Sherwood Country Club has had quite the roster of members over the years. Wayne Gretzky, Jack Nicholson, Sean Connery, Will Smith, Sylvester Stallone and Justin Timberlake have all been recognized as club members at one time or another, and we haven’t even gotten to the non-celebrity Los Angeles elite teeing it up and hitting the spa every weekend. The club keeps it small with a reported 375 members, but after this latest celebrity fracas, there could be a new spot opening up.
According to TMZ, Brandon Thomas Lee, son of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, was kicked out of Sherwood Country Club after an incident on the 13th hole earlier in August.
Allegedly, the aspiring actor and reality TV star was spotted driving too close to the green by a member who lives on the course. The witness attempted to film Brandon, which prompted the 26-year-old to start shouting at the homeowner. The video was sent to the Sherwood board, and his membership was revoked soon after.
A source close to the celebs’ son disputed TMZ’s reports, stating that he never drove onto the green but was on the nearby rough, and he didn’t know that this area was restricted. They also stated that the upset homeowner did the bulk of the harassing and that things never needed to escalate so far.
Other individuals close to the club said that this was the final straw for Lee, as he had been rude to staff members over his time at Sherwood Country Club. The club did not state a reason for why they didn’t renew his probationary membership.
This is a tough split for Lee and Sherwood, but it might be nice for Lee to have an extra $2,340 (the documented monthly fees for the renowned club) in his pocket every month. Losing out on the $150,000 entrance fee has got to hurt though, even if you’re born into ‘Baywatch’ royalty.
There. I’ve said it. Judge me if you like, but I really think that if more male golfers left their egos in the car park and played off the red tees, everyone
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