Shake it off, Sag, Shake it off – your fears, burdens, worries, a constant need to prove your worth, piling up your plate with a lot more than you can chew and everything else. Just SHAKE IT OFF! Now take a deep breath and imagine precisely how you would like your life to feel and begin taking tiny baby steps towards it.
Cosmic tip: Swim through your emotions to rise above them.
Open this photo in gallery:Scorpio.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesHOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAYScorpio may be a sign of extremes but it is by taking the middl
Today is a momentous day for Kamala Harris as she faces off against Donald Trump in the highly anticipated presidential election. US Vice President an
Aries: Today, the stars do not want you to rush quickly and share your deeper feelings with others. If things bother your heart, then you do not need to hurry