With The Golf Club and The Golf Club 2 servers closing on February 28, 2025, and the NCAA Football 14 server shutting down on March 13, 2025, a total of 17 Xbox achievements across all three Xbox games will be discontinued. If you’re a completionist, you may want to return to these games ASAP.
Announced via an in-game message, HB Studios and 2K Sports confirmed that purchasing premium currency for the golf sim will be disabled on December 20, 2024, and that The Golf Club’s servers will close on February 28, 2025. This means that once the server closure strikes, all online modes will be unavailable to play.
In terms of achievements, The Golf Club has six online-only achievements that will be discontinued. One of these, Explorer, requires you to play 100 unique user-created courses designed by other members, and while that sounds pretty time-consuming on paper, a bunch of custom courses have been created with the requirements for this achievement in mind.
The Golf Club has already been delisted from the Xbox store, so if you do want the completion and don’t already own it digitally, you’ll need to pick up a physical copy.
The Golf Club 2’s server closure was also announced via an in-game message, which reads, “The Golf Club 2 has been removed from digital storefronts, and we are now in the process of gradually sunsetting the game to focus our efforts and resources on other projects.” Much like with the first game, purchasing premium currency is being disabled, and The Golf Club 2’s servers will close on February 28, 2025.
Looking at The Golf Club 2 achievements, four have been flagged as online-only. A couple of these achievements do require playing with other players, including Participation Medal, which asks you to “compete in and view the results of a Society Event against at least four other members.” It will likely be tricky trying to find other active players, but if you set up or join a The Golf Club 2 gaming session, you might be able to work through any soon-to-be discontinued achievements with other TrueAchievements members.
As for NCAA Football 14, EA announced its server shutdown on its online services shutdown page. When the NCAA Football 14 servers close on March 13, 2025, a total of seven online-only Xbox achievements will be discontinued.
Unfortunately, NCAA Football 14 already features one discontinued achievement and one partly discontinued/unobtainable achievement, so if you don’t already have those unlocked, you won’t be able to grab the full 1,000G here. It’s also worth noting that NCAA Football 14 is a non-backwards compatible Xbox 360 title and has been delisted, so if you are going for the completion, you’re going to have to dust off that ol’ 360.
Do you need any achievements from these games before they’re shutdown for good? Let us know down in the comments. As for December 2024’s Xbox server closures, you still have a couple of weeks to get those polished off.
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