The Prince William Board of County Supervisors met on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, to discuss a proposal to address the risks associated with street panhandling by offering employment opportunities to those begging on busy streets. The plan, spearheaded by the county’s health, wellbeing, and environmental sustainability team, sought to provide panhandlers with jobs paying $13 an hour for two days a week, hoping this alternative would reduce their presence on streets and mitigate safety concerns.
Inspired by similar initiatives in cities like Albuquerque, New Mexico, the program aimed to address panhandling through a multi-faceted approach. This included coordinated community outreach, focused pedestrian violation enforcement, and public engagement efforts encouraging residents to give to local nonprofits instead of handing money directly to panhandlers. The idea was to transition panhandlers into employment while also addressing issues such as addiction and underemployment, which often drive individuals to beg for money.
Many older Americans regret some career choices that affected retirement plans and job prospects.Regrets include not priori
Jill Schramm/MDN Barry Dutton, left, with the U.S. Department of Labor is joined by Bob Wolf, center, with IB
ABOVE: The three outgoing Martin County Commissioners: Kathy Smith, Steve Flohrs and Elliot Belgard.
YOUNGSTOWN — With profound love and heartfelt sorrow we announce the homegoing of Mrs. Denise Annette Davis-Pusey, 70, affectionately known as “Dip.” She