With another Mercury retrograde rolling in, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains what it means for each star sign in our weekly horoscope
Next week, the cosmos invites us to acknowledge our growth and to make choices based on self-love and increased self-awareness. When life’s challenges arise, as they do, could you stay in alignment with who you are?
Throughout next week, we experience a dynamic “Fire Grand Trine” as the Sun in Sagittarius aligns harmoniously with the North Node in Aries and Mars in Leo. This powerful trio boosts our confidence and fuels our creative impulses. This is a great time to reflect on what we genuinely want and to take action towards those desires. Just make sure to pause and double-check your plans, as Mercury retrograde season rolls in.
Starting on November 26, Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, encouraging us to pause and take stock of our thoughts. It’s the perfect time to tidy up any lingering mental clutter and examine the overlooked details. You might discover beliefs and information that challenge your usual perspectives—this is about stepping out of your comfort zone. When conversations feel tricky, take a moment to reflect quietly—we get clarity in these moments.
Two days later, Venus in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries, bringing to light some discomfort around what we want versus what feels within reach. This aspect can reveal old beliefs about love, money and self-worth that no longer serve us. All in all, this is an activating week as we close out the month. If the energy feels too much, try out practices to help you stay present and balanced—think meditation, exercising or creative hobbies.
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