The Seattle Seahawks added a new twist to the NFL tradition known as the rookie dinner on Thursday.
Typically, either an entire NFL team or a position group will go out to dinner at some point in the season and saddle its rookies with the entire bill, doing whatever they can to ramp up the total to exorbitant levels. Think the most expensive cut of steak on the menu, with a lobster tail on the side, washed down with a rare cognac, wine or whiskey, then add a few more courses.
Being financially responsible for the luxury appetites of dozens of men, some of them maintaining weights above 300 pounds, is perilous territory. Just not as perilous as the Seahawks rookies initially thought.
Somehow, the Seahawks veterans managed to produce a fake receipt for rookie Byron Murphy II reading out a total of $155,788.77. The result: some hollering and a stunned face from Murphy.
In reality, the check was for $38,015.82, which isn’t exactly like ordering off the value menu. Among the highlights include $9,600 for eight pours of D’Usse 1969 cognac, $8,050 for 23 pours of Louis XIII cognac (it is always the liquor that gets you), two $750 A5 wagyu steaks and a couple $115 orders of caviar.
Plus a $4 glass of Sprite for Murphy or a guy who didn’t understand the assignment.
The good news for Murphy is his $16 million rookie contract isn’t going anywhere. Rookie dinners are infamous enough these days that rookies know to brace for them (with the exception of Garrett Wilson), and $38K isn’t out of the norm of what we tend to see.
It’s still financial hazing, though, and some teams shy away from the practice as it is popularly known. The San Francisco 49ers pulled a similar move a couple years ago, to the fabricated tune of $300,000, but ended up charging their rookies only about $4,500. It’s ultimately up to a team’s veterans on whether or not they do it, as the rookies clearly don’t have a choice.
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