DHI Group’s Dice brand released its 20th annual Tech Salary Report, revealing that 47% of technology professionals are actively seeking new roles in 2025, up from 29% last year. The average tech salary reached $112,521 in 2024, a modest 1.2% year-over-year increase.
Key findings show that AI and machine learning skills command a 17.7% salary premium. Manufacturing led industry salary growth at 15.1%, while Silicon Valley maintains the highest tech salaries despite a 7.3% decline. The report indicates that 59% of tech professionals feel underpaid, coinciding with companies reducing benefits across categories. Mid-career professionals saw 6% salary growth, while consulting, software, and banking/finance remain the highest-paying industries, each exceeding $125,000 average salaries.
Il gruppo DHI con il marchio Dice ha pubblicato il suo 20° rapporto annuale sulle retribuzioni tecnologiche, rivelando che il 47% dei professionisti della tecnologia sta attivamente cercando nuove opportunità lavorative nel 2025, rispetto al 29% dell’anno precedente. Lo stipendio medio nel settore tecnologico ha raggiunto $112,521 nel 2024, con un modesto aumento dell’1,2% rispetto all’anno scorso.
I risultati chiave mostrano che le competenze in AI e machine learning offrono un premio salariale del 17,7%. Il settore manifatturiero ha guidato la crescita salariale con un incremento del 15,1%, mentre la Silicon Valley mantiene i salari più alti nonostante un calo del 7,3%. Il rapporto indica che il 59% dei professionisti tecnologici si sente sottopagato, coincidendo con la riduzione dei benefici da parte delle aziende in diverse categorie. I professionisti di mezza carriera hanno visto una crescita salariale del 6%, mentre i settori della consulenza, del software e della banca/finanza rimangono i più redditizi, ognuno con stipendi medi superiori ai $125,000.
La Grupo DHI con su marca Dice ha publicado su 20° informe anual sobre salarios tecnológicos, revelando que el 47% de los profesionales de la tecnología está buscando activamente nuevos roles en 2025, un aumento del 29% con respecto al año pasado. El salario promedio en tecnología alcanzó $112,521 en 2024, con un modesto aumento del 1.2% interanual.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que las habilidades en IA y aprendizaje automático tienen una prima salarial del 17.7%. La manufactura lideró el crecimiento salarial por industria con un 15.1%, mientras que Silicon Valley mantiene los salarios más altos a pesar de una disminución del 7.3%. El informe indica que el 59% de los profesionales tecnológicos se siente mal pagado, coincidiendo con la reducción de beneficios de las empresas en diversas categorías. Los profesionales en medio de su carrera vieron un crecimiento salarial del 6%, mientras que la consultoría, el software y la banca/finanzas siguen siendo las industrias que mejor pagan, cada una superando los $125,000 de salario promedio.
DHI 그룹의 Dice 브랜드가 20번째 연례 기술 급여 보고서를 발표하였으며, 2025년에는 기술 전문가의 47%가 새로운 역할을 적극적으로 찾고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이는 작년의 29%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 2024년 평균 기술 급여는 $112,521에 도달했으며, 전년 대비 1.2%의 소폭 증가를 보였습니다.
주요 발견 사항에 따르면 AI와 머신 러닝 기술은 17.7%의 급여 프리미엄을 형성합니다. 제조업은 15.1%의 급여 성장을 주도했으며, 실리콘밸리는 7.3% 감소에도 불구하고 여전히 가장 높은 기술 급여를 유지하고 있습니다. 보고서는 59%의 기술 전문가가 저임금이라고 느끼고 있으며, 이는 기업들이 다양한 범주에서 복리후생을 줄이는 것과 일치합니다. 중간 경력 전문가들은 6%의 급여 성장을 경험했으며, 컨설팅, 소프트웨어 및 은행/재무 분야는 각각 평균 $125,000를 초과하는 급여를 유지하여 가장 높은 급여를 보장하고 있습니다.
Le groupe DHI avec sa marque Dice a publié son 20e rapport annuel sur les salaires dans la technologie, révélant que 47% des professionnels de la technologie cherchent activement de nouveaux postes en 2025, contre 29% l’année précédente. Le salaire moyen dans le secteur technologique a atteint $112,521 en 2024, avec une modeste augmentation de 1,2% par rapport à l’année précédente.
Les principales conclusions montrent que les compétences en IA et en apprentissage automatique offrent une prime salariale de 17,7%. L’industrie manufacturière a conduit la croissance salariale sectorielle avec 15,1%, tandis que la Silicon Valley conserve les salaires les plus élevés malgré un déclin de 7,3%. Le rapport indique que 59% des professionnels de la technologie se sentent sous-payés, coïncidant avec la réduction des avantages dans diverses catégories par les entreprises. Les professionnels de milieu de carrière ont connu une croissance salariale de 6%, tandis que le conseil, les logiciels et la banque/finance restent les secteurs les mieux rémunérés, chacun dépassant les salaires moyens de 125 000 $.
Die DHI Group mit ihrer Marke Dice hat ihren 20. jährlichen Technikkostenbericht veröffentlicht, der zeigt, dass 47% der Technologieprofis aktiv nach neuen Stellen im Jahr 2025 suchen, ein Anstieg von 29% im letzten Jahr. Das durchschnittliche Tech-Gehalt erreichte $112,521 im Jahr 2024, was einem moderaten jährlichen Anstieg von 1,2% entspricht.
Wichtige Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass Kompetenzen in KI und maschinellem Lernen einen Gehaltspreis von 17,7% erzielen. Die Fertigung führte das Gehaltswachstum der Branche mit 15,1% an, während das Silicon Valley trotz eines Rückgangs von 7,3% die höchsten Technologiest Gehälter hält. Der Bericht zeigt, dass 59% der Technologiefachkräfte sich unterbezahlt fühlen, was mit einer Kürzung der Leistungen durch Unternehmen in verschiedenen Kategorien übereinstimmt. Fachkräfte in der Mitte ihrer Karriere verzeichneten ein Gehaltswachstum von 6%, während Beratung, Software und Banken/Finanzen die bestbezahlten Branchen bleiben, die jeweils über 125.000 $ Durchschnittsgehälter hinausgehen.
DHI Group’s positioning in the AI-driven tech recruitment space aligns well with current market dynamics. The unprecedented job-seeking activity and focus on AI skills create favorable conditions for platform revenue growth. With tech professionals increasingly dissatisfied with compensation (59% feeling underpaid) and reduced benefits across sectors, DHX’s specialized platforms Dice and ClearanceJobs are well-positioned to capitalize on increased job search activity. The geographical salary variations and industry-specific trends provide opportunities for targeted revenue growth, particularly in high-paying sectors like consulting, software and banking where average salaries exceed
Nearly Half of Tech Professionals Looking for New Roles in 2025
As artificial intelligence and machine learning reshape the tech landscape, commanding salary premiums of up to
The average technology professional salary reached
“While compensation remains important, tech professionals are increasingly focused on the total package—from benefits to job security to professional development opportunities,” said Art Zeile, CEO of DHI Group, Inc., parent company of Dice. “This presents both challenges and opportunities for employers looking to attract and retain top tech talent in 2025.”
20 Years of Tech Evolution Shows Progress and Challenges
As Dice celebrates 20 years of salary reporting, this year’s survey findings reveal artificial intelligence and machine learning as the most significant technological change of the past two decades, cited by
Notably, women in tech with over two decades of experience are nearly 1.5 times more likely than their male counterparts to say work culture has improved over the past 20 years. “This finding suggests real progress in workplace culture,” notes Zeile. “However, with only
AI Skills Command Premium Compensation
Tech professionals responsible for artificial intelligence development earn
Regional and Industry Shifts Shape the Market
Our survey findings revealed significant geographic and sector-specific variations in 2024. Key findings include:
Tech Professionals Seek More Than Just Salary Growth
The report reveals that
“We’re seeing a clear disconnect between what tech professionals value and what they’re receiving from employers,” said Zeile. “Organizations that can bridge this gap, particularly in areas like remote work flexibility and professional development, will have a significant advantage in attracting top talent in 2025.”
Benefits Gap Widens Amid Cultural Shifts
Even as salaries show modest growth, Dice’s findings show that companies appear to be scaling back valuable benefits:
“The reduction in benefits, particularly in areas like professional development and flexible work arrangements, may be contributing to the unprecedented levels of job seeking we’re seeing,” adds Zeile. “As we mark twenty years of tracking tech careers, it’s clear that while we’ve made progress in some areas, companies need to recognize that in today’s tech hiring market, they need to deliver on the total employment package to find and retain the best tech talent.”
Dice conducted the 2024 Tech Salary Survey online from August 30 to November 6, 2024, generating 2,835 qualified responses from technology professionals. Qualified responses exclude unemployed respondents, students, incomplete responses, and those working outside the
The survey was distributed through:
Data weighting was applied to gender and age variables to ensure proper representation of the Dice.com job seeker universe, resulting in a
About Dice
Dice is a leading tech career hub connecting employers with skilled technology professionals and providing tech professionals with career opportunities, data, insights and advice. Established in 1990, Dice began as one of the first career sites and today provides a comprehensive suite of recruiting solutions, empowering companies and recruiters to make informed hiring decisions. Dice serves multiple markets throughout
About DHI Group, Inc.
DHI Group, Inc (NYSE: DHX) is a provider of AI-powered career marketplaces that focus on technology roles. DHI’s two brands, Dice and ClearanceJobs, enable recruiters and hiring managers to efficiently search for and connect with highly skilled technology professionals based on the skills requested. The Company’s patented algorithm manages over 100,000 unique technology skills. Additionally, our marketplaces allow tech professionals to find their ideal next career opportunity, with relevant advice and personalized insights. Learn more at www.dhigroupinc.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250107961675/en/
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Source: DHI Group, Inc.
According to Dice’s 2024 Tech Salary Report, the average technology professional salary reached $112,521, representing a 1.2% year-over-year increase.
Tech professionals responsible for artificial intelligence development earn 17.7% more than their peers not involved in AI work.
47% of technology professionals are actively seeking new roles in 2025, up significantly from 29% in the previous year.
Manufacturing led the industry salary growth in 2024 with a 15.1% increase.
The report showed decreases across various benefits: training opportunities dropped 6 percentage points, remote work options declined 4 percentage points, and merit raises decreased from 41% to 36%.
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