal. These water sign aspects are balanced by a Taurus moon of financial acumen.
Holiday Mathis’ debut novel, “How To Fail Epically in Hollywood,” is out now! This fast-paced romp about achieving Hollywood stardom is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit for more information. Write Holiday Mathis at
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