For charismatic, moral, and curious Sagittarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of March.
Plenty of changes are in store for this month. The cosmos begin with Venus shifting into retrograde on March 2. When direct, this nearby planet governs our romantic connections, financial well-being, and self-esteem. When Venus goes retrograde, these elements of daily life can feel strained or damaged. Lovers’ quarrels become more likely. Reckless behavior with money, whether inspired by these quarrels or not, also increases. Self-image and senses of purpose often suffer, too. Simply put, this will be an emotionally raw period. The stars urge you to guard your heart closely, Sagittarius, lest you get so riled up you burn a bridge or two.
The start of the month also ushers in a challenging square with the Sun and your ruling planet, Jupiter, emphasizing the potential for conflict or tension. Seeing the way forward might become more difficult as Venus clouds our judgment with hyper-sensitive emotional reactions. Overindulgence or over-asserting yourself becomes more likely during this time. Use this time to practice your patience and willpower, Sagittarius. We can’t always follow through with every knee-jerk reaction that passes through our minds. Learning the proper discretion in these situations is a lifelong endeavor.
By March 6, Jupiter locks into a brief but potent conjunction with the waxing crescent Moon. This particular lunar phase encourages planning and preparation. Rather than sprinting forward without taking in your surroundings, the stars recommend a slower approach. You’ll have plenty of time to feel busy and accomplished in the future, stargazer. For now, your main focus should be avoiding future headaches by keeping a close eye on potential pitfalls and mishaps. Don’t underestimate your ability to get in your own way by acting in haste. You have more time than you think.
Jupiter’s up-and-down relationship to the Moon continues into the next week until it forms a tense square with an almost-full waxing gibbous Moon. Under this alignment, dissonance might arise between your desire to succeed and grow and your desire to stay where it’s comfortable and familiar. Unfortunately, there will likely never be a time where forward motion comes without at least a lingering whisper of doubt. What’s important is that you push forward anyway with courage and bravery. Even if you happen upon an obstacle further up the road, you are capable of overcoming it. Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from living.
March 14 marks the Moon’s peak strength in Virgo and an especially dynamic lunar eclipse. The first of two lunar eclipses we’ll experience this year, these celestial events signal endings and turnarounds. They’re the cosmic hand closing one chapter of your life so that you may prepare yourself for the story that’s to come in the next. You can use this energy to your advantage by committing to saying goodbye to whatever or whomever has been dragging you down lately. You don’t owe martyrdom to anyone. So, why volunteer? Pursue what makes you happy and avoid what doesn’t.
As if that cosmic event wasn’t significant enough, Mercury retrograde goes into effect the following day on March 15. Arguably the most infamous of all the planetary retrograde periods, Mercury retrograde tends to increase the likelihood of tech mishaps, travel delays, and communication issues. We become more likely to misunderstand other people’s words and actions. While it might be tempting to confirm your hidden fears and anxieties by painting these words and actions in a negative light, the stars urge against this. Facilitating your own self-fulfilling prophecy isn’t proof that you were right. It only proves that your emotions have more control over you than you do over them. Ask questions. Dig deeper. Try not to make assumptions.
The Sun’s transition into Aries on March 20 marks the start of a new Zodiac cycle, increasing motivation and confidence at a time when both are liable to be shot, thanks to Mercury and Venus’ chaotic disruptions. Savor this energy while it’s here. Fresh starts feel good, no matter which way you slice it. Consider the goals and aspirations you want to pursue in this cycle. Free yourself of the burdens and obligations of the old. This exercise won’t be easy, but a subsequent opposition between the waning gibbous Moon and your ruling planet suggests it will most certainly be worth it.
This celestial standoff locks into place on March 21, placing you squarely in the center of a personal crossroads. Do you follow the direction of the familiar, well-trodden path you’ve been on for a while now, or try something different? Keep in mind that you didn’t get to where you are today by staying inside of your comfort zone. At some point, no matter how long ago, you had to do something scary and uncomfortable to enjoy a new, better reality. It stands to reason that you could enjoy the same benefits by opting for the novel, uncharted path this time around, too.
March 29 ushers in this month’s new Moon in Aries, which also happens to form a favorable sextile with your ruling planet. This cosmic alignment encourages a hands-off, more laid-back approach. Although this isn’t usually your M.O., the stars urge you to try anyway. You might be surprised how much you prefer a position that doesn’t require you to take on the emotional and mental responsibilities of everyone around you.
The entire process seems to signal the turning of a new page and start of a new chapter, and March 29’s partial solar eclipse all but confirms that. Solar eclipses provide the opposite energy to lunar retrograde. Whereas the latter events bring about endings and finality, solar eclipses are all about fresh starts and new beginnings. You didn’t do all that emotional and mental decluttering for nothing, Sagittarius. Now’s your chance to make space for new behaviors, ideas, beliefs, and relationships.
There is plenty to reflect on from the last several weeks. Use these experiences to guide the upcoming transformation brought on by the solar eclipse in Aries. Follow the blueprint the cosmos has given you, stargazer.
Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Sagittarius! See you next month.
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