ISHPEMING, Mich. (WLUC) – An Ishpeming yoga studio is transferring ownership and rebranding.
Rise Up Yoga is now Aurora Fitness and Yoga.
While the logo and owners have changed, the mission remains: provide a safe space for the community to practice yoga and wellness.
Former owner Kellie Socia and new owners Katie and Jim Gray join Tia Trudgeon on the Morning News to discuss this transition in more detail.
Socia says she’s grateful for the Ishpeming community’s support for her business over the last four and a half years, but because of personal reasons, it’s time for her to pass the torch.
Socia will continue working alongside the Grays at Aurora as a yoga teacher.
Classes begin at Aurora Fitness and Yoga next Wednesday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m. with power yoga.
To celebrate its opening, Aurora is giving away two one-month memberships.
Simply like and follow Aurora Fitness and Yoga on Facebook to enter.
You can also follow Aurora Fitness and Yoga on TikTok and Instagram @aurora906.
You can view the full calendar of February classes below.
Aurora Fitness and Yoga is located at 1000 Country Lane, STE 600.
Copyright 2025 WLUC. All rights reserved.
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