January 16—31: Others will be out of sorts on the 16th, and with a tricky aspect coming up on the 19th, try to be kind and not judge. The 21st brings you face to face with inescapable realities, and your ability to be diplomatic will bring you into harmony with the world on the 25th. The new Moon of the 29th draws attention to collaborative ventures and to the importance of delving into others’ motives. The 30th holds good results.

January 16—31: Changeable emotions from the 16th to the 19th will keep you guessing, especially near the 19th, when hurt feelings will be something of a theme. With Pluto in the mix on the 21st, honesty really is the best policy, and you’ll need to be covering many bases between the 23rd and the 26th while staying very alert. With the new Moon of the 29th happening in your birth sign, it’s time to launch new plans. Jupiter accents social fun on the 30th.
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January 16—31: Mars in Cancer is telling you to circulate on the 16th, and with sensitive Venus in your sign and conjoining Saturn, the 19th is a time to take on emotional challenges and mend rifts. Whatever happens on the 21st will help to clarify the road ahead, the 23rd is about making the right choices, and the 26th accents communication. Carve out some time for yourself on the 29th, and be ready to reset your compass.

January 16—31: Remember that Mars, your ruling planet, is out of phase right now, and when it opposes the Sun on the 16th it may bring up issues that won’t be resolved before late next month. Meanwhile, Venus in a hidden angle of your chart accents the importance of being empathic and supportive, especially near the 19th. Be ready to take a stand on the 21st and to speak frankly on the 23rd. The new Moon of the 29th is about moving off in fresh directions and reaching out.
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January 16—31: Be aware that if you speak too frankly you may inadvertently alienate someone on the 16th, and try to refrain from being judgmental near the 19th. Pluto brings startling revelations on the 21st, and you’ll have a lot to discuss between the 23rd and 26th regarding new plans and shared endeavors. Whatever happens near the new Moon of the 29th seems to draw attention to your role and your future.

January 16—31: Mars in Cancer makes you sensitive about financial issues near the 16th, and Venus connecting with Saturn on the 19th will find you feeling more vulnerable than usual. If you take action near the 20th and 21st, you’ll come out on top, but be ready to stand your ground on the 23rd and charm your way to new success on the 26th. The 29th is a time to make decisions, and then be ready to put new arrangements in place on the 30th.
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January 16—31: The 16th is tricky, because you’re likely to feel annoyed by others’ behavior. The 19th holds some emotional stress, and the 21st is about facing facts and taking matters in hand. You’ll be clarifying your feelings and opinions on the 23rd, and the results are going to work out more favorably than you thought. Be alert to undercurrents near the 28th and 29th, and follow your intuition. Lucky Jupiter is in your favor on the 30th.

January 16—31: It’s about rising to the occasion on the 16th, and dealing with others’ fearful premonitions on the 19th. Pluto lends a suspenseful quality to events on the 21st, but don’t be pressured into anything you don’t agree with. By the 25th harmonious agreements are accented; the 26th is a full-steam-ahead time, and the new Moon of the 29th urges you to refresh the page in important relationships. You’re closing in on a goal by the 30th
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January 16—31: You will feel driven to act on the 16th, but with Mars out of sync until February, results will take time. Pay attention to what’s going on in relationships on the 19th, because with Saturn conjoining Venus in Pisces, hurt feelings will be hard to avoid. The 21st brings eye-opening situations involving work. An exchange of ideas will lead to good results near the 25th, the new Moon of the 29th is about startups, and luck is with you on the 30th.

January 16—31: If you feel grumpy near the 16th, blame touchy Mars at the top of your solar chart. Everyone will be oversensitive with Saturn aligned withVenus on the 19th, but truth-telling on the 21st will clear the air. Disagreements near the 23rd are going to lead to new understandings by the 26th, and with the new Moon of the 29th in Aquarius, take the initiative and socialize. Aspects on the 30th are spirit-lifters.
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January 16—31: Stress near the 16th leads to resolutions on the 17th, but an emotionally challenging aspect on the 19th asks you to treat others with kindness and finesse. The 21st issues some kind of wake-up call, and you should be ready to take a stand. The 25th offers the perfect opportunity to lighten up and enjoy life more fully, the 26th is a time to speak up and share your ideas, and the full Moon of the 29th launches a lifestyle review and a new personal cycle.

January 16—31: Mars in Cancer triggers financial and other anxieties near the 16th, and a harsh aspect involving Venus on the 18th and 19th stresses relationships. This leads to some crucial fact-facing on the 21st, which by the 25th smooths the way for greater rapport. The 29th emphasizes speaking up decisively and starting down a fresh track. With Jupiter in your favor on the 30th, others will be cheering you on.
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