Amazon is now offering the Joseph Joseph Sipp Stainless Steel Travel Mug for $13.89 Prime shipped. If you don’t have Prime, you can dodge shipping fees when checking out with $35 or more in your cart. Usually selling for $20, you’re looking at a solid price drop that takes more than 30% off while reducing spending by over $6. Until now, the best price we’ve tracked for this stainless steel mug has fallen between $15-$16, so this is consequently a new all-time low. I have a mug like this, and love using it to brew a cup of coffee before I hit the road. Do this just two or three times instead of dropping by a coffee shop and this mug will pay for itself. Head below learn more about its features.
This double-walled and vacuum-insulated mug from Joseph Joseph features a premium stainless steel construction that’s ready to keep up to 12 ounces of your favorite beverage hot for hours on end. A flip-top cap up top makes it easy to take quick sips from. The lid screws on and off for a secure fit, which should also make it a cinch to take apart and properly clean.
If you’re looking for a more traditional water bottle, be sure to check out yesterday’s find on this Joseph Joseph solution. It features a unique lid design that allows it to slip over the bottle’s neck for easy storage. At 50% off, now is a solid time to strike with the cost landing at only $12.50. For more deals like these, be sure to take a moment and peruse our home goods hub.
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