Forget about easing into back-to-school mode or stretching out those lazy summer days! Your ruler, Pluto, is about to embark on the final leg of a historic cycle that began in November 2008—and you will feel your galactic guardian’s shifts palpably. You’re at the top of the September docket, Scorpio!
Relationships of all stripes will be a key theme of this month for you, and you may find yourself in new terrain with everything from friendships to a committed partnership to an unexpected romantic spark. With the Sun in Virgo and your teamwork sector until September 22, a Virgo new moon on September 2 and a potent lunar eclipse in your passion sector on September 17, it’s anyone’s guess who will be on Team Scorpio by the time the month closes out!
It all starts on September 1, when two planets, Uranus and Pluto make significant retrograde moves. Revolutionary Uranus catapults into its yearly five-month backspin through Taurus and your partnership sector. A few hours later, Pluto slides out of Aquarius and back into Capricorn, rounding out a 16-year transit. From September 1 to November 19, Pluto will make its final visit to Capricorn, not to return again for more than 230 years.
Scorpio, this is YOUR horoscope, and we promise not to steal from it by focusing on politics. But we’d be remiss not to say that the timing with the U.S. election is eerie and almost feels cosmically planned. Pluto first entered Capricorn—the sign of government, the economy and hierarchy—on November 27, 2008, right after Barack Obama was elected president. It was Pluto’s first time back in Capricorn since 1762-78, which ended with the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence and the birth of America as we know it. Now the 2024 election season will cap off the cycle.
So how does this impact YOU, Scorpio? For the past 16 years, Pluto has mostly been in Capricorn, but in 2023 and 2024, it dipped in and out of Aquarius, the ruler of technology (hello, AI revolution!) and community, giving us a sneak preview of the 20-year phase that will begin on November 19.
Capricorn rules your communication house, and while Pluto visited, you may have sharpened your message and your mindset, and shifted the way you interact with people in your day-to-day life, from neighbors to siblings to peers in your industry. In Aquarius, Pluto’s indelible touch comes to your domestic fourth house, putting the spotlight on home and family. If your household or living situation has felt some Plutonian intensity, you’ll get a couple months off from that.
In a rare (as in, first time in a century) twist, Uranus and Pluto will also join forces all month, forming a harmonious 120-degree trine that sets the stage for profound transformation—on a personal AND global level. These two cosmic heavyweights last met up in a similar fashion in the early 1920s, ushering in radical social, economic and political change. Ready for a Roaring Twenties redux, Scorpio? Bring on the bathtub moonshine (minus the Prohibition).
Amidst all of this action overhead, September’s in full social swing, with friends and collaborators popping up at every turn. As the Sun travels through Virgo and your eleventh house of networking until September 22, you’re in outgoing spirits, eager to connect with like-minded people who have something interesting to say!
Virgo season highlights teamwork and technology. Use the first three weeks of the month to polish your social media profiles and team up with kindred spirits to get your idealistic message out to the masses. With tech-savvy Mercury retrograde from August 5 to 28, you may have held off on upgrading your devices or shopping for a new car (Mercury rules transportation). You’ve got the all-clear now, although Mercury’s retrograde “shadow” will linger until September 11.
Who belongs in your inner circle, Scorpio? You might closely examine the people you spend the most time around, from how they reflect on you to whether you share important values. (Nothing like an election season to reveal that!) From September 1 to January 30, unpredictable Uranus takes a five-month retrograde sabbatical in Taurus and your partnership zone.
Uranus, the cosmic disruptor, is in Taurus for a long, seven-year visit from 2019 to 2026. Many of your closest relationships have been changing as you’ve both assumed new roles or renegotiated your dynamics.
Uranus is all about being authentic, so if you haven’t brought your full self-expression to bear on a certain relationship yet, it could certainly come out now, especially with Uranus and Pluto syncing in that flowing trine. With Pluto back in your communication sector, things unspoken could come out into the open now. It’s time to start being more genuine, especially in relationships that cramp your freedom.
With Uranus retrograde, you can step back from any combustible emotions and examine your ties more objectively. Someone from your past could also surface—perhaps out of the blue and in a way that shakes up all your expectations and agreements. It could be an old flame, a former business associate or a march-to-their-own-beat friend whose presence wakes you up to what YOU truly want.
Hosting individualistic Uranus in your zone of compromise isn’t always easy—or comfortable. During the retrograde, bravely examine what comes up for you instead of resisting it. It’s important that you identify YOUR truth, but also that you figure out how to get your needs met without feeling dominated by others or by bulldozing them. This will be a process that gets worked out over time, not overnight. But the sooner you open up honest dialogue, the better!
An ideal day to hash things out could arrive before you can even say “retrograde.” The September 2 Virgo new moon energizes your eleventh house of networking, teamwork and idealism. Collaborate for the win! It’s an especially opportune day to get out and mingle, so don’t beg off that Labor Day barbecue, even if the next morning is a school day.
Since the eleventh house rules technology, the September 2 new moon could be a great launch date for a social media or email campaign or big announcements to your virtual community. Share one of your best ideas on your feeds or pitch that concept you’ve been quietly developing behind the scenes. Someone in your network could make a priceless introduction, or you could reach out to an influencer who loves your ideas.
Financial and romantic matters may be a bit baffling on September 3 as amorous Mars (in Gemini and your intense eighth house) forms a perplexing square with nebulous Neptune, which is in your passion sector. Jealousy and paranoia could flare up. Single Scorpios may get mixed signals or an ambiguous text, if not be all-out ghosted for the day. Things could go in the complete opposite direction too. Perhaps a potential prospect is eager to commit to a relationship, but you’re seriously on the fence.
Fear not, Scorpio: On September 4, Mars moves on to Cancer and your ninth house of growth and optimism, staying until November 3. You’ll snap out of tunnel vision and see the big picture. An exciting opportunity to travel, study or launch a startup venture could put serious wind in your sails. Ah, now that’s more like it!
Beware a bout of pessimism on September 8, when the Sun makes its annual opposition to sourpuss Saturn. Is pride preventing you from delegating, asking for support or vocalizing your desires? You may be trying to be a superstar juggling everything solo—but there are no rewards for martyrs being handed out today, Scorpio. It’s time to call for backup if you want your star to gleam as brightly as it’s capable of shining!
At work, you may be tackling an outsized goal with lots of moving parts—or at least thinking about diving into an epic project. Before you take that leap, make sure you have the right team to back you up. Already collaborating? Today’s annual Saturn-Sun opposition could reveal a weak link in the chain. Since you don’t want to be anchored when you’re ready to set sail, run an ultra-tight ship.
Pay attention to those signals but also know that this is a day (and only ONE day) when everything feels a bit heavy or pessimistic. This loss of perspective should dissipate quickly, but don’t miss the opportunity to look deeper into what’s really going on.
After this, there’s a little calm in the sky, which should give you a chance to prepare for…fall eclipse season! On September 17, the Pisces full supermoon, a partial lunar eclipse, sets off a new two-year cycle of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis. Eclipses are harbingers of change, and this series, which runs until February 2027, will shake up business as usual in your friendships, love life, and team and solo projects.
You’ll be finding the right balance of when to be the superstar and when it’s better to collaborate. And yes, you might hit the “eject” button on a few people in your circle. Page back to the period between March 2015 and February 2017, the last time we had eclipses in these two signs—you may revisit some recurring narratives.
Highlight September 19 to 21 in your calendar as a cosmic window of opportunity to refresh your energetic links. The meticulous Virgo Sun forms an earthy grand trine (a planetary three-part harmony) with innovative Uranus and transformative Pluto. Someone could surprise you with a proposal (business or romantic). Or you could meet someone out of the blue who has real-deal potential. Explore, even if they’re wildly different from your usual type!
With Uranus in your seventh house of relationships and social contracts and Pluto in your communicative third house, it’s time to refresh your network. By honoring your individuality, you could magnetize the right collaborators who value your unique perspective. Go ahead, let go of those stagnant relationships holding you back! This is a great moment to break out of the familiar and lean into a more authentic voice. If you’ve got a client offering or message to share, this period offers an extra cosmic boost that can magnetize the right audience to your cause.
Power down from September 22 on, when the Sun slips into Libra and your twelfth house of closure, healing and rest. You’ll be ready for a sweet escape now, and it might be “destination: mattress” during this sleepy four-week cycle. Conserve your energy and focus on tying up loose ends before your birthday—and Scorpio season!
There’s plenty of new energy to process and integrate, so you’ll probably welcome this news. Enjoy the balancing energy of the fall equinox. Rest up and let your imagination do the heavy lifting!
Heart-healing vibes are on their way this month, Scorpio. Whether you need to let go of a bitter grudge, shed some tears or open your heart and let love in, the stars align to put you in a surprisingly receptive space.
From September 4 to November 3, confident Mars is in Cancer and your expansive ninth house of adventure and personal beliefs. You’re in a “live and let live” kind of headspace—a far cry from the possessive and jealous reputation that’s been foisted (not entirely unduly) on your sign. Lusty fall moments can be found while traveling or rolling the dice on a new experience. The further from your comfort zone you stray, the hotter it gets!
Meanwhile, harmonious Venus is in Libra until September 22, revealing your softer side. Venus helps you see things from the other person’s point of view (which isn’t always easy for you, Scorpio). Put on your supportive-partner cape: You may need to be there for a love interest who’s going through a rough patch.
Just beware of slipping into a codependent trap now. The twelfth house is the realm of illusions, so you could also be tempted to wear blinders. Make sure you’re not putting someone on an undeserved pedestal—or unfairly demonizing them by projecting your old baggage onto them. Sure, you’ve been hurt before, but what does that have to do with the person standing in front of you? Nothing, Scorpio.
On September 17, the Pisces lunar (full moon) eclipse blazes into your passionate fifth house, kickstarting a new series of eclipses on the Virgo/Pisces axis through February 2027. This eclipse could set off strong emotions, perhaps out of nowhere. There’s no holding back how you feel about someone, Scorpio. Under this heated starmap, you could be making love AND war (hopefully not in that order). An attraction could ignite into a full-blown consummation. A surprise pregnancy, or news of one, is possible.
Highlight September 19 to 21 in your calendar as a cosmic window of opportunity to refresh your relationships. Single Scorpios, this is your cue to get back on Hinge. The Virgo Sun forms an earthy grand trine (a planetary three-part harmony) with change bearer Uranus and magnetic Pluto. Someone could surprise you with a proposal, or you could swipe right on an unexpected type with real-deal potential. A click with real chemistry could happen out of the blue when you least expect it!
There’s power in numbers, Scorpio! With the Sun in Virgo and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until September 22, collaborations are the key to success. Once Mars heads into Cancer and your worldly ninth house, some of those connections could be long-distance. Whether you work with an offshore firm on a tech project or hire a speedy specialist on Fiverr to help you finish a job, there’s no reason to let miles or time zones get in the way!
When the September 17 Pisces partial lunar (full moon) illuminates your fifth house of fame and creativity, your talents could draw major buzz. You’ll definitely want to leave the jealous haters who doubted your potential OFF the guest list for any celebrations. Not to be petty, but this month is no time to allow anyone into your circle except those who 100 percent have your back!
Adopt a slower pace starting September 22, when the Sun slips into Libra and your twelfth house of rest and closure. Focus on tying up loose ends for the next month—and preparing for a fresh start when Scorpio season begins in a month. Make time for creativity, meditation and a few much-needed breaks to refill your inspiration tanks.
Creative projects will get a major boost on September 30, when the Sun and expressive Mercury meet up in Libra, igniting your spiritual twelfth house. You could get a sign from the universe guiding you on your path or an inspiring divine download. Or…you could have an “ask, believe, receive” moment, where your hopeful visualizations actually come to fruition.
If you’ve been clinging to an outmoded job or situation, this illuminating Sun-Mercury meetup gives you the guts to walk away. Don’t be your own worst enemy, Scorpio—let go and let the universe resolve this one.
Love Days: 20, 24
Money Days: 4, 14
Luck Days: 29, 12
Off Days: 22, 26, 9
AriesEven in today’s digital world, the stars bring an unexpected twist to reconnecting with old friends. Keep your heart open to these chance encounters—
Aquarius will find relief today as worries diminish, encouraging social interactions and self-care. Strengthening relationships and a positive mindset in educa
Capricorn's confidence and motivation are high today, making it a good day for personal and professional achievements. Recognition for hard work and positive n